Where are my libertarians at

But what happens when your free will runs into someone else's.

Take something like pollution. You have various business entities that want to pollute as much as they want in the interest of earning the greatest profit. Economic libertarians. So then they catch a river on fire (happened) because so much shit got dumped in it. So once that's all messed up, chemicals are in the drinking water, dead fish, etc..what do you do? They wanted freedom to do what they please, but I want the freedom to not have 3 eyed fish or whatever. Who and how do people get held responsible. Or, to stick with silly examples, I want to build a giant dildo shaped tower but it blocks someone's view. They have a right and I have a right, what happens when the two meet.

Another aspect, freedoms and rights only exist to the extent they can defended.
They are functions of being part of a state powerful enough to uphold them. Trying to wild west it and say you need to defend yourself misses the fact that there will always be someone stronger and there are those without the means to do that (like a handicapped 8 year old that's family died when an unregulated mine collapsed.
do you know what a law is? do you know why we have them?

it's because you can't.
Precisely. “Freedom” and doing no harm cannot exist in the same space. Failure to know that is inseparable from any libertarian belief and dooms it from ever working on an actual society.

Lysander Spooner, our local cryptid’s favorite “political philosopher”, had a solution that was elegant but breathlessly suicidal.

Freeze technology at circa 1750 levels.

His ideal was that we live in small towns with like coopers, farriers and weavers.

Not only does that sound relentlessly miserable, it generates a static society that could be conquered by a dozen people without those limitations.
You really need to stop watching one sided news man. All the shit you post is one sided but want to tell me I'm one sided. You talk about trump like he's the only one who has worked with the russians while biden and his crew are in bed with them and china but that's ok cause he's your savior. Neither of them are good yet you can't seem to grasp that.
You mean one sided like posting information from a Republican led bipartisan senate report?

I still was curious if you are an American, and if so are you ok with the fact that the RNC data that was given to Trump was immediately handed over to the Russian military.

Yes. You do realize that guns don't harm people right. They are a tool like a hammer or saw. But your fear of them is the problem.
lol is this the whole 'gums don't kill people, people kill people bullshit'?

It is funny you keep projecting your programming onto me though. It is almost like you are told what to think so much that you think that is how it works, you just say something and think it is true.
Are you purposefully being thick?

If you prefer though it might be easier for you to think about shit like leaded gasoline, asbestos, etc.

Do you not understand that bullets are often harmful to others? Do you think that guns should be totally unregulated and anyone should be able to obtain anything that they want?

You know you believe the bullshit you say because of the capital letters.

lmao nobody is forcing you to get a vaccine sweetheart.

Ah more insults! What a surprise! Bullets... bro I shoot at least 25k rounds a year, every year, and NOT ONCE has any bullet of mine hit ANYTHING unsafe. But yes, keep on keeping on! Straw men arguments are the easiest to work with right?

LOL if anyone works in a public sector or works for a company that REQUIRES a vaccine, how are folks now being forced to be vaccinated? Correct, no one is forcing ME. I have my own company for that reason, that no one needs to tell me how to conduct business. I don't need a boss to be successful. I believe no one does, but many are too lazy to want to succeed without one. Which is entirely up to them!
But what happens when your free will runs into someone else's.

Take something like pollution. You have various business entities that want to pollute as much as they want in the interest of earning the greatest profit. Economic libertarians. So then they catch a river on fire (happened) because so much shit got dumped in it. So once that's all messed up, chemicals are in the drinking water, dead fish, etc..what do you do? They wanted freedom to do what they please, but I want the freedom to not have 3 eyed fish or whatever. Who and how do people get held responsible. Or, to stick with silly examples, I want to build a giant dildo shaped tower but it blocks someone's view. They have a right and I have a right, what happens when the two meet.

Another aspect, freedoms and rights only exist to the extent they can defended.
They are functions of being part of a state powerful enough to uphold them. Trying to wild west it and say you need to defend yourself misses the fact that there will always be someone stronger and there are those without the means to do that (like a handicapped 8 year old that's family died when an unregulated mine collapsed.
Always going back to lil timmy who can't defend himself lmao ok. As far as the other examples that the one with the business dumping into the water 1. It falls onto the citizens not to support a company like that 2. Its up to the citizens of the town or city to demand that said company to clean the mess they created by fines or whatever they see fit.

If that didn't work that's when my idea of a small government would step in to place some kind of a sanction or something on said company. With documents so they could not run from the problem.

As far as the dildo if its on their land get over it or move the world doesn't revolve around people's likes or dislikes.
One thing never made sense, how does a tiny government operate a huge military, the honor system lol.
Why does anyone need a huge military? Why do both the lefties and righties think we need more military? Who are we at war with? Why can't we have a civilian defense force and not worry about a military? Why couldn't we just have a SMALL military to start with and see how that goes? We don't need bases in 100 countries...
You mean one sided like posting information from a Republican led bipartisan senate report?

