What has Trump done to this country?

Try, I dare ya'. I double dog dare ya' to try to follow Dullard Drumpf's werdz in print. He's a seven year old. Here's an example of his juvenile jive: "It seems to me, that if we do a really good job, we'll not only hold the...death down to a level that is, uh, much lower than the other way, had we not done a good job, uh but..."
this an old video. Of course many probably haven't seen it, especially the dem voters

I didn't get past the first two minutes. It got a laugh. Now, he needs to fire his writers.
the same way they found their lord and saviour, Dotard J Trump
Turns out Cheeto Jesus was the antichrist and led them down the path of perdition to Hell and they will feel the heat in the coming years. Far from fulfilling their hopes for a whiter America, the reaction to the malicious incompetence and crime has moved the clock of history ahead by a decade or more. In retrospect the last 4 years have seemed long and yet paradoxically appeared to have flown by, as Donald kept the pace of events and news cycles at a fevered pitch. By speeding up the pace of events Trump has increased the flow of history, just one week to go and the dam bursts.
Trump walked off interview in 1990 when asked tough questions about his casino
Fucking liar/cunt/adulterer/murderer now with his actions towards COVID-19/sub-human piece of shit.
How the fuck was this monster elected?
How can fucking anyone with any source of moral compass support this cocksucker?
This is fucking INSANITY!!!!