What has Trump done to this country?

According to the economist Trump's chances of winning the election are now at 4% and diminishing by the day.

Forecasting the US elections
The Economist is analyzing polling, economic and demographic data to predict America’s elections in 2020

Chance of winning
the electoral college
Chance of winning
the most votes
Predicted range of electoral college votes (270 to win)

Joe Biden
around 19 in 20
or 96%
better than 19 in 20
or >99%

Donald Trump
around 1 in 20
or 4%
less than 1 in 20
or <1%
Eight more days until Trump get's voted out.
New poll today by Yahoo News show's Biden's lead over Trump at 13% nationally.

No POTUS has ever been re-elected with these numbers, not ever in the history of this country, so it's pretty much certain Trump is finished.
You'd think I would be happy.
Actually, no, I'm not happy at all.
The threat of COVID-19 & existing in Trump World has drained me of all joy.
Can you relate to that feeling?
Yeah, it will be be nice to see him kicked to the curb finally, but his fucked up legacy will foerver taint this country/World/my brain.
What's there really to be happy about?
That this country finally woke the fuck up?
Too fucking late, by any measure in my opinion.
The damage has been done already
Stay/be safe :)
It's not easy to steal elections,takes man power too.

Eight more days until Trump get's voted out.
New poll today by Yahoo News show's Biden's lead over Trump at 13% nationally.

No POTUS has ever been re-elected with these numbers, not ever in the history of this country, so it's pretty much certain Trump is finished.
You'd think I would be happy.
Actually, no, I'm not happy at all.
The threat of COVID-19 & existing in Trump World has drained me of all joy.
Can you relate to that feeling?
Yeah, it will be be nice to see him kicked to the curb finally, but his fucked up legacy will foerver taint this country/World/my brain.
What's there really to be happy about?
That this country finally woke the fuck up?
Too fucking late, by any measure in my opinion.
The damage has been done already
Stay/be safe :)
Be thankful you're getting rid of the fuck, Trump will change America, but paradoxically and unintentionally for the better. We will have to see in a week how things stand, but if the democrats get the senate with a few seats to spare, then reform and renewal are on the way. The over 200 bills stalled on Mitch's desk will be rolled into 1 or two bills and be resubmitted with the compromises removed, that can happen pretty quick.

By exposing America's problems you can begin to fix them, though some of these cocksuckers will simply have to die off! I think you can have responsible government and keep the republicans out of power for a decade, many Americans are now aware how of many of their fellow citizens are stark raving fucking mad. Lunatics and evil bastards are ready to snatch power, if you are not careful for the next decade. There are gonna be big reforms and the loop holes Donald slithered through are going to be closed.

As for the militias, they are gonna be treated like communists were decades ago, like shit, almost all acts of domestic terrorism are rightwing loonies. The national security community will have them targeted as a threat on several levels, including terrorism and as an enemy 5th column, the FBI will be onside heart and soul. New laws will trip may of these assholes up and being affiliated with them in any way might mean getting their guns confiscated, being forbidden from possessing firearms and flying.
It's not easy to steal elections,takes man power too.

Abbot is panicking and fears from the turnout and new registrations that it's gonna be a wipe out in Texas. Because of the novel situation, a staggering number of new registrations, voters and extended early voting, the polls and models out of Texas could be off by a bit. He is reacting to something, national guard troops are good for standing around, but not much else and won't intimate or deter very many. The state house is in danger in Texas and next year is redistricting, a decade of electoral advantage could be lost too.
With 8 days to go over 61 million Americans have cast a ballot so far, turn out is forecasted to be well over 150 million, some estimate that over 60% of the total votes could be cast before election day.
3,500,000 Beers on the wall ,
3,500,000 bottles of beers
Take one down ,
pass it around ,
3,499,999 bottles of beer on the wall .

3,499,999 Beers on the wall ,
3,499,999 Beers of beer .
Take one down ,
pass it around ,
3,499,998 bottles of beer on the wall .

3,499,998 ...


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How’s it going at your wife’s school?
Well, it's in the school.
A security guard contracted the virus & is in the hospital
Tomorrow they are going to test all the students/teachers that had contact with the security guard.
As of this moment, no quarantine.
This is bullshit
Every person/student in that school should have been tested before walking into the building.
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