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Im not so fucking dumb that I’d pay $70k for something that’ll eventually be worth $0

Maybe he wanted to spend some racks why is that any of your concern? Or maybe hes just got it like that and has the racks to spend. Buck, my little racist homie.. MSRP is 70k that does not mean for one moment it is what he paid. Even if that's what he paid for it, it's none of your concern! Maybe dude just has it like that you never know! You just dont ever know what a person has. So sit down you Water Drunk Sycophantic Fungus Gnat!
Are you the tramp stamp girl from the pic?
Maybe he wanted to spend some racks why is that any of your concern? Or maybe hes just got it like that and has the racks to spend. Buck, my little racist homie.. MSRP is 70k that does not mean for one moment it is what he paid. Even if that's what he paid for it, it's none of your concern! Maybe dude just has it like that you never know! You just dont ever know what a person has. So sit down you Water Drunk Sycophantic Fungus Gnat!
Or is just irrationally spending like everyone else that put together a little scratch back in 2007 before the Republicans tanked the economy with their deregulation and tax breaks for the rich. A lot of them had nice cars too. At least until they got repo'd along with the 4 houses bought on credit to flip to make more money.
This reminds me of high school when we used to tell yo momma jokes. You guys are great!
These keyboard gangsters no nothing. In real life they are soft as charmin. This is their safe place where they can act out without repercussion. Its all they have. I don't have time to chat with them tonight. Real life shit, you know. Peace

Screen this too bucky, you sick bastard, you hahaha !

View attachment 4423568
Is this dude 13 or 30?

Nvm. It's someone transitioning into a dude. Sorry for not taking this pic seriously
Maybe he wanted to spend some racks why is that any of your concern? Or maybe hes just got it like that and has the racks to spend. Buck, my little racist homie.. MSRP is 70k that does not mean for one moment it is what he paid. Even if that's what he paid for it, it's none of your concern! Maybe dude just has it like that you never know! You just dont ever know what a person has. So sit down you Water Drunk Sycophantic Fungus Gnat!
So it’s wise to pay $70k for something that’ll depreciate time $0.00 after 15 years or so?

I woulda invested the money and had$400k in 15 years instead, but I’m not a retard neo nazi
I'm actually repulsed by fat people but it apparently revs your motor, to each his own.

What a horrible thing to say about disproportionately sized people! That is so rude and hurtful, how dare you not be attracted too a disproportionately sized people! especially woman! That is fat shaming and sexism and that hate has no home here! What happened too the liberal way why are you fat shaming people especially a woman. I demand you apologize right this moment you are a liberal howwwwwww dareeeeeeee you! You're liberal I shouldn't have to take my time out of school to come here and tell you these things. You are the ones who did this and it will not be tolerated any longer... damn hypricts the lot of ya except only a few! You are a laughing stalk, and a laughing stalk on this site! You got thrown around all day by a really, really, really young person. I'm not even political and no one had a damn thing to say about it! What a sad bunch of nothings and their dear racist leader! Clowns pretty much every last one of you! Beep beep honk honk...

The Canadian is definitely Cool and 3 others. Also. The rest of you are just bitter old hypocrites who have been givin a complex. Cant even answer a simple fucking question about what your plans are if Donald J Trump wins the 2020 election.

You all see the word trump and then you all broke out and had one big meltdown. That's why people are laughing at you all and that's why you will lose more this time around. You let fifis get in the way of things!

@KGB WAS RIGHT! SOFT AS CHARMIN SHIT TUCKETS. I know there is another little fifi having softy running around here! Hes the one that was typing with his dingle berry finger earlier. His shit tickets, so soft, his finger poked through. Dude was typing all kids of dingle berry soft fingers earlier!

