What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Guliani tried to do escape and evade from process server on behalf of Dominion Lawsuit ...... didn’t work.

On Feb. 7, a pair of process servers and Giuliani got into an awkward standoff during a nasty winter storm. That morning, the doorman to the building waved to a Ford Explorer SUV parked down the street. Giuliani got in the passenger seat and closed the SUV door as a process server lunged forward with a bag full of documents.

“This is not the way it’s supposed to be done. You should have gone to my office,” Giuliani said, according to the account. The lawsuit was lodged between the SUV door.

The doorman got involved, jabbing his umbrella into the SUV door. The driver and doorman pulled the bag of legal documents, allowing Giuliani to close the SUV door. The process server left the bag in front of Giuliani’s building, which the doorman had locked yet again.

“These documents now belong to Giuliani,” the process server declared.

Building staff apparently didn’t agree. The process server saw a maintenance worker throw the bag of legal documents in a trash can on the street. They retrieved the legal documents and continued pursuing Giuliani.

For the next two days, the process server failed to intercept Giuliani at his office or apartment building. Staff at Giuliani’s office ignored messages to set up an appointment to hand off the suit.

At one point, his driver went through a red light while dodging the process server, according to the account. Finally, on Feb. 10, Giuliani’s assistant accepted service on his behalf.

Giuliani did not respond to an inquiry.




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Steve Bannon investigation gains steam as Manhattan prosecutors subpoena financial records - CNNPolitics

Steve Bannon investigation gains steam as Manhattan prosecutors subpoena financial records

New York (CNN)The Manhattan district attorney's office has subpoenaed financial records related to Steve Bannon's crowd-funding border-wall effort, signaling that its criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump's chief strategist is advancing, according to people familiar with the matter.

Prosecutors sent the subpoenas after Trump pardoned Bannon in late January for federal conspiracy crimes tied to the southern border-wall project, making Bannon among the Trump world figures -- including the former president -- subjects of criminal investigations by Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance.

The grand jury subpoenas were sent to Wells Fargo, one of the financial institutions that handled some of the accounts used in the fundraising effort, and to GoFundMe, the crowdfunding platform where Bannon's project, "We Build the Wall," once operated, the people said.

The state grand jury investigation revives the possibility that Bannon, the conservative and outspoken political strategist, could face state criminal charges after shedding the federal case last month.

In addition to the criminal investigation, the New Jersey attorney general's office has launched a civil inquiry into We Build the Wall. In September, the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs subpoenaed We Build the Wall for documents seeking a wide range of records, according to court filings.

The move by Vance comes as he is investigating Trump and the Trump Organization for potential financial crimes, including insurance fraud and tax fraud, according to people familiar with the matter. Trump has called the investigation a witch hunt and fishing expedition.

Robert Costello, an attorney for Bannon, could not be reached for comment.

A spokesman for GoFundMe said the company "does not comment on or confirm requests for information from any law enforcement officials."

Spokesmen for Wells Fargo and the district attorney's office declined to comment.

A representative for the New Jersey attorney general told CNN, "The Division of Consumer Affairs neither confirms nor denies the existence or status of investigations."

The district attorney's investigation into Bannon's fundraising activities is focused, so far, on the same allegations of fraud brought by federal prosecutors, the people say.

Last summer, federal prosecutors with the US attorney's office in Manhattan announced charges against Bannon and three other men alleging they defrauded donors in the border wall effort that raised more than $25 million.

Prosecutors alleged Bannon diverted more than $1 million to pay a co-conspirator and cover hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal expenses. They alleged the victims, including some in New York, were falsely told that all the money donated would go toward the construction effort.

Bannon pleaded not guilty to the federal charges. Following his arraignment, Bannon said, "This entire fiasco is to stop people who want to build the wall."

Of the four men charged, Bannon was the only one pardoned. Federal prosecutors are still pursuing criminal charges against the others, who have all pleaded not guilty.

Federal prosecutors have not addressed Bannon's pardon and it isn't clear if they are going to challenge it.
In some situations, the district attorney's office could enter into an information-sharing agreement to obtain grand jury material collected during the federal investigation. There's no indication that such an arrangement has been reached.
Vance has brought charges before when there were concerns about a pardon.

