Whites and blacks in US 'disagree on racism'

When you see a problem you fix it if you can, you don't sit around on your ass waiting for who is "responsible" we are all responsible, welcome to the adult world.
I have no idea what you intend. Whenever I encounter racism, whether it be a joke told at a social gathering, an offhand comment directed to me about somebody else or online, and especially when it is voiced by a politician (Trump's Muslim or Mexican comments for instance), I either say something right away or file the thought to be brought up at an appropriate time. In the case of Trump, his racism is a deal breaker for me and is a reason for voting for anybody but him.

A person who is responsible for a racist act or speech must be held accountable for that act. Racism must be confronted, otherwise there is no accountability. Businesses lose my business, associates will be made to feel uncomfortable, and politicians lose my vote.

How about you?
yup, it's called living in the most advanced and best nation that has ever existed. on behalf of whites in the US, you are welcome. if you feel you didn't get what you deserved, maybe thinking you deserved anything besides what you earn is part of the problem.
yup, it's called living in the most advanced and best nation that has ever existed. on behalf of whites in the US, you are welcome. if you feel you didn't get what you deserved, maybe thinking you deserved anything besides what you earn is part of the problem.
Richest nation that ever existed, yes. "best"? by what measure? Not happiness. Not healthcare. Not baby birth weight. Not gun violence. Not education. Not social mobility and fairness. So, what do you mean by "best" of all time? And exactly what can you know about how somebody else "feels" or "thinks" they deserve?
The holocaust ended 25 years before I was born. What the police are doing is STILL happening every day in this country, and If they wanted to, they actually have the power to stop it. See the difference?
slavery ended 120 years before I was born. The police don't listen to me.
yup, it's called living in the most advanced and best nation that has ever existed. on behalf of whites in the US, you are welcome. if you feel you didn't get what you deserved, maybe thinking you deserved anything besides what you earn is part of the problem.

Unbelievable.....please kill yourself. You are what's wrong with the world.
Self-reflection is good for you, you've made that first big step!

How's that "rap" career going, btw? (PS: Only dumbass white kids use the word 'rap', lol....did you mean hip hop, or are just that corny?)

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42 year old jobless man child lmao who said it was a career? I know anything any level of effort (past mooching off your second wife) is put into appears to be a career to your lame ass. Naw I meant rap.
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42 year old jobless man child lmao who said it was a career? I know anything any level effort (past mooching off your second wife) is put into appears to be a career to your lame ass. Naw I meant rap.

Again with the "jobless" thing, lol. If I gave a shit about your sad/desperate self I'd enlighten you with details regarding my financial situation, but you aren't really worth/due an explanation, are you? Suffice it to say that I bought my home last year, outright, and my wife's income had no part in the purchase - see, I'm sort of 'independently comfortable - let that warped/tiny brain of yours mull that over for a bit, eh? ;)
She does do very well financially, though; the corporation treats her like gold!

Thus concludes my interaction with you, kid....I've wasted precious minutes on you already, and that's stupid on my part because you are obviously a bitter, terrible person that isn't long for this site. Best of luck with that "rap" career, eh?

Again with the "jobless" thing, lol. If I gave a shit about your sad/desperate self I'd enlighten you with details regarding my financial situation, but you aren't really worth/due an explanation, are you? Suffice it to say that I bought my home last year, outright, and my wife's income had no part in the purchase - see, I'm sort of 'independently comfortable - let that warped/tiny brain of yours mull that over for a bit, eh? ;)
She does do very well financially, though; the corporation treats her like gold!

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You don't own a house.
Again with the "jobless" thing, lol. If I gave a shit about your sad/desperate self I'd enlighten you with details regarding my financial situation, but you aren't really worth/due an explanation, are you? Suffice it to say that I bought my home last year, outright, and my wife's income had no part in the purchase - see, I'm sort of 'independently comfortable - let that warped/tiny brain of yours mull that over for a bit, eh? ;)
She does do very well financially, though; the corporation treats her like gold!

Thus concludes my interaction with you, kid....I've wasted precious minutes on you already, and that's stupid on my part because you are obviously a bitter, terrible person that isn't long for this site. Best of luck with that "rap" career, eh?

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for someone who doesn't give a shit about what a person thinks about them, you sure spend a fair amount of time trying to convince said person he's wrong about you. now go scour google image search for a new "witty" meme or gif...the hallmark of a brilliant tactician proving himself on an internet message board.
Wonder when all those harley riders are gonna start being shot? They look just like the 1% biker clubs members. Murdering, human trafficking, meth pushing scum. Cops should kill all harley riders to keep us all safer maybe..
Not true. I agree many harly riders wear biker gear and it does go after that look, except they dont have the 1% patch, and more than likely aren't wearing a cut with "MC" beside their name on the bottom.

Those criminal biker gangs are easily identifiable, to anyone who knows anything about it.
Not true. I agree many harly riders wear biker gear and it does go after that look, except they dont have the 1% patch, and more than likely aren't wearing a cut with "MC" beside their name on the bottom.

Those criminal biker gangs are easily identifiable, to anyone who knows anything about it.
Criminal biker clubs don't always wear their cuts "vest" when going out to commit crimes. That would be pretty stupid. They wear them when they want to look tough/cool. So back to killing all harley riders?