Who is still glad we didn't end up with McCain?

Big P

Well-Known Member
I didn't notice any tears, in fact I thought he answered the asshole very succinctly. How you ever got crying is way beyond me or anyone that watched with an open mind. Your accusation of communist is way beyond the pale. Obama is way too far right for my taste, in fact we need a real left wing party. The democrats are the new republicans and the republicans are just plain fucking crazy.

come on medi your like me you love to argue for the sake of it. only reason your saying hes not left enough for you is its the only thing you can argue about now cuz you already have your lilly livered liberal in office now:hug:

ill be honest it was more fun for me to argue with the bush derangment syndrome poeple but now all i got is my own obama derangment syndrome to bitch about

but I dont think its derangment it mostly just a shitty president elected for his race first and his creds last.

sad but true im afraid


New Member
come on medi your like me you love to argue for the sake of it. only reason your saying hes not left enough for you is its the only thing you can argue about now cuz you already have your lilly livered liberal in office now:hug:

ill be honest it was more fun for me to argue with the bush derangment syndrome poeple but now all i got is my own obama derangment syndrome to bitch about

but I dont think its derangment it mostly just a shitty president elected for his race first and his creds last.

sad but true im afraid
Man, he ain't liberal enough for me Big P. I'm thinkin he has left the left hangin. If he doesn't get single payer, he's a deuche. BTW, creds didn't matter much when they elected Bush, the neo-con puppet, he failed at every endeavor, including the presidency.


New Member
come on medi your like me you love to argue for the sake of it. only reason your saying hes not left enough for you is its the only thing you can argue about now cuz you already have your lilly livered liberal in office now:hug:

ill be honest it was more fun for me to argue with the bush derangment syndrome poeple but now all i got is my own obama derangment syndrome to bitch about

but I dont think its derangment it mostly just a shitty president elected for his race first and his creds last.

sad but true im afraid

Specifically, what would you do differently. Name specific things you would do...


New Member
Those who voted for Obama are waking up. The latest polls show Obama down 15% among Independents. Look out Democrats in 2010!



New Member
Those who voted for Obama are waking up. The latest polls show Obama down 15% among Independents. Look out Democrats in 2010!


Lol, another great prediction by you. Wern't you the one that said repubs were gunna sweep the elections?


New Member
No, I did, and I do think that will happen. No one wants to live in perpetual poverty at the whim of a totalitarian govt.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Specifically, what would you do differently. Name specific things you would do...

ok heres one

dont do your health care plan within 4 moths of you taking office after the whole economy is already in shambles finacially

atleast he should of had enough sense to realize now is not the time to be patting empty and paniced pockets for his socialistic health care pet projects

why didnt this fool atleast wait a year? its like he thought he was untouchable

i wanna see him come back down to earth, i dont like my employees actin too high & mighty, these dicks think we are shit birds they can just run game on all day. its very insulting if you ask me.


New Member
The guy has never ever been in the business world and now he thinks he has all the answers. Yah, all the WRONG answers.


New Member
Who is still glad we didn't end up with McCain?
McCain was obviously the worse of two evils. But for anyone to say they prefer Obama's policies isn't thinking right or they have no knowledge to speak of. But both candidates were really bad choices- Which to me reflects the current state of America.

If I had to choose between the two, I would actually choose Obama. The reason why is Obama at least says what he is going to do, regardless of how radical or wrong he is. McCain on the other hand, will tell you one thing, and will do the exact opposite of what he says under the covers. McCain is a doughface. For any Senator to go into a closed room in the middle of the night, and try to push a secret bill under the nose of the American people that was to legalize up to 190million Mexican illegals for no other reason than securing their votes for his Presidential ambition. Obama is not a healthy leader, but at least he is on the surface and we the people can react honestly to it. Not with McCain... Whatever gets him ahead, McCain will do. And what McCain did with Ted Kennedy wiped away all his honor. In fact, I doubt he ever had honor. Pow or no pow, he is a doughface and a critically damaging senator.

Unless you're from Mexico, here illegally, or hate white people, Obama or McCain are not your friends, and they are NOT working for you. On the other hand, I think America totally deserves Obama. They asked for it, and boy did they get it. One of the biggest examples of poetic justice I've seen in my life.


