Think Of Your Body


Well-Known Member
I see everyone being careful what they feed their grows by no chemicals. True soil microbes would die with chemicals.

Because of Cancer I have started going to a Herblist and doing some reading think of your body as a plant then think of the chemicals you put into it. Because of convenience or craving people put alot of chemicals in their body.

There is several things I cannot have because of chemicals. I basically cannot get anything from a store. No Sugar, nothing from a Can, no Meat, no Bleached Flour and many other things.

I can have Black Strap Molasses and I can hear that is Sugar. They are actually the opposite of each other. White Sugar feeds Cancer Cells and has nothing in it but calories. Molasses on the other hand kills Cancer Cells is loaded with vitamins and has reverse aging properties.

Yes I can have weed but not alcohol.
Listening to what your body tells you to do instead of listening to a herbalist who doesn't live in your own body. Learn to listen and start eating more fermented foods.

Absolutely under no circumstances completey remove meat but eat it less often but at least a couple of times of week. You need the bone marrow and collagen for the skin , organ and tissues to heal and function properly.

Completely exclude meat is probably the worst recommendations without any background of the individual. What works for me and your herbalist might not work for you but if you want to use food as medicine you need to go back in history to before refrigeration and what people focused on eating back then. We are very tuned to eat fermented foods with meats and greens.

Modern people only eat dead processed food without any live bacteria in it. Learn how the body breaks down and uptake nutrients, minerals and vitamins and try to better that process.
Listening to what your body tells you to do instead of listening to a herbalist who doesn't live in your own body. Learn to listen and start eating more fermented foods.

Absolutely under no circumstances completey remove meat but eat it less often but at least a couple of times of week. You need the bone marrow and collagen for the skin , organ and tissues to heal and function properly.

Completely exclude meat is probably the worst recommendations without any background of the individual. What works for me and your herbalist might not work for you but if you want to use food as medicine you need to go back in history to before refrigeration and what people focused on eating back then. We are very tuned to eat fermented foods with meats and greens.

Modern people only eat dead processed food without any live bacteria in it. Learn how the body breaks down and uptake nutrients, minerals and vitamins and try to better that process.
I'm sorry misunderstood. I can have meat mostly home grown or wild. I can't have any from the store because of Growth Hormones or Antibiotics.

Got a New problem that is bothering me. They did Radiation on me and it burnt my Bladder and when it heald it contracted so it don't hold much so I pee myself all the time. They are going to try Botox to relax it so it will hold more. If that don't work it is a Catheter.

Don't like the idea of Botox but I don't see any other choice.