• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What is corporate fascisim


Well-Known Member
You know I feel your pain but the medical system we have now is fucked up because the government fucked it up back in the '60s. Look I'm not rich I make 32k a year and I do not feel I should have to pay anyone elses medical benifits pay them yourself I do. You like forcable taxation, whatever man, the same amount of money could easely be made through federal sales taxes. Instead of an income tax. I don't want the IRS snoopin' around in my pocketzez lookin' for spare loot. As if they have some right to it. Its mine. Call me greedy fine, blame me for wanting to keep what is mine, without the threat of throwing me in prison if I don't give you your do.

Look I'm sorry you have a disabled kid. I have three children of my own and God forbid that should happen to one of mine. but that gives you no right to steal money from others because you "need" it more. Thats how it starts, its only for the "rich" then its only a few % then its we tax the rich to give to the poor. Like government is some kind off half ass Robin Hood. meanwhile the "Rich" don't pay taxes they shelter their income you think Bill Gates has to pay taxes on his 60+ billion dollars Hell no, only a fraction and at a small percentage.

The problem is government gets in the way. It rarely helps in the long run. It steals under threat of violence, it has no respect for personal property rights or keeping what you own. You earned it its yours. I really don't understand why you don't get that. And I'm sorry to say its people like you that have/will ussure in an era of big government and totalitarianism.

Meanwhile trillions with a T go missing from the pentigon (look it up 2002-3) those were peoples retirment accounts. The Government comes in does an investigation and finds 3 million pfft.. what a joke, the government LOL.

Income tax and the IRS should be refocused on the big corperations not the guy whos workin' for a livin' trying to build a life for himself, thats what this country was founded on. hard working people saving their loot and building a better life for "themselves" not some colletivist totalitarian feed the children, it takes a village, hogwash.

I don't mean to come off sounding like a dick but jeez you littaraly seem to think I owe you something or you owe me something ..... you don't.


New Member
Gee, I can hardly wait until the government removes all competition from medical care. Just think, we can have successful medical care under the strict supervision of the federal government, then have quality medical care, just like we have quality education in our government monopolized schools. :roll:

We already have a SOVIET SCHOOL SYSTEM, why not match it up with SOVIET HEALTH CARE?

I mean it's all worked out swell so far right? :lol: :roll:


New Member
Our school system is fucked beyond repair. They say "you get what you pay for" then why the hell aren't teachers making more money? We want them to teach and shape our future leaders yet we only pay them a paltry sum while people who play games for a living make millions per year. Anyone else see something wrong with that whole idea?


Well-Known Member
the USA already pays more to educate a student than any country in the world..how much more expensive can failure be?you will find the reason people become teachers is they like children...or they are to lazy to get a competitive job in the real work force...just another person..drawing a government check :clap:


New Member
but how much of the money collected for schools and teachers salaries actually make it to them? We have a huge problem called "skimming off the top" here in America.

Money is slated for something, them someone skims. Then the money gets to where it's supposed to be and someone skims, then as the money gets used, someone skims. By the time all the skimming is accounted for, a good third is just gone, poof, into thin air.


New Member
but how much of the money collected for schools and teachers salaries actually make it to them? We have a huge problem called "skimming off the top" here in America.

Money is slated for something, them someone skims. Then the money gets to where it's supposed to be and someone skims, then as the money gets used, someone skims. By the time all the skimming is accounted for, a good third is just gone, poof, into thin air.

No, It's called the teachers UNION.......:clap::clap::clap::clap:.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Gee, I can hardly wait until the government removes all competition from medical care. Just think, we can have successful medical care under the strict supervision of the federal government, then have quality medical care, just like we have quality education in our government monopolized schools. :roll:

Yeah VI, I guess all those people in the other 1st world countries with national health care are dying by the thousands from malpractice and shitty medical care. Fact: Most doctors are well paid and happy with their lives under such a system. Their whole education is funded by the government, another fine point. There are some jobs well suited to government, although I'm sure you'll disagree.


New Member
Did you know that in other countries midwives do most of the childbirth? Only in America do we have doctors attending women giving birth. Our rate for C section is also a lot higher than countries that use midwives.

I'm sure the doctors don't want to give up delivering babies. It's easy and I'm sure it pays well. Maybe if greed wasn't in the way there would be more natural births and less c-sections going on.


New Member
Did you know that in other countries midwives do most of the childbirth? Only in America do we have doctors attending women giving birth. Our rate for C section is also a lot higher than countries that use midwives.

I'm sure the doctors don't want to give up delivering babies. It's easy and I'm sure it pays well. Maybe if greed wasn't in the way there would be more natural births and less c-sections going on.
You're correct, of course, on the amount of C-sections, but the monumental increase in them isn't due to the greed of doctors. Nope ... we can blame them on the trial lawyers like that scumbag John Edwards.