Well-Known Member
McCain was obviously the worse of two evils. But for anyone to say they prefer Obama's policies isn't thinking right or they have no knowledge to speak of. But both candidates were really bad choices- Which to me reflects the current state of America.

If I had to choose between the two, I would actually choose Obama. The reason why is Obama at least says what he is going to do, regardless of how radical or wrong he is. McCain on the other hand, will tell you one thing, and will do the exact opposite of what he says under the covers. McCain is a doughface. For any Senator to go into a closed room in the middle of the night, and try to push a secret bill under the nose of the American people that was to legalize up to 190million Mexican illegals for no other reason than securing their votes for his Presidential ambition. Obama is not a healthy leader, but at least he is on the surface and we the people can react honestly to it. Not with McCain... Whatever gets him ahead, McCain will do. And what McCain did with Ted Kennedy wiped away all his honor. In fact, I doubt he ever had honor. Pow or no pow, he is a doughface and a critically damaging senator.

Unless you're from Mexico, here illegally, or hate white people, Obama or McCain are not your friends, and they are NOT working for you. On the other hand, I think America totally deserves Obama. They asked for it, and boy did they get it. One of the biggest examples of poetic justice I've seen in my life.

I don't know where u are from. Or why U hate America and seem to really enjoy the pain we here in the USA are going thru. But remember when you need us we are there. And if you are here in the USA enjoy your freedom because u can't get it anywhere else.


New Member
McCain was obviously the worse of two evils. But for anyone to say they prefer Obama's policies isn't thinking right or they have no knowledge to speak of. But both candidates were really bad choices- Which to me reflects the current state of America.
I gotta disagree there. i didn't vote for either candidate. I voted for my state and local representatives and the amendments presented, but not the Presidential because they were both poor choices. I would rather not vote than vote wrongly. However, McCain was the lesser of the two evils. There is an old saying and it is time tested. "Better to keep the devil you know, than keep a devil you don't know." Those words were never truer than right now.

If I had to choose between the two, I would actually choose Obama. The reason why is Obama at least says what he is going to do, regardless of how radical or wrong he is.
That is something right out of a Berlin newspaper circa 1939....think about it. :!:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Obama has done the exact opposite of everything he said he would in his comapign how is that doing what he is saying he is going to do? Call yourepresentatives today and let them know that you say no to the Cap and Trade policy and that you will remember how they vote come the next election.


Well-Known Member
Obama has done the exact opposite of everything he said he would in his comapign how is that doing what he is saying he is going to do? Call yourepresentatives today and let them know that you say no to the Cap and Trade policy and that you will remember how they vote come the next election.
there's something happinin here
what it is aint exactly clear
theres a man with a gun over there
tellin me i got to beware

i think it's time we stop, children
what's that sound
everybody look what's goin down

there's battle lines being drawn
nobody's right if everybody's wrong
young people speakin there minds
getting so much resistance far behind

it's time we stop,
hey what's that sound
everybody look what's goin down

what a field day for the heat
a thousand people in the street
singin songs that they carry inside
mostly say hurray for our side

it's time we stop,
hey what's that sound
everybody look what's goin down

there are lawyer strikes deep
into your life it will creep
it starts when your always afraid
step out of line the man come and take you away

you better stop
hey what's that sound
everybody look what's going down x4


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I think by now we all would have been glad to have had McCain instead of Obama at this point. I knew he would be bad for our country but Obama has far exceeded my wildest expectations of bad and damaging to our country. No way anyone can back this man with a straight face unless you dont live in America cuz he has lit us on fire and is dumping gas on us and watching us crash and burn at his will....revolt maybe the only answer at this rate but our country is to soft to follow through


New Member
Obama reminds me of Michael Jackson on a spending spree.....when he was obviously up to his eyeballs in debt.

This is leadership? yah, right over the cliff.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Obama= death to america+ largest tax increase in US history+ threats from Korea to launch at hawaii+ Iran not fearing the US and making threats+ big government+massive job Loss+heavy Afghan war additions+Pakastan threats+ Russia turning on US....thats just the start so nuff said