Where are my libertarians at

How so? That's right only government can control people.

Because they think that, since they're so awesome and independent(which they're really not), that everyone must be. They have a shit understanding of their own dependence and they have a shit understanding of anyone's life outside of their own. This is the narcissism.

They also think that everything would be better if the gov't were 10% of the size it is now, but it would be completely gridlocked. If you backtest these ideas say 50 years, anything the gov't would be working on today, would have been submitted in 1985. Just go outside and imagine what 1985 infrastructure looks like today, compared to the rest of the first world. We would be grossly behind. We would be much weaker and if you backtest these ideas 200 years, we probably wouldn't even be the United States. This is the dreamland.

Narcissistic. Dreamland.
Thought this to be perfect for this thread.


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Yes, the Republicans, party of cops and Christian conservatives, certainly known for respecting the rights of others and letting them live their lives.

Tell us another tale Brandon.
Libertarians suck ass. Basic philosophy? "I got mine and fuck you." Only a dolt believes that's freedom.
Yeah who would think being able to make your own decisions and live life they way you chose is not freedom? You can only have freedom if you're told what to do and how to do it. Glad everyone else here can use curse words but me guess that's part of believing the same dumb shit club rewards.
Don't forget the third category, where people think they're not imposing anything onto others, but they are. This is waaaaaaaaaay more common than the person that doesn't impose onto others. It's actually very difficult to live a life that truly does not impact someone else.
Not really
Yes, the Republicans, party of cops and Christian conservatives, certainly known for respecting the rights of others and letting them live their lives.

Tell us another tale Brandon.
Think you're a lil confused there buddy.
Youre not free to do just as you please. Your rights end, when you infringe on mine.
Everyones choices have consequences.

And yes, the reTHUGliKLANS ARE the party of White Supremacy, Hate, Discrimmination, and Greed. They also dont want the cops to be held accountable for their crimes. The cops have been out of control, since theres been cops.

The So Called, Christian Conservatives, are neither. Jesus, was the ultimate liberal. He welcomed the poor, and the immigrant

Jesus was a Liberal Democrat and a Socialist. The defining message of the four Christian Gospels and of Jesus himself was this: helping the poor; healing the sick; clothe the naked; feed the hungry; uplift the underdog; care of children; distribute wealth; be mindful of immigrant and stranger in your land
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