GEN Z WHAT WHAT!!! O you forgot about us didnt you hahahaha lmfao in for a rude awakening very, very, very soon :) All of you mellinales, gen xers and boomers are a bunch of softies. Actually most boomers are cool and some gen x. Ok and maybe 7 millennials are good to go also, but The rest of you, the rest of you millinels are such a whiny entitled bunch of grown up spoiled children! Dudes in their early mid 30s living at home with mommy and daddy having them pay for all of your shit. Grow the fuck up stop letting your fifis run and control your life & stop crying. o and get the fuck in the bike lane, you cried for them and now you have them, so use them!
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What a horrible thing to say about disproportionately sized people! That is so rude and hurtful, how dare you not be attracted too a disproportionately sized people! especially woman! That is fat shaming and sexism and that hate has no home here! What happened too the liberal way why are you fat shaming people especially a woman. I demand you apologize right this moment you are a liberal howwwwwww dareeeeeeee you! You're liberal I shouldn't have to take my time out of school to come here and tell you these things. You are the ones who did this and it will not be tolerated any longer... damn hypricts the lot of ya except only a few! You are a laughing stalk, and a laughing stalk on this site! You got thrown around all day by a really, really, really young person. I'm not even political and no one had a damn thing to say about it! What a sad bunch of nothings and their dear racist leader! Clowns pretty much every last one of you! Beep beep honk honk...

The Canadian is definitely Cool and 3 others. Also. The rest of you are just bitter old hypocrites who have been givin a complex. Cant even answer a simple fucking question about what your plans are if Donald J Trump wins the 2020 election.

You all see the word trump and then you all broke out and had one big meltdown. That's why people are laughing at you all and that's why you will lose more this time around. You let fifis get in the way of things!

@KGB WAS RIGHT! SOFT AS CHARMIN SHIT TUCKETS. I know there is another little fifi having softy running around here! Hes the one that was typing with his dingle berry finger earlier. His shit tickets, so soft, his finger poked through. Dude was typing all kids of dingle berry soft fingers earlier!

GEN Z WHAT WHAT!!! O you forgot about us didnt you hahahaha lmfao in for a rude awakening very, very, very soon :) All of you mellinales, gen xers and boomers are a bunch of softies. Actually most boomers are cool and some gen x. Ok and maybe 7 millennials are good to go also, but The rest of you, the rest of you millinels are such a whiny entitled bunch of grown up spoiled children! Dudes in their early mid 30s living at home with mommy and daddy having them pay for all of your shit. Grow the fuck up stop letting your fifis run and control your life & stop crying. o and get the fuck in the bike lane, you cried for them and now you have them, so use them!
You just typed out 3 paragraphs to tell us we are crying.

All toyota motors are pretty unstoppable. Look even at used 2jz prices
The 3.0 v6 92 pickups are selling for 5-6k here in decent shape. Mine was rattling in 1st and 2nd and squealing in 3rd and 4th. It also sprung a pretty decent oil leak from near the oil filter. Still went for $2500, I paid $1500 for it and added a topper

I’m rocking an 86 with the 22r right now. Already replaced the tires, added a radio and horn, fixed the wiper fluid system, and am about to start fixing the doors and windows. After that there is a lot of body work to do. This thing is beat to shit and duct taped to hell. I might keep it though because it runs like a top
What a horrible thing to say about disproportionately sized people! That is so rude and hurtful, how dare you not be attracted too a disproportionately sized people! especially woman! That is fat shaming and sexism and that hate has no home here! What happened too the liberal way why are you fat shaming people especially a woman. I demand you apologize right this moment you are a liberal howwwwwww dareeeeeeee you! You're liberal I shouldn't have to take my time out of school to come here and tell you these things. You are the ones who did this and it will not be tolerated any longer... damn hypricts the lot of ya except only a few! You are a laughing stalk, and a laughing stalk on this site! You got thrown around all day by a really, really, really young person. I'm not even political and no one had a damn thing to say about it! What a sad bunch of nothings and their dear racist leader! Clowns pretty much every last one of you! Beep beep honk honk...

The Canadian is definitely Cool and 3 others. Also. The rest of you are just bitter old hypocrites who have been givin a complex. Cant even answer a simple fucking question about what your plans are if Donald J Trump wins the 2020 election.

You all see the word trump and then you all broke out and had one big meltdown. That's why people are laughing at you all and that's why you will lose more this time around. You let fifis get in the way of things!

