You know I feel your pain but the medical system we have now is fucked up because the government fucked it up back in the '60s. Look I'm not rich I make 32k a year and I do not feel I should have to pay anyone elses medical benifits pay them yourself I do. You like forcable taxation, whatever man, the same amount of money could easely be made through federal sales taxes. Instead of an income tax. I don't want the IRS snoopin' around in my pocketzez lookin' for spare loot. As if they have some right to it. Its mine. Call me greedy fine, blame me for wanting to keep what is mine, without the threat of throwing me in prison if I don't give you your do.
Look I'm sorry you have a disabled kid. I have three children of my own and God forbid that should happen to one of mine. but that gives you no right to steal money from others because you "need" it more. Thats how it starts, its only for the "rich" then its only a few % then its we tax the rich to give to the poor. Like government is some kind off half ass Robin Hood. meanwhile the "Rich" don't pay taxes they shelter their income you think Bill Gates has to pay taxes on his 60+ billion dollars Hell no, only a fraction and at a small percentage.
The problem is government gets in the way. It rarely helps in the long run. It steals under threat of violence, it has no respect for personal property rights or keeping what you own. You earned it its yours. I really don't understand why you don't get that. And I'm sorry to say its people like you that have/will ussure in an era of big government and totalitarianism.
Meanwhile trillions with a T go missing from the pentigon (look it up 2002-3) those were peoples retirment accounts. The Government comes in does an investigation and finds 3 million pfft.. what a joke, the government LOL.
Income tax and the IRS should be refocused on the big corperations not the guy whos workin' for a livin' trying to build a life for himself, thats what this country was founded on. hard working people saving their loot and building a better life for "themselves" not some colletivist totalitarian feed the children, it takes a village, hogwash.
I don't mean to come off sounding like a dick but jeez you littaraly seem to think I owe you something or you owe me something ..... you don't.
Look I'm sorry you have a disabled kid. I have three children of my own and God forbid that should happen to one of mine. but that gives you no right to steal money from others because you "need" it more. Thats how it starts, its only for the "rich" then its only a few % then its we tax the rich to give to the poor. Like government is some kind off half ass Robin Hood. meanwhile the "Rich" don't pay taxes they shelter their income you think Bill Gates has to pay taxes on his 60+ billion dollars Hell no, only a fraction and at a small percentage.
The problem is government gets in the way. It rarely helps in the long run. It steals under threat of violence, it has no respect for personal property rights or keeping what you own. You earned it its yours. I really don't understand why you don't get that. And I'm sorry to say its people like you that have/will ussure in an era of big government and totalitarianism.
Meanwhile trillions with a T go missing from the pentigon (look it up 2002-3) those were peoples retirment accounts. The Government comes in does an investigation and finds 3 million pfft.. what a joke, the government LOL.
Income tax and the IRS should be refocused on the big corperations not the guy whos workin' for a livin' trying to build a life for himself, thats what this country was founded on. hard working people saving their loot and building a better life for "themselves" not some colletivist totalitarian feed the children, it takes a village, hogwash.
I don't mean to come off sounding like a dick but jeez you littaraly seem to think I owe you something or you owe me something ..... you don't.