Well-Known Member
So libertarians support chaos, not surprising.
If actions infringe on someone else, they're immoral. Simple as that.
So what protects those others. The limited government of libertarianism can't, its weak by design otherwise it can step on the individual rights you want to protect.
They think it's basically "them", all these awesome free people are essentially deputized in a "free" society. Never mind the fact that the legal system was implemented all over because the average idiot was dishing out "justice" and getting it wrong most of the time, but their glow of awesomeness obfuscates reality.
So much alt-fact! (That’s the polite new word for the lying dishonest propaganda that is the sole diet of one in three of us. Fox, Liesmax and OAN all slop at the same propaganda trough that defines the MAGAverse.Lol wtf are you talking about? What violence did trump supporters commit? So you can only be Democratic or Republican? Its the Democratic side that always wants to move out of the US when they don't agree with who the president is or what he does. It the left that calls everyone that doesn't agree with their opinions a white supremacist or a fascist. But sure its all the Republicans fault
Where and when has any successful society been organized according to your libertarian beliefs?Gotta love you leftys. No actual clue if what's really going on but will blindly follow what's on tv. Lmao god I love you guys, you always give me a good laugh. @CunningCanuk @schuylaar @captianmorgan
But their Q is yuuuge.tRUmptards have very selective memories to go along with their low IQ.
In that case, failure to upkeep your property is the antivax crime. Let’s sue them for maintaining a public danger.Pot rights, abortion rights, vaccine mandates, GUN rights, they're all the same. They're all PROPERTY rights. Your body is your property, just like what you desire to own or make, whether it's land, a home or a vehicle. Lefties and righties never seem to understand that, they want to limit what you can own to only things they approve of.
The lefty contingent here has a remarkable debate tactic, they will insult and troll you as much as possible until you call them out and they will report you to remove you from the conversation. There's no real conversation from or with them, they just yearn to censor you.
You are too young to remember the damage phosphates and arenesulfonates did to watersheds. You owe EPA for your current ignorance.Cleaning materials are pollution? What things are entering the water? Bullets? LOL what are you talking about? Bunch of straw men being brought up here. Sad to think no one else but folks who believe JUST like you are the only rational ones out there, but again that's your belief. Doesn't bother me.
The answer to the thread title is
Hiding amongst real American patriots
How does it not take others liberty or freedom into consideration? If you give everyone freedom to do as they will as long as they don't harm others, how is that bad? What liberties/freedom did they loose?Heh, moist
So, how do you think your liberties are limited and what ones? If you think there should be some rule and law, where is the line. How do you keep the semen out of people's eyes.
Libertarian is a broad term, runs the gamut from far left to right with lots of strange stops on the way. Lately, its just sort of a catch all for conservatives that don't want to be called Republicans and latch onto the "liberty = freedom" aspect, but it tends to not take other people's freedom and liberty into consideration.
You really need to stop watching one sided news man. All the shit you post is one sided but want to tell me I'm one sided. You talk about trump like he's the only one who has worked with the russians while biden and his crew are in bed with them and china but that's ok cause he's your savior. Neither of them are good yet you can't seem to grasp that.
And let's not forget what kicked off all the actual violence due to the cop murdering George Floyd.
There is a lot more. But funny enough I said white supremacists and you jumped to Trump supporters. Which is a hilariously true freudian slip.
What are you talking bout? More branding bullshit spam like a good cuck, or do you actually believe your nonsense?
Are you an American? And if so are you ok with the fact that the data that the RNC gave to Trump was immediately handed over to the Russian military to help their attack on American citizens?
Suggest better news outlets.You really need to stop watching one sided news man. All the shit you post is one sided but want to tell me I'm one sided. You talk about trump like he's the only one who has worked with the russians while biden and his crew are in bed with them and china but that's ok cause he's your savior. Neither of them are good yet you can't seem to grasp that.
Wasn’t that Spock’s cousin?
How so? That's right only government can control people.Libertarians live in a narcissistic dreamland, completely disconnected with reality.
How does it not take others liberty or freedom into consideration? If you give everyone freedom to do as they will as long as they don't harm others, how is that bad? What liberties/freedom did they loose?
Yes. You do realize that guns don't harm people right. They are a tool like a hammer or saw. But your fear of them is the problem.Do you not understand that bullets are often harmful to others? Do you think that guns should be totally unregulated and anyone should be able to obtain anything that they want?