@KGB WAS RIGHT! SOFT AS CHARMIN SHIT TUCKETS. I know there is another little fifi having softy running around here! Hes the one that was typing with his dingle berry finger earlier. His shit tickets, so soft, his finger poked through. Dude was typing all kids of dingle berry soft fingers earlier!

GEN Z WHAT WHAT!!! O you forgot about us didnt you hahahaha lmfao in for a rude awakening very, very, very soon :) All of you mellinales, gen xers and boomers are a bunch of softies. Actually most boomers are cool and some gen x. Ok and maybe 7 millennials are good to go also, but The rest of you, the rest of you millinels are such a whiny entitled bunch of grown up spoiled children! Dudes in their early mid 30s living at home with mommy and daddy having them pay for all of your shit. Grow the fuck up stop letting your fifis run and control your life & stop crying. o and get the fuck in the bike lane, you cried for them and now you have them, so use them!
Laughing stalks
All toyota motors are pretty unstoppable. Look even at used 2jz prices

I will agree with this and state is as fact! I have an 1980 land cruiser on my property wayyy out side of the city and it's only 280k miles and other than a few paint jobs and a radio. it's still a beautiful beast and it's a diesel. I love my land rover and when shtf I'll convert it into bio deisl. Its too pretty for the city!
I will agree with this and state is as fact! I have an 1980 land cruiser on my property wayyy out side of the city and it's only 280k miles and other than a few paint jobs and a radio. it's still a beautiful beast and it's a diesel. I love my land rover and when shtf I'll convert it into bio deisl. Its too pretty for the city!
Shut up loser
No sir my friend they are definitely not about that life! All poops and giggles while behind a computer or phone screen but too afraid of the out side world to leave their moms basement or their section 8 hovel! They tout around and brag they are these smart, moral, sane people. They are not they eat their own like dirty hamsters. It must really suck to have only internet friends and be afraid of the real world. I'm wanting to educate my self on the political climate because I'm not a voter and have no clue what's going on in the political world. Instead of showing good cause and trying to sway someone to vote for their party or candidate. They see the name DONALD J TRUMP and fly out of the fucking soil and attack you like a pack of rabid water drunk fungus gnats! They say, they hate and dont support our elected President but, they are just too dumb, brainwashed and idiotic to see and understand that they are really just supporting PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP more and more as every day gets closer to 20202. They just cant set the crazy aside to see. So when DONALD J TRUMP WINS AGAIN IN 2020. I'm going to come here and laugh my ass off. Haaaaaaaaaaa
Shut up loser

Dont project your old worthless life on me! I'm Young and Fresh and still have a long life ahead of me :) you're here every day causing problems with people. I bet you one vote, that you smell like broken dreams heartache and old miserable man
eau de toilette no2! Youre Just an old bitter racist who thinks hes important on a website but is nothing in real life! You're on here day in and day out. You are nothing out side of here and have been that way for years! Your entire existence is riu political section! I mean, do you even grow you water drunk fungus gnat. Such a sad and sorry racist loser you are!

I cant believe you of all people have the audacity to tell someone to kill them self. You're just a little man through and through with no one who loves you. You have been here since what, 2012 day in and day out. Sad little man, sad. The countless hours fighting with people here for years day in and out. No wonder why you're the way you are. There is help out there for you, you should seek it! You have probably paid the mods over the years just to let you back onto the site because you are nothing out side of here. No one likes you in real life and that's why you have spent every waking moment on a website for almost 8 years. On here no one likes you either. Out side of here no one wants to interact with you! Sorry, bitter, racist buck the water drunk fungus gnat. Has no argument so he tells young people on the internet to end their lives, so morden and progressive thinking. I also bet you agree that people who say things like you did too me, should go too jail, especially if they were unstable enough to do so! You're the type who wanted to see Michelle Carter fry because it fits your looney tune agenda and you like, like' and getting woke points from your merry gang of trolls! It makes you have spirit fingers while feeling validated. You have ruined countless people's experience on here. Just because you dont agree with people. You're nothing but an online bully who would never show his face in a public setting because you're just straight bitch made. How much soy did mommy feed you after your dad kicked your head in as a child? You sad old pathetic, racist loser!
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