Where are my libertarians at

That is down right hilarious seeing as how I've had nothing but insults thrown at me sense the start of this thread so yeah that's priceless to hear from your side.

See, shifting from the general to the specific and the specific to the general is an argumentative gimmick.

You will not find any post of mine that contains insults from me.
The interesting thing about your argument, that "libertarianism depends upon truth" is that the people who successfully pushed their brand of libertarianism onto the US political scene reject math and science.

The Mises Institute exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics, and individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. These great thinkers developed praxeology, a deductive science of human action based on premises known with certainty to be true, and this is what we teach and advocate. Our scholarly work is founded in Misesian praxeology, and in self-conscious opposition to the mathematical modeling and hypothesis-testing that has created so much confusion in neoclassical economics.

(underlines added for emphasis)

From the very beginning of this strange thing that right wing weirdos call "libertarian ideology", proponents recognized the contradictions between findings based upon hard reality and their beliefs. So they just rejected reality and wrote down "premises known with certainty to be true" as the basis for Libertarianism as it stands in the US. In other words, they reject facts and cling to unprovable beliefs. Libertarianism of the 50's is a quaint and early form of Qanon.

Indeed, but I was not commenting on the quality or veracity of those who propounded the "theory" of libertarianism, only the concept itself.

As I said, the libertarian system relies upon a perfectly informed and well motivated population. We know full well that most populations are incapable of being informed even if national informational infrastructure were perfect and free from the self interest of individuals and corporations.

The libertarian concept is that, say, my arsenic lollipop franchise would be revealed in short order and my customers abandon "canndo lollies" in short order.

Now barring governmental reporting or mandates such as the fda or government oversight we are left with private systems like underwriters lab or professional associations or consumer reports. My point was that the moment such informational organs survive on profit is the moment their results and products are liable to be manipulates.

This alone brings all pure libertarianism crashing down.
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Indeed, but I was not commenting on the quality or veracity of those who propounded the "theory" of libertarianism, only the concept itself.

As I said, the libertarian system relies upon a perfectly informed and well motivated population. We know full well that most populations are incapable of being informed even if national informational infrastructure were perfect and free from the self interest of individuals and corporations.

The libertarian concept is that, say, my arsenic lollipop franchise would be revealed in short order and my customers abandon "canndo lollies" in short order.

Now barring governmental reporting or mandates such as the fda or government oversight we are left with private systems like underwriters lab or professional associations or consumer reports. My point was that the moment such informational organs survive on profit is the moment their results and products are liable to be manipulates.

This alone brings all pure libertarianism crashing down.
Agree that libertarianism is founded on an the false assumption that people will not lie or cheat. There are other false assumptions but the belief that information is always correct and people will not lie or cheat is core to the US libertarian ideology.

It's a fake belief. It is intentionally fake. Right wing propagandists even bragged about redefining the word. It original meaning in Europe was anti-state socialism and by the middle of the 20th century, conservatives in the US coined the term to mean free market capitalism with virtually no government and all that goes with that.
Agree that libertarianism is founded on an the false assumption that people will not lie or cheat. There are other false assumptions but the belief that information is always correct and people will not lie or cheat is core to the US libertarian ideology.

It's a fake belief. It is intentionally fake. Right wing propagandists even bragged about redefining the word. It original meaning in Europe was anti-state socialism and by the middle of the 20th century, conservatives in the US coined the term to mean free market capitalism with virtually no government and all that goes with that.
Every single utopian concept incorporates that bit of wishful thinking. That “correct the material problems, and the mind of man will follow.” I’d like to know who set them up to ignore what we are.
Every single utopian concept incorporates that bit of wishful thinking. That “correct the material problems, and the mind of man will follow.” I’d like to know who set them up to ignore what we are.
Meanwhile, those on the religious right subscribe to another bit of wishful thinking. Correct the mind of man and material wealth will follow.
Meanwhile, those on the religious right subscribe to another bit of wishful thinking. Correct the mind of man and material wealth will follow.
I will say that you bring up a specifically Calvinistic delusion. It is the cornerstone of their plot to rule the world. How else to win the Holiness F1?

Most other denominations or other religions don’t contain this blinding nugget of blasphemy.
I will say that you bring up a specifically Calvinistic delusion. It is the cornerstone of their plot to rule the world. How else to win the Holiness F1?

Most other denominations or other religions don’t contain this blinding nugget of blasphemy.
Prosperity Gospel

Works for him:

Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland

Net Worth $760 Million

Kenneth Copeland is very close to being a Billionaire even though he already claims billion dollar status. He runs Kenneth Copeland Ministries. His ministry’s 1,500-acre campus is a half-hour drive from Fort Worth includes a church, a private airstrip, a hangar for the ministry’s $17.5 million jet and other aircraft, and a $6 million church owned lakefront mansion.

Prosperity Gospel

Works for him:

Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland

Net Worth $760 Million

Kenneth Copeland is very close to being a Billionaire even though he already claims billion dollar status. He runs Kenneth Copeland Ministries. His ministry’s 1,500-acre campus is a half-hour drive from Fort Worth includes a church, a private airstrip, a hangar for the ministry’s $17.5 million jet and other aircraft, and a $6 million church owned lakefront mansion.

Damned Calvinist.

and that’s being nice, he could be a garden-variety shyster. American militant Protestantism was a clement harbor for weasels once you learned the buzzwords and how/when to deploy them. I’ve always been (if not favorably) impressed by how conformist the language of fundamentalists has become. It reminds me of an incantation, words of power.

It reminds me that (somebody) despises spiritists and mediums. Once I leaned that, I changed my diet and am now a Large.