Where are my libertarians at

I thought we were talking about big, and small government??

While not nearly perfect, big business, and paid off polititions have fought regulation every step of the way, big government controls vs regulation pollution have been a huge benefit to the citizens of the USA.

And the rethugliKLANS have also been the biggest fighters to date. The just recently wouldnt fund enough money to replace all the old lead pipes in our infrastructure, thus keeping large amounts of lead in many communities drinking water. There are literally hundreds of Flint Michigans out there

Since the USA introduced the EPA, not one river has caught on fire because government regulation wont allow them to pollute how they would like to.

All the other countries mentioned have little, to no pollution standards, and are allowed to pollute in any way the deem necessary.

China, and India have very little pollution regulation, thus are the only ones that have caught on fire in recent times.

If the USA didnt have the EPA, and regulation, Big Business would pollute us off of the planet.

Water pollution is killing millions of Indians. Here's how ...
Nov 10, 2021 · Water. Water pollution is killing millions of Indians. Here's how technology and reliable data can change that. It's estimated that around 70% of surface water in India is unfit for consumption.

China Water pollution statistics 2018-2019

  • 40% of China’s water supply is polluted to unsafe drinking levels
  • 50% of China is dependent on this tainted water for survival
  • 14 billion pounds of plastics are dumped into the ocean each year
  • 80% of wastewater contaminates groundwater after treatment
  • Humans add 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated wastewater into water supply each year
Air pollution accounts for an estimated 12.5 percent of deaths in India. The State of India’s Environmental Report found that it also kills around 100,000 children less than five years old every year. The risk is also higher for girls than for boys in this age group. Eighty-six percent of Indian bodies of water are deemed “critically polluted.

China’s air pollution is so bad that solar panels don’t work anymore
China’s pollution-caused smog, particularly in its larger cities, is infamously awful, and it’s making green alternatives difficult.

High levels of air pollution in China's cities caused to 350,000–400,000 premature deaths. Another 300,000 died because of indoor air of poor quality. There were 60,000 premature deaths each year because of water of poor quality. Chinese officials asked that some of the results should not be published in order to avoid social unrest.

Pollution in China - Wikipedia

Should EPA update Clean Air Act standards to make them stricter? Fully 69 percent of respondents somewhat or strongly agree, compared to 26 percent who somewhat or strongly oppose.

Another key fact: On this issue, unlike many others these days, independents line up with Democrats. Where 88 percent of Dems want standards updated, so do 68 percent of independents, compared with 49 percent of Republicans. (Note too that even among Republicans, support for strengthening standards outweighs opposition.)

Yet another key fact: The public does not distinguish greenhouse gas standards from other air quality standards. When asked about four specific regulations, CO2 standards were just as popular (77 percent support) as smog limits, even a hair more popular than vehicle fuel efficiency standards. Crucially, there was majority support in both parties for all four standards:

American Lung Association poll, four standardsAmerican Lung Association

Should Congress block EPA from updating these standards? Sixty-eight percent say no. How about CO2 standards specifically? Still, 64 percent say no. (Again, independents side with Democrats on this.) The public trusts EPA in this area far more than Congress.

American Lung Association

Republican agitprop doesn’t seem to be having much effect. For instance, take the endlessly repeated point that EPA is “overreaching.” Does the public agree? No:

The Majority of Americans want MORE REGULATION, FOR WATER, AND AIR.
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I swear haveing a discussion with some of you is like having a meal with rabid dogs. You are starving waiting to pounce on anything and everything that you don't agree with eventhough you dont know why you pounce you just do it. Then you swarm with your pack to claim your prize but what prize are you trying to gain?

You can report me for my language or whatever else you wish, fuck I'm hardly ever on here any way. I just truly wish that if you get your way karma smacks you in the balls.
You are melting down man. I really hope those quarters are worth it.

Be Best.

Lmao so we are only allowed to talk about the US now gotcha. Man the rules keep changing.
lol yeah because the EPA is in America.

My building is 'mask only' even if you've had your shots and booster.

So end up in the elevator with a Rightie just visiting mask under nose; makes a call and takes off mask. She forced me to breathe in her air in a closed environment. I made the comment while she was on the phone 'mask only zone'..'my body; my choice' 'i'm going to do what's right for me' the elevator door opened.

i oft wonder what they think of when they hear their comments coming from others that are not them?

she was a captive audience so i took the opportunity to remind her message i hope she enjoyed hearing her teams bullshit.

i just love when you can prove to someone that goose is good for the gander.
My building is 'mask only' even if you've had your shots and booster.

So end up in the elevator with a Rightie just visiting mask under nose; makes a call and takes off mask. She forced me to breathe in her air in a closed environment. I made the comment while she was on the phone 'mask only zone'..'my body; my choice' 'i'm going to do what's right for me' the elevator door opened.

i oft wonder what they think of when they hear their comments coming from others that are not them?

she was a captive audience so i took the opportunity to remind her message i hope she enjoyed hearing her teams bullshit.

i just love when you can prove to someone that goose is good for the gander.
Times like those it might almost be worthwhile to let a gnarly fart fly. And just explain if I have to bask in your bodies emissions because you can't wear your mask, why should I worry about your having to breath in mine?
My building is 'mask only' even if you've had your shots and booster.

