What has Trump done to this country?

trump pulled resources last summer from investigating Militias and assorted other violent fascists like Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. Even though the FBI warned repeatedly of their danger.
Asshole instead wanted more efforts to investigate Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
Where is all the school lunch money going since there’s been no school lunches, for the most part.
Except that Dems and their useful idiots are doing everything they can to promote all other races, colors, and creeds over those pasty white asses.

And yes, that's how evolution works. The strong survive and live to pass along their genetics. Do you have any factual examples of how Republicans are trying to eliminate non whites?
So you are genetically superior. I'm retired. You are funny. Mein Kampf much?
Except that Dems and their useful idiots are doing everything they can to promote all other races, colors, and creeds over those pasty white asses.

And yes, that's how evolution works. The strong survive and live to pass along their genetics. Do you have any factual examples of how Republicans are trying to eliminate non whites?
Not really...
So there's this older lady at work, an executive admin. She's a 61 year old die hard California Democrat. Loves AOC, can't get enough of Kamala, and a bunch of others, but her and I are great friends. I'll stop by her office once or twice a week to talk and the conversation turns to politics about half the time.
We obviously have opposing views and disagree quite often, hell we sometimes find common ground but, the conversation never gets heated. Afterwards she'll usually give me a hug and tell me not to wait so long to stop by her office again.
I foolishly thought that same kind of discourse could be found here, with a bunch of people who enjoy some weed and who should be fairly chill.

Good god damn was I ever wrong. Instead of some good debate, you lot are vehemently against any viewpoint other than your own and that's pretty fucking sad. So, as much as I've enjoyed watching you lot jerk each other off while hurling insults, I'm just going to go back to why I came to this site in the first place, to read about weed, learn about weed, and talk to others who want the same. Enjoy your echo chamber.
You don’t get piss tested, ever? I mean my brother in law was high level aerodynamics here in Florida, and wouldn’t smoke if it would save her life.
No, only for initial hiring and if you're involved in an accident at work. I didn't start medicating until about 3 years ago, well after I was hired. I was only sleeping about 2.5 hours a night and needed a way to curb my insomnia.
what a bunch of fools. MSM mush heads - you get your news and opinions from ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS and now FOX. You haven't seen the truth in years and you're fucking blind to it. Just wait and see what that old fool does to the country
You mean the insurrection where he stated, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
Another is when they start killing to get their way. They tried that on Jan 6.
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You have a strange sense humor for an American.