I'm afraid you're the one who is spun. Free market capitalism is exactly what brought these corporations to their knees. Greed and excessive luxury allowed these fools to believe there was no tomorrow. Just play for today anf live like a king. Guess what? Now the greedy pricks come a groveling and our ever greedy politicians take our money and bail them out. What don't you get about laise-faire capitalism. With no controls, greed will always topple it. The problem exists from lack of controls not excess controls. This is living proof that unfettered Capitalism doesn't work.
No, unfettered capitalism would have worked just fine.
No possibility of assholes from ACORN using legislative influence to force companies into making bad loans.
The Companies that made the bad loans and securitized them and then traded derivatives on them would have been allowed to go belly up, and would not have been bailed out.
The bankers that are getting bonuses would now be out of jobs.
Very nice, neat, tidy solution, and best of all, NO BAIL OUTS
No GSEs,
Very great solution.
Seems to me that GOVERNMENT/SOCIALISM is the problem, not Unfettered Capitalism. Unfettered Capitalism would have let those companies collapse, and new, more efficient companies would spring up in their place.
Of course, I suppose I should stop trying to argue with the blind (or mentally retarded) and stop trying to make them see what they refuse to see, the hand of the government screwing the markets up entirely, and screwing us over, too.
Besides, all this talk about competition is ludicrous.
Yes, Capitalism is built on competition, but it is also built on cooperation, what are corporations but teams of people cooperating together to produce products more efficiently, cheaper, faster, and of better quality...
Well that was true until the Unions got involved, the Unions want inefficient manufacturing processes for job security, salaries make everything more expensive, and to be able to jerk off so that everything is produced slower (so they get OT and DT and TT), and consists of worse quality.
Of course, not all Union Employees are like that, but they do allow the leaches in to take advantage of the system. Of course, the ultimate end was the collapse of the largest of the Unionized Corporations the Big Three.
Hmm, perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here.
Bad Management + Bad Employees = FAILURE
Failure + Government = Zombification (Dead Companies being revived with Tax Payer Money)
Of course, the above lesson also applies to the banks and financial institutions that would have died in an unfettered capitalist system.
But don't let me remove your blinders, I don't really care. Being able to sharpen my mind against reasonably coherent idiots is fun.