So end up in the elevator with a Rightie just visiting mask under nose; makes a call and takes off mask. She forced me to breathe in her air in a closed environment. I made the comment while she was on the phone 'mask only zone'..'my body; my choice' 'i'm going to do what's right for me' the elevator door opened.

i oft wonder what they think of when they hear their comments coming from others that are not them?

she was a captive audience so i took the opportunity to remind her message i hope she enjoyed hearing her teams bullshit.

i just love when you can prove to someone that goose is good for the gander.
Where is that can of silly string when you most need it?
Where is that can of silly string when you most need it?

i wasn't mean but it felt good to say those words to THEM so they can hear how THEY sound..how THEY break the rules..just keepin' THEM real.

she apologized..you're right..you're right..she couldn't go anywhere.

it's time to break this fever..we are in this situation AGAIN because of THEM!
I thought we were talking about big, and small government??

While not nearly perfect, big business, and paid off polititions have fought regulation every step of the way, big government controls vs regulation pollution have been a huge benefit to the citizens of the USA.

And the rethugliKLANS have also been the biggest fighters to date. The just recently wouldnt fund enough money to replace all the old lead pipes in our infrastructure, thus keeping large amounts of lead in many communities drinking water. There are literally hundreds of Flint Michigans out there

Since the USA introduced the EPA, not one river has caught on fire because government regulation wont allow them to pollute how they would like to.

All the other countries mentioned have little, to no pollution standards, and are allowed to pollute in any way the deem necessary.

China, and India have very little pollution regulation, thus are the only ones that have caught on fire in recent times.

If the USA didnt have the EPA, and regulation, Big Business would pollute us off of the planet.

Water pollution is killing millions of Indians. Here's how ...
Nov 10, 2021 · Water. Water pollution is killing millions of Indians. Here's how technology and reliable data can change that. It's estimated that around 70% of surface water in India is unfit for consumption.

China Water pollution statistics 2018-2019

  • 40% of China’s water supply is polluted to unsafe drinking levels
  • 50% of China is dependent on this tainted water for survival
  • 14 billion pounds of plastics are dumped into the ocean each year
  • 80% of wastewater contaminates groundwater after treatment
  • Humans add 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated wastewater into water supply each year
Air pollution accounts for an estimated 12.5 percent of deaths in India. The State of India’s Environmental Report found that it also kills around 100,000 children less than five years old every year. The risk is also higher for girls than for boys in this age group. Eighty-six percent of Indian bodies of water are deemed “critically polluted.

China’s air pollution is so bad that solar panels don’t work anymore
China’s pollution-caused smog, particularly in its larger cities, is infamously awful, and it’s making green alternatives difficult.

High levels of air pollution in China's cities caused to 350,000–400,000 premature deaths. Another 300,000 died because of indoor air of poor quality. There were 60,000 premature deaths each year because of water of poor quality. Chinese officials asked that some of the results should not be published in order to avoid social unrest.

Pollution in China - Wikipedia
View attachment 5042397

Should EPA update Clean Air Act standards to make them stricter? Fully 69 percent of respondents somewhat or strongly agree, compared to 26 percent who somewhat or strongly oppose.

Another key fact: On this issue, unlike many others these days, independents line up with Democrats. Where 88 percent of Dems want standards updated, so do 68 percent of independents, compared with 49 percent of Republicans. (Note too that even among Republicans, support for strengthening standards outweighs opposition.)

Yet another key fact: The public does not distinguish greenhouse gas standards from other air quality standards. When asked about four specific regulations, CO2 standards were just as popular (77 percent support) as smog limits, even a hair more popular than vehicle fuel efficiency standards. Crucially, there was majority support in both parties for all four standards:

American Lung Association poll, four standardsAmerican Lung Association

Should Congress block EPA from updating these standards? Sixty-eight percent say no. How about CO2 standards specifically? Still, 64 percent say no. (Again, independents side with Democrats on this.) The public trusts EPA in this area far more than Congress.

American Lung Association

Republican agitprop doesn’t seem to be having much effect. For instance, take the endlessly repeated point that EPA is “overreaching.” Does the public agree? No:

The Majority of Americans want MORE REGULATION, FOR WATER, AND AIR.
Alright here we go. Yes the epa has stopped a lot of the pollution the can not and will not stop it all. Point in case (https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/2366999) i use this because one they are well knowen, its somewhat recent and the length of time it took to resolve compared to the fine. Further more has anyone been to the ohio river? Seriously they recommend you don't swim in it cause its so bad or how about Michigan and there tan tied water that has not gotten better in how long? As for air pollution the EPA says that cow farts are partially to blame for global warming as well so I can't take them to seriously. If you honestly think that the EPA gives a flying F about us and the earth I believe you are sadly mistaken.
My building is 'mask only' even if you've had your shots and booster.

So end up in the elevator with a Rightie just visiting mask under nose; makes a call and takes off mask. She forced me to breathe in her air in a closed environment. I made the comment while she was on the phone 'mask only zone'..'my body; my choice' 'i'm going to do what's right for me' the elevator door opened.

i oft wonder what they think of when they hear their comments coming from others that are not them?

she was a captive audience so i took the opportunity to remind her message i hope she enjoyed hearing her teams bullshit.

i just love when you can prove to someone that goose is good for the gander.
Oh my god no not someone without a mask. No how will you live. The shame of humanity. Hence why you are the problem because glad she wasn't a true rightie. Are you would have pooped your pants.