what is your biggest fear?


Well-Known Member
im not being a jerk, just saying COME ON.

im at work, no bowls for me ;)
I beg to differ, stepping into our conversation and ridiculing us because what we're talking about is beneath you...that's being a jerk. Sorry our conversation isn't up to your standards, but you could have just stayed out of it.


Well-Known Member
you know what trips me out ,passing those huge diesels on the freeways,,,they always seem like there getting in my lane as i pass them,,,or what if a rock shot out from under someones tire,and cracked me in the face....lol...fuck...............but my worst fear is ,well let me put it this way,i pray and tell god to take my life befor my kids.....


Well-Known Member
No parent should have to bury his/her child.

I hate it when you get between two huge trucks. I feel like I'm gonna be squashed.

I had a friend who was riding his motorcycle on the freeway when a truck tire shot a rock at him and hit him in the FACE...well, of his helmet, you know. He was pretty fucked up, but he lived.


Well-Known Member
My biggest fear is that I will run into this guy in person one day, and won't be able to stop myself from punching him in his stupid FACE



Well-Known Member
he has it coming to him, dont be afraid

and that add showed up under you message, for me atleast

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
seriously i only have a few fears in life

1) spiders - i will kill a bitch if they put a spider on me
2) failur - im scared of being nothing and dieing and never remembered once i am gone
and last but not least!!
3) being alone - i am scared to death to go through life alone without someone there along side of me , but im good right now lmao, mabey shell be the one!! =)

and thats it, well those are my fears


people talk about oh im scared of this or that or im scared of spiders

not many people know what its like to experience a primal fear

mine happens to be syringes

i know what your all saying " i hate needles too"

no not like i do you dont

when i had to get the stupid hepatitis shot to get into JR high a long time ago,

i was under the chair in the doctors office in the fetal position

all of the blood drains from my face and i come pretty damn close to passing out

i go into shock

whats left of me after being 3/4 passed out has the fight or flight response like i have never felt before

im ready to run for my life or kill somebody, cant thin rationally

i cant even look at one, if im watching tv and one comes up on screen as part of the show i still freak out, cant look at it

lets see if i can explain it this way

lets pretend that you know me, you have known me for a while

im a pretty normal chill 20 y/o male who likes to smoke

if you even say "hey look" and you happen to have one in your hand i dont care how good of friends we are, ill just turn around and run

run far away, and i cant really control it, fight or flight response is a very intense and unpleasant feeling

im having trouble even talking about it... my hands are shaking


Well-Known Member
I agree with everglade, if a spider is far away, I dont mind, but if its above me, or on me, I freak out, and ending up alone is probably my other big fear


Well-Known Member
I also find myself doing other shit that I know I get from movies. Like when I open the medicine cabinet mirror, when I close it, I find that I brace myself to see someone standing behind me reflected in the mirror *shivers just thinkin about it*
LOL, I do the exact same thing! We have the same neurotic tendencies :)