I still was curious if you are an American, and if so are you ok with the fact that the RNC data that was given to Trump was immediately handed over to the Russian military.

lol is this the whole 'gums don't kill people, people kill people bullshit'?

It is funny you keep projecting your programming onto me though. It is almost like you are told what to think so much that you think that is how it works, you just say something and think it is true.
So you are my opposite yet here we are spewing our own programming. Yet I am more open to discussion then you I put my opinions out while all you can do is pick on grammar or try to insult intelligence. How bout you put all that intelligence to work and comprehend what is out before you respond.
So what protects those others. The limited government of libertarianism can't, its weak by design otherwise it can step on the individual rights you want to protect.

Edit: same problem anarchy has as a theory. You can't rely on "well I wouldnt" as reasoning, that ignores reality and human nature. What do you do about pedophiles? Obviously everyone thinks it's a crime, so does the community decide and enforce those laws and norms...because that is what you have now.
We protect ourselves. How is this any different from any other thing? If someone invades your home and tries to kill you, do you call the police and wait an hour for them to get there or do you defend yourself? If my neighbor is dumping pollution into the local river, me and my neighbors go up there and talk to him. He cleans up his act or he's removed from society. Literally everyone could stop using his service and let him go bankrupt. Pollution solved!

Pedophiles doing things to CHILDREN should be stopped right? What's any different from a parent bringing someone to court with a case compared to the DA doing it? If my child was being RAPED I would go and STOP IT. I would help anyone else do the same in that position. Would you?
Ah more insults! What a surprise! Bullets... bro I shoot at least 25k rounds a year, every year, and NOT ONCE has any bullet of mine hit ANYTHING unsafe. But yes, keep on keeping on! Straw men arguments are the easiest to work with right?

LOL if anyone works in a public sector or works for a company that REQUIRES a vaccine, how are folks now being forced to be vaccinated? Correct, no one is forcing ME. I have my own company for that reason, that no one needs to tell me how to conduct business. I don't need a boss to be successful. I believe no one does, but many are too lazy to want to succeed without one. Which is entirely up to them!
Tell us about all the wonderful benefits you give your employees?
Ah more insults! What a surprise! Bullets... bro I shoot at least 25k rounds a year, every year, and NOT ONCE has any bullet of mine hit ANYTHING unsafe. But yes, keep on keeping on! Straw men arguments are the easiest to work with right?

LOL if anyone works in a public sector or works for a company that REQUIRES a vaccine, how are folks now being forced to be vaccinated? Correct, no one is forcing ME. I have my own company for that reason, that no one needs to tell me how to conduct business. I don't need a boss to be successful. I believe no one does, but many are too lazy to want to succeed without one. Which is entirely up to them!
Asking if you are purposefully being thick when you pretend like somehow you don't know about chemicals beings dumped can be polluting, is insulting to you? It must be hard to be online for you outside of whatever safe space you frequent.

None is forcing anyone to get a vaccine. You pretending otherwise is just more of the same kind of bullshit death cult spam that is tricking people into being unsafe during a pandemic.

So you are my opposite yet here we are spewing our own programming. Yet I am more open to discussion then you I put my opinions out while all you can do is pick on grammar or try to insult intelligence. How bout you put all that intelligence to work and comprehend what is out before you respond.
Again with your snow flaking bullshit.

Im not insulting your intelligence.

What am I supposed to be opposite from you for? I think your all spun up for no reason. Is it so hard to say if you are ok with Trump's campaign helping the Russian military attack our citizens by giving them the RNC data they received?
Precisely. “Freedom” and doing no harm cannot exist in the same space. Failure to know that is inseparable from any libertarian belief and dooms it from ever working on an actual society.
Both of you are wrong. It's never succeeded because people are lazy. It's simple. Comfort leads to apathy. The founding fathers knew this and kept the militia clause in the second amendment to try and keep communities together. But comfort leads to apathy.
We protect ourselves. How is this any different from any other thing? If someone invades your home and tries to kill you, do you call the police and wait an hour for them to get there or do you defend yourself? If my neighbor is dumping pollution into the local river, me and my neighbors go up there and talk to him. He cleans up his act or he's removed from society. Literally everyone could stop using his service and let him go bankrupt. Pollution solved!

Pedophiles doing things to CHILDREN should be stopped right? What's any different from a parent bringing someone to court with a case compared to the DA doing it? If my child was being RAPED I would go and STOP IT. I would help anyone else do the same in that position. Would you?
Watch should your child do with the baby conceived during the rape?
Tell us about all the wonderful benefits you give your employees?
It's just me sir. Are you ok with that? Is it ok for me to have my own business? What if you disagree with what I do, are you for shutting me down? We both know the answer to that one ;)