In 2019 Vance announced a 16-count indictment charging Paul Manafort, Trump's former campaign chairman, with state crimes just hours after he was sentenced on federal fraud charges. Manafort was pardoned by Trump late last year. Earlier this month, a state appeals court threw out the state charges on double jeopardy grounds.

Potential charges against Bannon would not face the same legal challenge since Bannon was charged with federal crimes but was not convicted, lawyers tell CNN.


Well-Known Member
Am I happy or sad?
Mostly sad
No joy, none really at all even though I wish the Trumps never existed
I just hate to see a fellow Human being destroy themselves or fail
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Well-Known Member
i'm quite happy and want to see a massive flame-out of the trump name/brand.

i'd like the phrase Benedict Arnold to be replaed by Benedict Donald.
Donny, Jr, Eric, Ivanka, all the Trumps are traitors. Perhaps we can dispense with the first name. Trump family name is now synonymous with traitor.


Well-Known Member
You have the first American "Royal family" here folks, looks dynastic to me!
CPAC’s “Golden Calf” Trump statue is a perfect metaphor for the state of the Republican Party - Vox

This golden statue of Trump at CPAC is a perfect metaphor for the state of the GOP
Apparently CPAC attendees missed the part of the Bible about the Golden Calf.


The Golden Calf is one of the most famous stories in the Old Testament. The Israelites, newly freed from Egyptian slavery, have a crisis of faith while God is speaking with Moses on Mount Sinai. They melt down the golden jewelry to construct a physical god — a statue in the shape of a calf — to worship in place of their abstract, invisible deity. It’s a story about the allure of idolatry, how easy it is to abandon one’s commitments to principle in favor of shiny, easy falsehoods.

This biblical tale trended on Twitter in the US Friday morning because of the following video, filmed on the first day of the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Someone involved in the conference constructed a golden statue — not of a calf, but of Trump — and wheeled it out to cheers from conference attendees. “That is so cool,” one of the onlookers says.

There are so many reasons why this is a perfect metaphor for the state of the GOP after the Trump presidency.

The party sacrificed its commitment to political principles, including previously cherished ideals like free trade, on the altar of Trumpism. White evangelicals abandoned their alleged commitments to godliness in public servants and embraced a man accused of serial sexual assault who had an affair with a porn star and paid her hush money to cover it up. Conservatism, once seen as a high-minded intellectual tradition, became undeniably base and degraded in the Trump years.

But above all else, the statue points to the way in which the GOP remains the party of Trump even after his presidency — gaudy golden aesthetic and all. The party’s base is so committed to the former president that they construct idols of him, literally, to stand up at their premier political conference.

The party leadership understands that, of course. It’s why the vast bulk of the GOP Senate caucus embraced flimsy constitutional rationales for acquitting Trump in the most recent impeachment trial, despite clear evidence that he incited the January 6 riot at the US Capitol that threatened their lives. They are too afraid of their own voters to turn on Trump, and so have no choice but to embrace him — despite knowing how much of a threat he poses to their party and American democracy.

Trump’s hold is so powerful, in fact, that even his children are now considered leading possibilities for the 2024 GOP nomination — despite the complete lack of relevant qualifications.

A recent poll found that Donald Trump Jr. was one of the most popular choices for the 2024 nomination, doing better than Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley combined. On Fox News Thursday night, former GOP House member and Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows openly proclaimed that it’s still Trump’s party — either Donald, Donald Jr.’s, or Ivanka’s. “We will see the start of planning for the next administration and I can tell you — the people that are at the top of that list, all of them have Trump as their last name,” he says.

In the Bible, the Golden Calf story ends with a furious Moses destroying the idol — dumping its ashes into water and forcing the Israelites to drink it as punishment. In theory, the voters in 2020 could have been the party’s Moses, the loss of the White House and the Senate their bitter ashwater.

And yet, here they are, still building idols of a false god.
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Well-Known Member
You have the first American "Royal family" here folks, looks dynastic to me!
CPAC’s “Golden Calf” Trump statue is a perfect metaphor for the state of the Republican Party - Vox

This golden statue of Trump at CPAC is a perfect metaphor for the state of the GOP
Apparently CPAC attendees missed the part of the Bible about the Golden Calf.

