Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
Actually, they used to do it way back when, the pictures.They're called memento mouri.They'd dress the bodies up and pose them.Freaky.
Aw, man, that's sad.I know how you felt.OMG, Stoney that's fucking funny. Not the whole situation, just your dilemma over whether or not to smile. The passing around the baby...I'd have to leave, that'd freak me out.
And what's up with this taking pictures with the body? I've never seen that done before until a family friend died. He was a dealer and used to be in some big gang, so a LOT of these gang banged out lookin fools come to the funeral, and they all start taking pictures with the open casket! Throwing up gang signs and fucking being all up on shit. It was seriously pissing me and my family off, because it just seemed so disrespectful...
As for your dad, that's fucked up that your brother tried to force you to touch him. I remember the first time I touched a dead body was at a funeral and everyone walked up to the casket and either touched the person or kissed his forehead. I kissed his forehed. It was very cold.

A regular funeral home, man.My sister miscarried about a year ago and the whole family was at the hospital just to see the baby taking his last breaths. They were passing the baby around and they asked me if I wanted to hold the baby and at first I was " no I don't want to hold the baby " but after pondering over it for a couple minutes I decided that I didn't want to live to regret not holding the baby during his last breaths. So they handed it him to me and at first I was cool but all the sudden my feelings just overwhelmed me and I couldn't hold it back no more. Started crying my eyes out! Had to give the baby to someone else so I could go out to the hallway and finish crying. ( and I'm not the crying type at all " but that shit really got to me. Makes me sad thinking about it now.
That is seriously the craziest shit I have ever heard. Where the hell do they do funerals for fetuses?