Where are my libertarians at

lmao are you saying that I want to move out of my country or burn down a city? Because that is just more lying troll bullshit that right wing propagandists have spammed so much that it has stuck with the people they conned.

The problem with this big lie is that the white supremacists kicking off all the violence over Trump's summer of rioting being painted as 'the left' is that facts are a stubborn thing.

ps. Calling yourself a "Libertarian" is just the flip side of some idiot college freshman calling themselves a 'Communist'.
Lol wtf are you talking about? What violence did trump supporters commit? So you can only be Democratic or Republican? Its the Democratic side that always wants to move out of the US when they don't agree with who the president is or what he does. It the left that calls everyone that doesn't agree with their opinions a white supremacist or a fascist. But sure its all the Republicans fault
problematic for moist of society

Heh, moist

So, how do you think your liberties are limited and what ones? If you think there should be some rule and law, where is the line. How do you keep the semen out of people's eyes.

Libertarian is a broad term, runs the gamut from far left to right with lots of strange stops on the way. Lately, its just sort of a catch all for conservatives that don't want to be called Republicans and latch onto the "liberty = freedom" aspect, but it tends to not take other people's freedom and liberty into consideration.
Lol wtf are you talking about? What violence did trump supporters commit?

And let's not forget what kicked off all the actual violence due to the cop murdering George Floyd.

There is a lot more. But funny enough I said white supremacists and you jumped to Trump supporters. Which is a hilariously true freudian slip.
So you can only be Democratic or Republican? Its the Democratic side that always wants to move out of the US when they don't agree with who the president is or what he does. It the left that calls everyone that doesn't agree with their opinions a white supremacist or a fascist. But sure its all the Republicans fault
What are you talking bout? More branding bullshit spam like a good cuck, or do you actually believe your nonsense?

Are you an American? And if so are you ok with the fact that the data that the RNC gave to Trump was immediately handed over to the Russian military to help their attack on American citizens?
Just checking to see if I'm the only one here that's for true freedom? Not pushing or advocating violence but true freedom to live how you want, small government with little oversight over it people.

Pot rights, abortion rights, vaccine mandates, GUN rights, they're all the same. They're all PROPERTY rights. Your body is your property, just like what you desire to own or make, whether it's land, a home or a vehicle. Lefties and righties never seem to understand that, they want to limit what you can own to only things they approve of.

The lefty contingent here has a remarkable debate tactic, they will insult and troll you as much as possible until you call them out and they will report you to remove you from the conversation. There's no real conversation from or with them, they just yearn to censor you.
Pot rights, abortion rights, vaccine mandates, GUN rights, they're all the same. They're all PROPERTY rights. Your body is your property, just like what you desire to own or make, whether it's land, a home or a vehicle. Lefties and righties never seem to understand that, they want to limit what you can own to only things they approve of.

The lefty contingent here has a remarkable debate tactic, they will insult and troll you as much as possible until you call them out and they will report you to remove you from the conversation. There's no real conversation from or with them, they just yearn to censor you.
And out comes the VICTIM CARD :hug:
Pot rights, abortion rights, vaccine mandates, GUN rights, they're all the same. They're all PROPERTY rights. Your body is your property, just like what you desire to own or make, whether it's land, a home or a vehicle.
What about pollution, how does that fit into your world? Because it might be worth thinking about how things that are dangerous to others require some sort of regulation. Should people get to say 'my property' and dump dangerous chemicals on their land willy nilly?

Lefties and righties never seem to understand that, they want to limit what you can own to only things they approve of.

The lefty contingent here has a remarkable debate tactic, they will insult and troll you as much as possible until you call them out and they will report you to remove you from the conversation. There's no real conversation from or with them, they just yearn to censor you.
Because you say so?
Libertarians live in a narcissistic dreamland, completely disconnected with reality.
It really is a flip side to college kids saying they are communists when they hear about it for the first time. It is just a shame that unlike those kids in college they never have the rest of the semester to find out why it is a shit idea.
So, how do you think your liberties are limited and what ones? If you think there should be some rule and law, where is the line. How do you keep the semen out of people's eyes.
If actions infringe on someone else, they're immoral. Simple as that.
What about pollution, how does that fit into your world? Because it might be worth thinking about how things that are dangerous to others require some sort of regulation. Should people get to say 'my property' and dump dangerous chemicals on their land willy nilly?


Because you say so?
Pollution is infringement on others. I run a business and yet I do not produce toxic waste I push into my community. Seems like if the trade produces pollution they are the ones responsible for working this out to not infringe on others.

Because that's how it works here. Prove me wrong!
It really is a flip side to college kids saying they are communists when they hear about it for the first time. It is just a shame that unlike those kids in college they never have the rest of the semester to find out why it is a shit idea.

It's still easy to sort out, if they could get over their awesomeness delusions; "I could operate autonomously, therefore everyone should be able to operate autonomously! And if they can't, they're pieces of shit that should die! Also, I have no idea what operating autonomously actually means, wheeeeeeeeeeee!!"

Lol see the post above....I......I.....I....my....yay meeeeeee!
It really is a flip side to college kids saying they are communists when they hear about it for the first time. It is just a shame that unlike those kids in college they never have the rest of the semester to find out why it is a shit idea.
What part of my deciding my actions should not hurt others do you think is wrong? What part of my wanting to be able to do my own thing without harming anyone else do you not agree with? What part of I should be able to do with my body what I want do you disagree with? Just curious why you think these are "shit" ideas. The problem with communism is it only works through coercion. Libertarianism doesn't affect anyone else, just the folks holding their beliefs. I'm not trying to force anyone else to be libertarian, I don't care what religion folks believe in either, nor what they believe in doing in their own bedroom or what they do with their own bodies. I even think you should be allowed your own beliefs, whatever they are. And I'll even say I believe you should be allowed to express your beliefs, no matter if I disagree with them or find them offensive.
It's still easy to sort out, if they could get over their awesomeness delusions; "I could operate autonomously, therefore everyone should be able to operate autonomously! And if they can't, they're pieces of shit that should die! Also, I have no idea what operating autonomously actually means, wheeeeeeeeeeee!!"

Lol see the post above....I......I.....I....my....yay meeeeeee!
This is exactly what I was referring to earlier. This will continue... insult to produce anger! Get them mad to say stuff you can find offensive and remove them from the convo! Typical...