What has Trump done to this country?

So there's this older lady at work, an executive admin. She's a 61 year old die hard California Democrat. Loves AOC, can't get enough of Kamala, and a bunch of others, but her and I are great friends. I'll stop by her office once or twice a week to talk and the conversation turns to politics about half the time.
We obviously have opposing views and disagree quite often, hell we sometimes find common ground but, the conversation never gets heated. Afterwards she'll usually give me a hug and tell me not to wait so long to stop by her office again.
I foolishly thought that same kind of discourse could be found here, with a bunch of people who enjoy some weed and who should be fairly chill.

Good god damn was I ever wrong. Instead of some good debate, you lot are vehemently against any viewpoint other than your own and that's pretty fucking sad. So, as much as I've enjoyed watching you lot jerk each other off while hurling insults, I'm just going to go back to why I came to this site in the first place, to read about weed, learn about weed, and talk to others who want the same. Enjoy your echo chamber.
The biggest difference is,

So there's this older lady at work, an executive admin. She's a 61 year old die hard California Democrat. Loves AOC, can't get enough of Kamala, and a bunch of others, but her and I are great friends. I'll stop by her office once or twice a week to talk and the conversation turns to politics about half the time.
We obviously have opposing views and disagree quite often, hell we sometimes find common ground but, the conversation never gets heated. Afterwards she'll usually give me a hug and tell me not to wait so long to stop by her office again.
I foolishly thought that same kind of discourse could be found here, with a bunch of people who enjoy some weed and who should be fairly chill.

Good god damn was I ever wrong. Instead of some good debate, you lot are vehemently against any viewpoint other than your own and that's pretty fucking sad. So, as much as I've enjoyed watching you lot jerk each other off while hurling insults, I'm just going to go back to why I came to this site in the first place, to read about weed, learn about weed, and talk to others who want the same. Enjoy your echo chamber.
Management. Hahahaha
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what a bunch of fools. MSM mush heads - you get your news and opinions from ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS and now FOX. You haven't seen the truth in years and you're fucking blind to it. Just wait and see what that old fool does to the country
So you have the inside scoop. I guess you haven't noticed what the old fool did? You youngsters sure know about life.
So there's this older lady at work, an executive admin. She's a 61 year old die hard California Democrat. Loves AOC, can't get enough of Kamala, and a bunch of others, but her and I are great friends. I'll stop by her office once or twice a week to talk and the conversation turns to politics about half the time.
By your post you make it seem like educated women of color one of whom is now our VPOTUS and the other is a emerging congresswoman is a bad thing?

We obviously have opposing views and disagree quite often, hell we sometimes find common ground but, the conversation never gets heated. Afterwards she'll usually give me a hug and tell me not to wait so long to stop by her office again.
That is nice, you should take her up on it. If you do you should ask if she reads/watches 'the Hill' or 'the Nation' because they sneak in a lot of left-troll propaganda.

I foolishly thought that same kind of discourse could be found here, with a bunch of people who enjoy some weed and who should be fairly chill.

Good god damn was I ever wrong.
You really don't understand the attack that is occuring on our democracy then (assuming you are American, you never actually said if you were or not, nor answered how you feel about the Russian attack on our citizens).

Instead of some good debate, you lot are vehemently against any viewpoint other than your own and that's pretty fucking sad. So, as much as I've enjoyed watching you lot jerk each other off while hurling insults, I'm just going to go back to why I came to this site in the first place, to read about weed, learn about weed, and talk to others who want the same. Enjoy your echo chamber.
That is on you. You log into this forum and think you know all the ins and outs enough to start elbowing your way to 'owning the libs' and never slowed down enough to figure out what is what. Just like what a paid foreign troll would do to catfish people while spamming their nonsense.

You have read into my posts with what you wanted/expected them to be and are so busy trying to defend yourself that you can't even take the time to read them without your anger clouding what I am saying.

The fact you call this forum a 'echo chamber' shows how little you understand about this attack on our nation once again.

Best of luck to you. It sucks because I actually think you may be a real person, but are too stuck to slow down and have a conversation because you are so used to talking to the one troll that controls multiple accounts anytime you log in to set you up for easy 'owns'.

what a bunch of fools. MSM mush heads - you get your news and opinions from ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS and now FOX. You haven't seen the truth in years and you're fucking blind to it. Just wait and see what that old fool does to the country
Stick to AP News if you are concerned about understanding the difference between reported facts on those channels and their opinion.
So there's this older lady at work, an executive admin. She's a 61 year old die hard California Democrat. Loves AOC, can't get enough of Kamala, and a bunch of others, but her and I are great friends. I'll stop by her office once or twice a week to talk and the conversation turns to politics about half the time.
Sounds like you're describing yourself and the fact you can't stand AOC or Kamala because they're both smart, beautiful women you have no chance in hell of ever landing.
The Right, over the last 40 years has waged a War on Truth in any form. The clap trap echo chamber just mouths meaningless garbage and slanders anyone or anything that is not exactly lined up with their sick horseshit. A constant barrage of character assassinations, outright lies and hate.
