Where are my libertarians at

Pollution is infringement on others. I run a business and yet I do not produce toxic waste I push into my community. Seems like if the trade produces pollution they are the ones responsible for working this out to not infringe on others.
You don't use cleaning materials at your business? Or other chemicals that might enter the water?

Regardless though, it was more of a secondary point. Pollution is not the only thing that is harmful to others, things like bullets would be what I would point to as something that can and often does harm other people who they do not belong to. Should there not be any regulations on things that can harm others in that case?

Because that's how it works here. Prove me wrong!
I can think of a certain squatchy fellow that doesn't get banned even though he pushed bullshit right wing trolls nonstop.

Mostly the censorship is trolls that get tired of being outed as trolls that snowflake about their spam being moderated nonstop until they switch sock puppets. And I have never once asked for anyone to be banned/censored, so your bullshit crybaby post about the 'lefty contingent' is incorrect if you included me in that group.

What part of my deciding my actions should not hurt others do you think is wrong? What part of my wanting to be able to do my own thing without harming anyone else do you not agree with? What part of I should be able to do with my body what I want do you disagree with? Just curious why you think these are "shit" ideas. The problem with communism is it only works through coercion. Libertarianism doesn't affect anyone else, just the folks holding their beliefs. I'm not trying to force anyone else to be libertarian, I don't care what religion folks believe in either, nor what they believe in doing in their own bedroom or what they do with their own bodies. I even think you should be allowed your own beliefs, whatever they are. And I'll even say I believe you should be allowed to express your beliefs, no matter if I disagree with them or find them offensive.
All humanities decision making ability might be a good place to start.

Your stance might work if everyone was entirely rational, but it is not. And this is why 'libertarianism' is as naive as communism.
This is exactly what I was referring to earlier. This will continue... insult to produce anger! Get them mad to say stuff you can find offensive and remove them from the convo! Typical...

Tell us as specifically as possible what type of government should exist. Tell us what departments/agencies should be gone, or cut, and by how much. Tell us what your tax percentages should be, if any.
You don't use cleaning materials at your business? Or other chemicals that might enter the water?

Regardless though, it was more of a secondary point. Pollution is not the only thing that is harmful to others, things like bullets would be what I would point to as something that can and often does harm other people who they do not belong to. Should there not be any regulations on things that can harm others in that case?

I can think of a certain squatchy fellow that doesn't get banned even though he pushed bullshit right wing trolls nonstop.

Mostly the censorship is trolls that get tired of being outed as trolls that snowflake about their spam being moderated nonstop until they switch sock puppets. And I have never once asked for anyone to be banned/censored, so your bullshit crybaby post about the 'lefty contingent' is incorrect if you included me in that group.

All humanities decision making ability might be a good place to start.

Your stance might work if everyone was entirely rational, but it is not. And this is why 'libertarianism' is as naive as communism.
Cleaning materials are pollution? What things are entering the water? Bullets? LOL what are you talking about? Bunch of straw men being brought up here. Sad to think no one else but folks who believe JUST like you are the only rational ones out there, but again that's your belief. Doesn't bother me.
You keep doing the same
Troll on
Americans are watching
That's exactly correct, they are. Which is why I find it so wild that so many HERE are all about coercion, banning freedom of choices, stopping freedom of thoughts, stopping people from growing certain plants in their yards, FORCING people to undergo EXPERIMENTAL medical procedures, stopping them from protecting themselves, it's all bad. And Americans are seeing through the bs finally.
Cleaning materials are pollution? What things are entering the water?
Are you purposefully being thick?

Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 12.36.10 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-12-06 at 12.36.17 PM.png

If you prefer though it might be easier for you to think about shit like leaded gasoline, asbestos, etc.

Bullets? LOL what are you talking about?
Do you not understand that bullets are often harmful to others? Do you think that guns should be totally unregulated and anyone should be able to obtain anything that they want?

LOL what are you talking about? Bunch of straw men being brought up here. Sad to think no one else but folks who believe JUST like you are the only rational ones out there, but again that's your belief. Doesn't bother me.
You know you believe the bullshit you say because of the capital letters.

That's exactly correct, they are. Which is why I find it so wild that so many HERE are all about coercion, banning freedom of choices, stopping freedom of thoughts, stopping people from growing certain plants in their yards, FORCING people to undergo EXPERIMENTAL medical procedures, stopping them from protecting themselves, it's all bad. And Americans are seeing through the bs finally.
lmao nobody is forcing you to get a vaccine sweetheart.
That's exactly correct, they are. Which is why I find it so wild that so many HERE are all about coercion, banning freedom of choices, stopping freedom of thoughts, stopping people from growing certain plants in their yards, FORCING people to undergo EXPERIMENTAL medical procedures, stopping them from protecting themselves, it's all bad. And Americans are seeing through the bs finally.
Maybe you are suffering from mental illness?
Just a thought
That's exactly correct, they are. Which is why I find it so wild that so many HERE are all about coercion, banning freedom of choices, stopping freedom of thoughts, stopping people from growing certain plants in their yards, FORCING people to undergo EXPERIMENTAL medical procedures, stopping them from protecting themselves, it's all bad. And Americans are seeing through the bs finally.

There are only two types of people that want the purest forms of freedom; criminal pieces of shit, and the naive.
Just checking to see if I'm the only one here that's for true freedom? Not pushing or advocating violence but true freedom to live how you want, small government with little oversight over it people.
Probably the closest thing to what I actually believe but will never work on large scale because it requires intelligence to practice. It’s a hard fact to swallow but the low IQ drag every society down. It’s too bad really.
Where are all the good trolls at?

It's genuine, there are millions of 'em out there.

And, culturally speaking, I blame a good portion on hippies. Pushing the whole "everyone is awesome" in schools is yielding a bunch of people that think they're awesome. It's not working out.

Bring back the "you're all pieces of shit" mantra.
I guess everything would be on the honor system with a tiny government.

All they have to do is backtest their ideas through the major events of the last quarter millennia. How does is work with 10% of the funding? Answer: It all works 10% as well in the very beginning, then it becomes exponentially worse since nobody can stay on top of anything and it piles up.
Lol wtf are you talking about? What violence did trump supporters commit? So you can only be Democratic or Republican? Its the Democratic side that always wants to move out of the US when they don't agree with who the president is or what he does. It the left that calls everyone that doesn't agree with their opinions a white supremacist or a fascist. But sure its all the Republicans fault
1/6 is the Republicans' fault. Also violent, anti-police and anti-true patriot.