Med, there is a lot in your post to respond to, and they are all fair questions.
About the idea that I might think that "the rich will take care of all social problems"- the term "social problems" is pretty broad, but if I understand what you are saying, I think you are concerned about the willingness of human beings to help others without coercion (i.e., government intervention.) It's certainly an arguable issue- but i think that most people, even the rich, are basically good people who are completely willing to help DESERVING have-nots. I think it should be up to the individual, not a beauracracy, to decide who is deserving. Example: I see a guy downtown who says he has no food, and wants some money. I decide I want to help out, and I buy the guy lunch. So far so good. But then I decide to drive into the next town, knock on doors, and explain to those who answer.. "Hey, I know this guy in the next town, he needs your money worse than you do. You might not think so, but me and my friends talked about it, and we decided that's the way it is. Now cough up or go to jail." I think that's bullshit.
Now of course there will be those who have a lot, and will not do the right thing on their own. But here is the deal- YOU CAN'T GRANT A "RIGHT" TO ONE PERSON WITHOUT TAKING AWAY THE "RIGHT" OF ANOTHER. In this case, if I grant the "poor" the right to services paid for by coercion of the "rich", the rich lose their right to freely choose how their money is spent. And my bottom line is that I personally value my own right to have discretion over my personal funds MORE than I value my right to have access to YOUR money. In other words, I am willing to allow selfish rich people to keep their earnings if it means I can also keep my mine.
In regards to class systems- they are inevitable and a part of human nature. I don't see how you can create a classless society without being completely fascist or communist. What's more, I don't even hold the idea in high regard as far as a personal value, as I don't think happiness lies in one's ability to acquire and consume. Our country is not perfect by a long shot. But as I noted in my earlier post, I sincerely believe that a person can move up the class system in the United States if they want to. I also think you have to put the situation in this country in some kind of historical perspective. Our poorest people can hardly be called "poor" by historical definition, they can only be called poor in relation to people like us, who in turn are ridiculously rich by historical standards.
Taxes- that's a real deep subject, but I will say this. I don't have a problem with taxes so much as I have a problem with government SPENDING. I also feel that the vast majority of taxes should be levied at a local level; and I don't believe in any sort of income tax.
On anarchy- I don't want that. I think that physical protection of its citizens is one of the only legitimate functions of government, and completely support a fully-funded bad-ass military. (And a citizens right to be armed to the teeth in case they get any funny ideas.)
Yer bud DankyDank