What has Trump done to this country?

Here are some good ideas for political reform, the Alaska model, looks interesting and already has had an effect in the senate with a republican vote to convict Trump in the impeachment trial.
Can America Get The Third Party It Wants?

New polling shows a record number of Americans identify as Independent and favor a new political party. Nick Troiano of Unite America joins Morning Joe to discuss his recent column on why America doesn't have the third party it wants.
what he's done to us..?

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ps. be careful with your 1099 from any UI state..mine said i got $20k from CO UI:lol::wall:
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Tiffany pulls out of Lease at Trump 57th st. Building .... $7 mil goes poof.

Trump’s coffers just got lighter .... goodbye coppertone , goodbye hair dye.

In 2018, the iconic jewelry store agreed to sublease the 74,000-square-foot space on 6 E 57th St. while renovations were done at its Fifth Avenue headquarters.

Both Tiffany's headquarters and the temporary retail space sit at the foot of Trump Tower.

The store will move back to its original headquarters in mid-2022, leaving the Trump Organisation left with a five-story retail space to fill....... 5 story of now unfilled space . So much winning.

There does not appear to be any political motivation behind Tiffany's move..... ummm ok.
Tiffany pulls out of Lease at Trump 57th st. Building .... $7 mil goes poof.

Trump’s coffers just got lighter .... goodbye coppertone , goodbye hair dye.

In 2018, the iconic jewelry store agreed to sublease the 74,000-square-foot space on 6 E 57th St. while renovations were done at its Fifth Avenue headquarters.

Both Tiffany's headquarters and the temporary retail space sit at the foot of Trump Tower.

The store will move back to its original headquarters in mid-2022, leaving the Trump Organisation left with a five-story retail space to fill....... 5 story of now unfilled space . So much winning.

There does not appear to be any political motivation behind Tiffany's move..... ummm ok.
This is what I'm doing right the fuck now after reading that :)

They believe other crazy chit. My in-laws believe cardinals are visiting relatives.
People have always believed crazy shit, less today than in the past, but they were feed just one kind of bullshit, though it came in many flavors. Now a days we have the internet and any fool can become a publisher or any moron with a cellphone can become a YouTube video producer. Conspiracy theories abound and senseless incoherent bullshit pulled out of people's asses become "alternate facts". Getting rid of Trump alone caused over a 75% drop in disinformation on twitter and his public muzzling is having an effect, so will social media regulation and reform.

As for Cardinals, I don't have much to say, but tell your relatives it's nice to see a real Christian get the pope job and they should attend to his teachings! I expect he will visit Joe one day, with Joe being a mass going man and all. The pope was no fan of Trump, here's why, something else to share with religious Trump relatives, go through the check list with them! :lol:
