Still problems with it.So if it avoided the sandhills you would have no problem with it?
Still problems with it.
Why is helping Canada and Wyoming export their crude out of the country so important to you?
I am for free enterprise. A bunch of people want to put their own private money together and build a pipeline because they think they can make money. In the process thousands of temporary jobs and hundreds of permanent jobs will be created.
They dont want to force me to donate to the project, they have confidence that they can do it on their own. The government has done study after study on the pipeline and has no significant objection according to their own official reports. The only thing in the way is a billionaire ecologist who is withholding political donations unless he gets his way...
Why is it so important to get into other peoples business? Why cant you be happy for success?
Who's success?
Just because our leaders cannot see beyond the end of their term....
I would like to keep "my portion" of natural resources here. They can keep their low quality exports.
So much stupid in one post.Which portion of the natural resources do you personally own? Or do you control them all cause you were born here?
I think the bigger picture that people miss here is that the politicians are taking more and more control over who can build what and where. And it isnt altruistic reasons that get shit built more than most, it is campaign contributions.
I like private enterprise taking risks with their own money rather than government jumping in the middle with taxpayer dollars.
Obama doesnt want to see low gas and oil prices because it lowers energy costs and then his pipedream of solar and wind cannot compete because it is too expensive. He is on tape saying that *we must cause utility prices to skyrocket* Because without that he cannot get what he wants. So, again he resorts to force and intimidation to get what he wants. That is what community organizers do. They get a group of people together and intimidate the local business or government into doing what they want.
Obama couldnt stop fracking although he sure as hell didnt do anything to help it and there is a shit ton of EPA rules coming down the pipe that will affect production of coal and other fossil fuels. It will of course raise the price of power across America. The Keystone pipeline was in opposition to what Obama wants which is higher energy prices so he is sitting on it. It doesnt hurt to have a billionaire ecologist willing to donate to people who can block the project.
So much stupid in one post.
can you at least cite where Obama said he wants utility prices to skyrocket?
OK I wasted my time on the video.
OK I wasted my time on the video.
He never said he wanted utility prices to skyrocket
You don't think coal power plants need to clean up their emissions?He doesnt want them to, he needs them to. Otherwise, solar and wind are not cost effective like right now.
People are demanding bigger vehicles now that the cost of gas is 2 bucks again... LOL!!
You don't think coal power plants need to clean up their emissions?
hundreds of permanent jobs will be created.
The cleaning up of emissions is eliminating thousands of jobs in the coal industry...
The aquifer is underground. How you going to clean it up?
Tar sands clean up is packing the dirt up and either processing it or dumping it into a lined pit. What are you going to do with a gigantic lake of freshwater that covers thousands of square miles under 3 states that is up to 1000 feet deep?
the existing Keystone doesnt run over the sandhills.
Nothing is secret about his agenda in regards to energy.The cleaning up of emissions is eliminating thousands of jobs in the coal industry...
On one hand you demand thousands of jobs be created to start an energy project yet on the other hand you dismiss thousands of jobs being eliminated by EPA regulations...
Curiouser and curiouser....
Guess it is better to be unemployed in a clean environment that employed in a dirtier one...
When have coal plants had cleaner emissions than right now? There is a balance.
I have shown you Obama's agenda, it is not a secret or a conspiracy, he is really clear about how he feels about energy policy. I hope you understand supply and demand. I have demonstrated why he would object to the XL pipeline on ideological and political levels.
Obama is all about coercion and force. Obamacare forces everyone to pay for healthcare and it is his prize achievement. He wasnt able to manipulate the energy markets the way he would have liked so he is using EPA regulation to drive the prices higher by force.
Again, not a conspiracy, all you have to do is listen to him.
Nothing is secret about his agenda in regards to energy.
It's time to move to one not dependant on hydrocarbons
Why? Because you watched the Jetsons as a kid?
We use fossil fuels because they are plentiful and cheap compared to the alternatives. If we make energy prices skyrocket we hurt the poor along with everyone else in America. Why do you want to hurt the poor Chesus?
Who told you it is time to move on to something else?
The government is coming up with efficiency standards that cannot even be met and then fining companies for not using fuel that doesnt exist. Market reality plays a huge part in all of this and some people dont want to accept that.
Right now we do not have something *better* to move on to for the price we pay now. That is reality...
I am not into forcing people to pay more for something different just to make you feel better Chesus... Sorry!!!
The market dictates energy consumption. Fossil fuels are cheap right now due to the TECHNOLOGY of fracking. Oh gee, we came up with something but it makes the environmentalists crazy despite being safe with no evidence other than scare tactics that it somehow is bad for the environment.
When we develop a technology that provides a cheaper means of production, heating, electricity and transportation people will jump on it. But we are not there yet despite your slogan *It's time to move on.* BTW, my slogan is *BURN IT NOW CAUSE WE WONT NEED IT LATER!!* cause you know, we are going to move on right??
I just learned this morning the auto industry is now going to make the Ford F-150 the most popular truck on the planet all aluminum so it meets CAFE standards. I wonder how many people will die because the body is not as strong as before... Oh well, a few dead people for cleaner air right???
How many people die now because of dirtier air?
How many people are dying right now becuase of poor air quality?Chesus.
I don't want to ring your bell, but people are living longer now. Where have you been?
How many people are dying right now becuase of poor air quality?