New Member
Exactly my thoughts about Sarah.Jaded, hardly, and no, a nice rack is not a nice rack, if the tramp inside isn't worth respecting.
Exactly my thoughts about Sarah.Jaded, hardly, and no, a nice rack is not a nice rack, if the tramp inside isn't worth respecting.
What, I was supposed to learn something from you??? HAHAHAHEHEHOHO~LOL~. Not likely.Well 9 pages later and med is no smarter than when he started this thread.
"I am shocked! Shocked to find gambling going on in this establishment!"
I was thinking of Paris Hilton, or any of the other empty-headed hollywood bimbos.Exactly my thoughts about Sarah.
Now this is where we differ, I'd jump on Paris hilton in a heartbeat, but you couldn't pay me to screw Sarah Palin. For pure unadulterated sex, Paris has it hands down, now as for the Bimbo quotient, they seem pretty equal to me. In fact, I'd say Paris is even smarter than Palin. At least she was smart enough to be born to mega rich parents.I was thinking of Paris Hilton, or any of the other empty-headed hollywood bimbos.
WTF, is this turning into a kindergarden class? I thought I told you to lay off the being a good capitalist...i know that money takes the path of least resistance..and knows no national boundry's..not anymore.....when the us is going to charge 30% capital gains and every country in the world charge 11% guess where the money is going to go? and you think you can stop it??LOL...dont be foolish....because of NAFTA..and GATT..and permanent most favored nation trade status..the US worker bee was thrown in direct competition with a worker in china who will work for 20 dollars a month..20 dollars a can hire three of them for a month for what we pay one UAW worker for a hour...and our economy was expected to complete on a playing field with slave labor?dont you all remember when ross perot was telling everyone what was going to happen...well....IT DID..AND WE TOLD YOU SO..SOME PEOPLE HATE TO SAY..I TOLD YOU SO..NOT ME..I LOVE IT..I TOLD YOU SOOO I TOLD YOU SOOOOO...I WAS RIGHT..AND YOU ALL WERE WRONG..NA NE NA![]()
Always your solution, less taxes or no taxes. I realize no-one likes to pay taxes, but there is a need for them. I also realize that the people spending them are doing so for self-agrandizement. We need tarrifs on foriegn goods to balance out the costs and only trade with countries that meet an equal trade balance. In other words, we buy a billion bucks of your crap and you buy a billion bucks of our crap or we don't trade with you. That would put China out of business quick enough. Then we could bring back all those Manufacturing jobs. Hey those auto employees are going to need jobs, 17.00 an hr making clothes. With universal health care, mfgrs. could pay more to employees. There are some harsh plans that could save this country. I doubt Obama or the current congress has the balls to stand up to the money boys though.Excellent post, CJ ...
If the congress and the executive really wanted the economy to boom, they would reduce the corporate tax rate to 15%, eliminate the capital gains tax, the death tax ... and lower the top personal income tax rate to 15%. Better yet, they would eliminate the personal tax on income and replace it with a national sales tax, to be applied on the purchase of new goods only.
Always your solution, less taxes or no taxes. I realize no-one likes to pay taxes, but there is a need for them. I also realize that the people spending them are doing so for self-agrandizement. We need tarrifs on foriegn goods to balance out the costs and only trade with countries that meet an equal trade balance. In other words, we buy a billion bucks of your crap and you buy a billion bucks of our crap or we don't trade with you. That would put China out of business quick enough. Then we could bring back all those Manufacturing jobs. Hey those auto employees are going to need jobs, 17.00 an hr making clothes. With universal health care, mfgrs. could pay more to employees. There are some harsh plans that could save this country. I doubt Obama or the current congress has the balls to stand up to the money boys though.
I have to question whether Obama is a money Boy. He made a few bucks from his books, but that is not real money in Washington. Second, the cure for medical is universal medical, that eliminates all corporate responsibility and employee responsibility, neither of which can afford the current Insurance scams. There, mistakes rectified.First of all, Obama is one of the money boys.
Secondly, it is proven over and over that the less tax the better for productivity. The govt. tends to make about the same amonunt of money either way, but private business (the true engine) is given a boost with low taxes and as I previously posted, brings in foreign capital and gives the U.S. a competitive edge in global trading.
Thirdly, health care should not be carried by one's employer. It is an antiquated way of administering it and lets costs stay high by not making the insurance providers change their models of selective pools.
Other than those mistakes, your fine....
Med you damn naive fool.I have to question whether Obama is a money Boy. He made a few bucks from his books, but that is not real money in Washington. Second, the cure for medical is universal medical, that eliminates all corporate responsibility and employee responsibility, neither of which can afford the current Insurance scams. There, mistakes rectified.
I may be naive, although I doubt it. I say do away with all medical insurance scams. Institute full on universal health care, pay as we go health care. The kind where everyone is covered by the government plan and there is no room for insurance companies. Let the rich keep their doctors. My last dr. basically threw me out when he started a 3,000 per year fee to belong to his little party. I quickly moved on as it would have cost me 6,000 for myself and my wife and I'd still have to pay my insurance. That was my favorite Dr. of all time. I figure that the tax increase probably wouldn't exceed the 300.00 per Mo. I now pay + all the co pays and fees etc. The problem is, the young don't want to pay for all the old farts, not realizing that one day they'll be one, and the young will help pay for them.Med you damn naive fool.
Do you think that the government administers Insurance...
It doesn't. Medicaid and Medicare are administered by PRIVATE CORPORATIONS.
Oh well, one can only hope that in 50 years there is a break up of the Monopolies that are going to be created by this latest idiocy of the government's, just like the government created Monopoly called AT&T was broken up in 1984.