Whats inconvenient for you? Serious question.

lol "baby assholes" cn


Or is that asshole babies?
I agree with you.

This might sound weird, but I have to have a shower after every #2. Something about leaving trace amounts of poo in my warm, moist butt crack doesn't sit well with me. Toilet paper never really finishes the job.

You buttcrack is always moist? you have another problem then leaving particles of feces behind
I was assuming "Vile Plume" is what arises from his pants if he doesn't do that shower deal...

Sorry VP, I'm done now.
Ok this brings up a good topic, why should you not wipe forward I don't get it!

It's a sex thing. I remember reading a serious, dignified article once ... guys should wipe forward whereas girls should wipe backward. The thing about women's anatomy is evident to me, but the injunction that males should wipe forward struck me as coming straight outta somebody's ... imagination. cn
When you try to speak to someone on the phone and all you get is an automated service saying press one or this and press two for that, and reason you want to speak to Someone is not even on the fucking list :cuss:
Calling some place, and having to push "1" for English.
People that can't hold their liquor.
People that let their dog run free and shit on my grass. (then I'm inconvenient for them:clap:).
It's a sex thing. I remember reading a serious, dignified article once ... guys should wipe forward whereas girls should wipe backward. The thing about women's anatomy is evident to me, but the injunction that males should wipe forward struck me as coming straight outta somebody's ... imagination. cn
I remember reading that females wipe towards the stern, but I never heard the males towards the bow thing.
You're right, that doesn't make sense.
Edit: Actually, that does kinda make sense, because ladies don't usually have the affliction of 'Plumber's crack'.
With 'Plumber's crack' and you're sloppy, everybody will know right away.:cry:
I'm a two way wiper. It's just not thorough enough with just one direction. I do a forward then a back, tends to do the job.

Too much information for sure.