What has Trump done to this country?

Behold this gem .....

Police shield wielding loser was tracked and arrested. This fuckwad just ooozes creepy child molester / the lovely bones guy.
He is fat / fluffy and easy prey for “ Mad Dog Gonzalez “ multiple life serving prison block king. You can hear the fisting already.

4F5CFD7A-3E6D-418E-9FBA-B462E1E015F0.jpeg0A638B23-2979-404F-9E85-6C440CEF8273.jpeg ( sorry Stanley Tucci ) ... lol.
T, r, u, m, p spells LOSER.
I hate that fucker, but yet I feel pity
I guess it's my Roman Catholic upbringing/indoctrination, or is it just a basic sense of pity seeing someone fail/destroy themselves.
I don't know which emotion to encompass right now, gleeful satisfaction on the end of Trump or the saddness that I feel at seeing/knowing he's fucking destroyed.
I'm confused emotionally.
I hate that fucker, but yet I feel pity
I guess it's my Roman Catholic upbringing/indoctrination, or is it just a basic sense of pity seeing someone fail/destroy themselves.
I don't know which emotion to encompass right now, gleeful satisfaction on the end of Trump or the saddness that I feel at seeing/knowing he's fucking destroyed.
I'm confused emotionally.
Don't let your guard down. He has no feelings and deserves everything, and more, of what he gets. Consider how miserable he'd have made you, had he won. I had the same Catholic upbringing as you, but I'm not letting that get in the way of justice. He's a broken, small man and I'm reveling in it. In fact, I've just begun to enjoy it.
45 left some turds behind.

Another Trump-era complication for this election cycle’s power swap: Trump added more layers and senior staffers to federal government, Light said.

Researchers have crunched the federal government’s annual directory of executive-level Cabinet staffers — the associates to the chiefs of staff, the deputies to the deputies — each year since the Kennedy administration. There were 451 of them, then.

There were 3,265 of those senior Cabinet employees when Obama left town — and 4,886 at last count under Trump, Light said, in research that Brookings published in October.

The understanding over the years is “acting appointees are not going to do anything significant” without warning, he said. “We just cross our fingers and hope that people will behave.”

Not only did he fire anybody who so much as looked disloyal (aka, did not lick his boots), he ADDED 1,600 middle level management jobs to the Cabinet staff. For some reason, I doubt they will behave. When they get fired they will scream bloody murder and go all crazy. Like father, like son.
Joe throwing out the trash ......

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The Biden administration first asked Robb to resign, a departure from the norm that presidents of both parties have followed to allow the general counsel to serve out their term. Robb’s term was scheduled to be over in 10 months.
But Robb refused.

In a letter to the White House, he called the request “unprecedented since the nascence of the National Labor Relations Act” and said his removal “would set an unfortunate precedent,” according to a copy obtained by The Washington Post and first published by Law360.

Robb wrote that Biden’s request, which came shortly after noon via email from the White House Presidential Personnel Office, blindsided him.

“I respectfully decline to resign,” Robb wrote.

Biden had told Robb he should step down by 5 p.m. or he would be fired, the White House said, news of which was first reported by Bloomberg Law. By 8:45 p.m., the general counsel position on the NLRB’s online organizational chart was listed as “vacant.”

Maybe the unions that so dearly loved Peter Robb can loan him scabby the rat to protest Biden's norms breaking firing.


Robb was due to leave in November but Biden just said no.