View attachment 4837943

The Golden Calf is one of the most famous stories in the Old Testament. The Israelites, newly freed from Egyptian slavery, have a crisis of faith while God is speaking with Moses on Mount Sinai. They melt down the golden jewelry to construct a physical god — a statue in the shape of a calf — to worship in place of their abstract, invisible deity. It’s a story about the allure of idolatry, how easy it is to abandon one’s commitments to principle in favor of shiny, easy falsehoods.

This biblical tale trended on Twitter in the US Friday morning because of the following video, filmed on the first day of the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Someone involved in the conference constructed a golden statue — not of a calf, but of Trump — and wheeled it out to cheers from conference attendees. “That is so cool,” one of the onlookers says.

There are so many reasons why this is a perfect metaphor for the state of the GOP after the Trump presidency.

The party sacrificed its commitment to political principles, including previously cherished ideals like free trade, on the altar of Trumpism. White evangelicals abandoned their alleged commitments to godliness in public servants and embraced a man accused of serial sexual assault who had an affair with a porn star and paid her hush money to cover it up. Conservatism, once seen as a high-minded intellectual tradition, became undeniably base and degraded in the Trump years.

But above all else, the statue points to the way in which the GOP remains the party of Trump even after his presidency — gaudy golden aesthetic and all. The party’s base is so committed to the former president that they construct idols of him, literally, to stand up at their premier political conference.

The party leadership understands that, of course. It’s why the vast bulk of the GOP Senate caucus embraced flimsy constitutional rationales for acquitting Trump in the most recent impeachment trial, despite clear evidence that he incited the January 6 riot at the US Capitol that threatened their lives. They are too afraid of their own voters to turn on Trump, and so have no choice but to embrace him — despite knowing how much of a threat he poses to their party and American democracy.

Trump’s hold is so powerful, in fact, that even his children are now considered leading possibilities for the 2024 GOP nomination — despite the complete lack of relevant qualifications.

A recent poll found that Donald Trump Jr. was one of the most popular choices for the 2024 nomination, doing better than Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley combined. On Fox News Thursday night, former GOP House member and Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows openly proclaimed that it’s still Trump’s party — either Donald, Donald Jr.’s, or Ivanka’s. “We will see the start of planning for the next administration and I can tell you — the people that are at the top of that list, all of them have Trump as their last name,” he says.

In the Bible, the Golden Calf story ends with a furious Moses destroying the idol — dumping its ashes into water and forcing the Israelites to drink it as punishment. In theory, the voters in 2020 could have been the party’s Moses, the loss of the White House and the Senate their bitter ashwater.

And yet, here they are, still building idols of a false god.

Don Jr. might be in the cell next to his old man by 2024.


Well-Known Member
And yet, here they are, still building idols of a false god.
Of that mother-fucking sub-human, of all people
That POS is their goal/highest standard/aspiration/inspiration?
Jesus fucking Christ
What has this Nation become?
We're fucked, no doubt about it in my mind when almost half of the population still support Trump
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Well-Known Member
Of that mother-fucking sub-human, of all people
That POS is their goal/highest standard/aspiration/inspiration?
Jesus fucking Christ
What has this Nation become?
We're fucked, no doubt about it in my mind when almost half of the population still support Trump
There's fewer now than there was before and the stupid pricks are headed for the mother of all divisions. All these clowns are just trying to suck the base's ass until Donald is removed from the scene, they are counting on it more than you, Mitch is just quietly taking his time until the hammer falls on Trump. The republican party has lost millions of supporters since the election and more after the capital sacking, just keep them out of power and keep hammering away at the foundations of their power with HR-1, media reform and criminal investigations.

Joe is doing a great job and it looks like he will have covid largely under control by fall. They are wasting no time and will soon have more done for the country than the republicans did in the past 4 years and we are less than 40 days into his administration. I'd say for now at least the democrats are a hugely positive force in America and the only viable political option for a patriot. If ya wanna save yer country climb on board and work for Joe and his agenda, the fight ain't over yet, but you've got a good start on winning the war. You've got not just the right cause on your side, but almost all of the compassionate people with brains in the country. They don't have too many brains on the republican side, or spines to carry them on, soon they won't have much money either.