Where are my libertarians at

Ahhhh back to the memes love it. Got any more?
Dude, I want to play. So let's.

Please define your idea of libertarianism.

Further, let's work with a country of ten million people. How "large" shoukd the governing body of that country be? You can use numbers of members, percentage of gnp, per capita percentage, I don't know, make your own metric.

How shall this government decide upon, enact and enforce laws? How shall it check its own power? How will it fund itself?

How will the governed coexist with thus body? How will the parties evolve over time?

What compromises will the parties need to make? What are the limits to functionality?

I've never seen a libertarian actually erect a scenario, nothing but observation and criticism, you could convince me with a good model.

Have at it.
When you you put your idea out I'll put mine out how bout that. But kinda like you leftist always talking with no meat on the bone. Bet you won't hell you can't even read like the rest so can't expect more from them what the rest give I guess.
That IS libertarianism, that IS small government. Or you can show me where it is not. I'll wait.
Well you have no clue what libertarianism is apparently. No wonder we can't move forword. Please explane how that is libertarian or capitalism in any way. Cause in no way what he talked about was either. Or maybe it is in your obscure way of thinking. Which would then be the issue.
It's cause this is a bullshit thread started to troll you guys.

Also, it's a bullshit political philosophy that doesn't mean anything and people just call themselves that when they can't come up with something better. It's for people that think citing "national socialist" means they are socialists, or that the Democrats are the party of the klan/civil war was about states rights, or any number of other topics where they use ignorance as the weapon.

When you you put your idea out I'll put mine out how bout that. But kinda like you leftist always talking with no meat on the bone. Bet you won't hell you can't even read like the rest so can't expect more from them what the rest give I guess.
Dude, this is your thread. It's about libertarianism. Jesus, you might consider just discussing things rather than insulting everyone who doesn't automatically agree with..
You, but we can't even agree with you because you haven't said anything yet.

I have put out my ideas btw.
Well you have no clue what libertarianism is apparently. No wonder we can't move forword. Please explane how that is libertarian or capitalism in any way. Cause in no way what he talked about was either. Or maybe it is in your obscure way of thinking. Which would then be the issue.

What is libertarianism then? I've asked you to describe it and all we get is "nope, it's not that".

So what is it, your move.
Dude, this is your thread. It's about libertarianism. Jesus, you might consider just discussing things rather than insulting everyone who doesn't automatically agree with..
You, but we can't even agree with you because you haven't said anything yet.

I have put out my ideas btw.
That is down right hilarious seeing as how I've had nothing but insults thrown at me sense the start of this thread so yeah that's priceless to hear from your side.
What is libertarianism then? I've asked you to describe it and all we get is "nope, it's not that".

So what is it, your move.
What is libertarianism then? I've asked you to describe it and all we get is "nope, it's not that".

So what is it, your move.
Then you have not read any of the earlier post. You may not like that I didn't go into detail but I've said my opinion. So maybe open your eyes would be a good first step.
Aside from that whole war on terror thing, that guy was pretty ok, using norm-referenced grading anyway.

I used to laugh at the people that said "oh people will look back fondly" or whatever. Well they were right. Still view him as the figurehead that led to a war that left all sorts of damage...but eh, yeah that bar really got lowered.
I intend to sell a product that has arsenic in its formulation. If I buy or control information outlets that may report on death and injury, if I purchase medical reports on my product, if I manage news outlets regarding arsenic deaths, all legal and proper, then I can continue to sell my product.

This is the flaw in libertarianism. The control of information.

Libertarianism depends upon truth, truth that is somehow guaranteed. The only guarantee of such truth is impartial government. We may not have perfect government bodies but they are far more reliable than anything else.
The interesting thing about your argument, that "libertarianism depends upon truth" is that the people who successfully pushed their brand of libertarianism onto the US political scene reject math and science.

The Mises Institute exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics, and individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. These great thinkers developed praxeology, a deductive science of human action based on premises known with certainty to be true, and this is what we teach and advocate. Our scholarly work is founded in Misesian praxeology, and in self-conscious opposition to the mathematical modeling and hypothesis-testing that has created so much confusion in neoclassical economics.

(underlines added for emphasis)

From the very beginning of this strange thing that right wing weirdos call "libertarian ideology", proponents recognized the contradictions between findings based upon hard reality and their beliefs. So they just rejected reality and wrote down "premises known with certainty to be true" as the basis for Libertarianism as it stands in the US. In other words, they reject facts and cling to unprovable beliefs. Libertarianism of the 50's is a quaint and early form of Qanon.
Well you have no clue what libertarianism is apparently. No wonder we can't move forword. Please explane how that is libertarian or capitalism in any way. Cause in no way what he talked about was either. Or maybe it is in your obscure way of thinking. Which would then be the issue.
I have a perfect understanding of libertarianism. It is a made up economic philosophy that is justified through axioms that it's originators acknowledge are not true.