New Member
actually we can blame that, the doctors administer the epidural which slows the contractions and stresses the fetal heartbeat. Midwives don't use this technique which is why they have less c-sections in other countries. So yes we can blame doctors for this problem.


New Member
It doesn't say exactly what the doctors did that made lawsuits even possible.

I read of a case where a woman went into labor while her doctor was on vacation. She had difficulty and wasn't progressing normally. The doctor didn't want to lose his delivery fee so he made the woman wait for FOUR days in labor so he could come back and deliver the baby c-section. Her baby was born with all kinds of problems, all attributed to stress on the baby for so long during delivery. Had the doctor passed the case on, or come home early, a lot of pain a suffering could have been spared. He didn't do that though, he wanted his delivery fee. He even admitted that he didn't want to lose the fee.

What does cause Cerebral Palsy? Does anyone know? Is there a test that can be done before delivery?


Well-Known Member
the government has become the adversary and enemy of the people.....the police are criminals the judges are criminals..the lawyers are mostly criminals..the politicians are criminals..we have without a doubt a government out of control,.....:fire:


New Member
the government has become the adversary and enemy of the people.....the police are criminals the judges are criminals..the lawyers are mostly criminals..the politicians are criminals..we have without a doubt a government out of control,.....:fire:
And then we have the corporate criminals, Enron, Global crossing, 99.9% of execs that steal over a million bucks a year, etc. The only honest people are the wage workers and blue collar guys and even they have an eye for the occasional theft, well some of them.


New Member
Everything, everywhere boils down to money. I hate greedy people, "what can I get for me, how can I get mine, who can I step on to get me what I want" it makes me want to puke.

How nice it would be to live in a society where everyone wanted to help everybody else. Where it's not about greed, but doing what is right. Where people don't try to take advantage of others.


New Member
Everything, everywhere boils down to money. I hate greedy people, "what can I get for me, how can I get mine, who can I step on to get me what I want" it makes me want to puke.

How nice it would be to live in a society where everyone wanted to help everybody else. Where it's not about greed, but doing what is right. Where people don't try to take advantage of others.

It's how EVERYTHING is set up Miss...... competition intermixed with violence are the two main tenants of Earth. The mthods vary widely but the principle remains intact.

Maybe that's why we look to the stars so often and silently wish to be somewhere else...... we just can't admit the deep down truth of it all.

We're all Luke Skywalker.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
guys like bill gates have willed their entire fortunes to charity to help people.around the world..how many times you hear of some broke dick giving billions to charity?alot of people call bill gates greedy...you will find type A personality's will work hard..strive to be better...and want rewarded for their hard work....most people like to be rewarded for their work....and efforts....weather it is the doctor the who ever it is...many people spend 80 or a hundred hours a week their whole lifes to get asset's together..you two socialists think your government has a right to stick their hand into the pocket of this guy who worked for his money..and pull that man out..and spend it on you....because you only want to work 20 to 40 hours a week..how do you think it makes that guy feel when he works his ass off day in and day out to get somewhere and at the end of the year the government steals half of what he worked hard for the year before?if you are broke you cant help anyone..NOT EVEN YOURSELF..the exact same shit moffit and med. are talking has been tried in the past..you two are just going to love the results..you should go read a little history..you can start with the germans in ww1..the fed reserve act..the bolshivics the US constitution the bill of rights..the declaration of independence...the federalist and anti federalist papers....how about the history of the roman empire?lol.what caused the roman empire to fail is the exact same stupid idiotic stuff you are trying to try..im sure you are going to try it.you and your socialist buddies...but you are DOOMED TO FAIL..if you want to see about what is going to happen to the economy..take a look at the japanese economy over the 90's,,,we are headed into a 10 to 15 year recession because of idiots...enjoy...high unemployment for around 15 YEARS...or untill a world war starts....you can bury your head in the sand all you want..it still does not change the facts ....:fire:


New Member
Yet the government has the right to stick their hand in my pocket to take my money to give it to someone who gets more in a yearly bonus than I will even make in my whole life?

These CEO's had it great, but they fucked up. You can't take every cent of profit and call it your paycheck. There is this thing called investing back into your company to keep it strong. They didn't do that. They took the cash and stuck it in their own accounts so they could live high off the hog.

In a capitolist society if your business is going into the crapper, you sell off your own assests to keep the business from shutting down. They could sell their homes, cars, jewelry, clothes, knick-knacks, etc. and downsize their lives to save their business. Only since they have that sense of entitlement that seems to be an epidemic, they think "why should I save my own ass, I could just ask for money from people who are barely scraping by". Which is what they did.

I predict that within 4 years we will be right back here with the came companies needing more money because they pissed away their bailout the same way they piss away their profits. So go and bury your head in the sand, it doesn't change the facts of how they got to this point in the first place.