Yes I wouldn't run them at 220, but at 80% power. I'd like to have the option to really crank it if I add co2 and point a monkey fan directly at the lights. I just see HLG sells them as a fixture and they can handle the 220 no problem. They do have the additional aluminum in those, though.
Is there a model with just slightly more power if I want it for the 4? Like 660 or 720? Something that can pull the 160/180 out of each of them, instead of 220.
What model would I need if I'm going to use 2 drivers? The 320xxx or 340xxx...I really don't know what the numbers are. A precise model number would be awesome
Thanks for your help btw. Yeah, I figured the reflectors wouldn't do much other than concentrate it very slightly under a smaller footprint. In a tent it would be negligible, so I'm going to save the 48$ plus shipping on the reflectors lol.
You need a 54v driver. Two of the HLG-320H-54A, HLG-320H-54B, or HLG-320H-54AB drivers would work fine.
To break down the model numbers the middle number (320H) is the wattage, the last number (54) is the voltage. The last letter (A, B, AB) is the dimming style.
The A style has 2 internal pots, which are small Phillip screws that control current (io) & voltage (vo). The A/AB will also put out considerably more wattage than they are rated when cranked to max. The downside to the A series is that you can only dim to 50%.
The B style requires you to wire an external potentiometer in order to dim but you can dim all the way down. You can’t control the voltage on B series drivers.
The AB style is exactly what it says, it has the features of both.