What has Trump done to this country?

Trump's Final Campaign Strategy? Retweet Conspiracy Theories & Tout Rudy's Russian Disinformation

As Trump limps to the election finish line, all he has left is retweeting outrageous conspiracy theories and relying on absurd Rudy Giuliani claims about a mysterious-October-surprise-Hunter-Biden-laptop. At the town hall with Savannah Guthrie, Trump said he knows nothing about QAnon but blindly retweets QAnon posts anyway. Regarding the Biden laptop story, the Washington Post reporting is instructive regarding Rudy being "worked" by Russian intelligence sources.

such a loser and sucker.
How Does Early Voting Affect The Forecast? And Other Listener Questions. l FiveThirtyEight

In this installment of Model Talk, Nate Silver and Galen Druke discuss the current election forecasts and answer questions from listeners.

the forecast and only forecast should be 'landslide'..heads down..a lot can happen in two weeks and it's usually when people wake up. the bulk of my sales were always the last two weeks of the month weren't yours @mysunnyboy? pharmaceutical is a little different than B2B.
I was born & baptized & raised/educated a conservative Roman Catholic (no meat on Friday)
I was actually an Alter boy that had to learn Latin in order to communicate with God properly
The lies/wars they espoused/created throughout they're entire fucking History, designed simply too enrich themselves is mind-boggling.
I believe that Jesus Christ was a good man, a great philosopher, but not the son of a fucking God.
What's that about?
Do we really, really believe there is such a thing as a God & a benevolent one at that?
The proof is in the pudding as the old saying goes.
Look around you, do you really believe there is a Supreme Being looking after us?
If you do, sadly I say, your a fool.
Stay/be safe :)
I was born & baptized & raised/educated a conservative Roman Catholic (no meat on Friday)
I was actually an Alter boy that had to learn Latin in order to communicate with God properly
The lies/wars they espoused/created throughout they're entire fucking History, designed simply too enrich themselves is mind-boggling.
I believe that Jesus Christ was a good man, a great philosopher, but not the son of a fucking God.
What's that about?
Do we really, really believe there is such a thing as a God & a benevolent one at that?
The proof is in the pudding as the old saying goes.
Look around you, do you really believe there is a Supreme Being looking after us?
If you do, sadly I say, your a fool.
Stay/be safe :)

here's where a bible beater tries to tell Tyson that dark matter is God- let's listen in shall we?

I was born & baptized & raised/educated a conservative Roman Catholic (no meat on Friday)
I was actually an Alter boy that had to learn Latin in order to communicate with God properly
The lies/wars they espoused/created throughout they're entire fucking History, designed simply too enrich themselves is mind-boggling.
I believe that Jesus Christ was a good man, a great philosopher, but not the son of a fucking God.
What's that about?
Do we really, really believe there is such a thing as a God & a benevolent one at that?
The proof is in the pudding as the old saying goes.
Look around you, do you really believe there is a Supreme Being looking after us?
If you do, sadly I say, your a fool.
Stay/be safe :)
I do. It’s ok, I’ve been called worse.
Rudy has a 100% chance of going to prison in 2021, unless he dies of covid and he has a pretty good chance of that too.

Rudy: Only ‘50/50’ Chance I Worked With a ‘Russian Spy’ to Dig Dirt on Bidens and Ukraine

In a wild interview, Giuliani defended his years-long mission to torpedo the Bidens by exposing their alleged misdeeds in Ukraine. And he doesn’t care who supplied the ammunition.

Rudy Giuliani thinks it’s hilarious.

He says the questions mounting around him—including those about whether his efforts to dump Hunter Biden’s documents and photos are part of some foreign election-interference operation—are “a bunch of bullshit.” He’s unconcerned about intelligence assessments that one of his former associates was a Russian agent, a proposition that he gave more or less even odds. In fact, Giuliani said, he has been “laughing my head off” about the whole affair.

Instead, the pugnacious former New York City mayor said he was on a mission to push out all the contents of a hard drive he allegedly obtained, that he claims belongs to the former vice president’s son—no matter how seemingly irrelevant others may say they are.

“I sleep with it at night,” Giuliani said of the hard drive, chortling. “It’s because I work late.”

Giuliani called The Daily Beast from New York City, the television blaring in the background, airing President Donald Trump’s rally at the Middle Georgia Regional Airport in Georgia. The president’s personal attorney said he recently made a private “gentleman's bet” with his client, who thought that U.S. media outlets would not report on the unveiling of Hunter Biden’s documents and photos, because of how protective the president believes the media is towards the Biden family. Giuliani, on the other hand, believed there was a good chance that mainstream outlets would pick up the story.

Giuliani now thinks he won that bet. “It made its way into the back of some papers,” he said.

Over the past week, Giuliani’s efforts have resulted primarily in a series of stories in the New York Post based on Hunter Biden’s emails, text messages, and documents, allegedly pulled from his laptop. The most politically substantive appeared to show that Hunter Biden had written an email to an adviser to the Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, to set up a meeting with his then vice president father. (“They never had a meeting,” Biden campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates said Friday.)

The Post reports came under immediate suspicion, in part because of longstanding concerns within the intelligence community that Giuliani’s attempts to peddle dirt about the Bidens was aligned with a broader Russian attempt to subvert the 2020 election. But despite those fears, the former mayor said he has been “laughing my head off” about the whole affair. The criticism against him, including questions about whether or not this is part of a foreign election-interference operation, he added, was just “a bunch of bullshit.”
Right wing cult logic.

Two choices:

1. Guiliani got his information from Russian propaganda and 2. He didn't. The cult leadership tries to con this off as a 50/50 chance.

This having two 'option' doesn't mean that there is a equal 'chance' of either event.

ie. I may have to use the bathroom today, I may not. That doesn't mean that there is a 50/50 chance of me needing to go to the bathroom today, it is much closer to 95% I do, 5% I don't.
I was born & baptized & raised/educated a conservative Roman Catholic (no meat on Friday)
I was actually an Alter boy that had to learn Latin in order to communicate with God properly
The lies/wars they espoused/created throughout they're entire fucking History, designed simply too enrich themselves is mind-boggling.
I believe that Jesus Christ was a good man, a great philosopher, but not the son of a fucking God.
What's that about?
Do we really, really believe there is such a thing as a God & a benevolent one at that?
The proof is in the pudding as the old saying goes.
Look around you, do you really believe there is a Supreme Being looking after us?
If you do, sadly I say, your a fool.
Stay/be safe :)

Well at least you have this to look forward to...:D:lol:
I was born & baptized & raised/educated a conservative Roman Catholic (no meat on Friday)
I was actually an Alter boy that had to learn Latin in order to communicate with God properly
The lies/wars they espoused/created throughout they're entire fucking History, designed simply too enrich themselves is mind-boggling.
I believe that Jesus Christ was a good man, a great philosopher, but not the son of a fucking God.
What's that about?
Do we really, really believe there is such a thing as a God & a benevolent one at that?
The proof is in the pudding as the old saying goes.
Look around you, do you really believe there is a Supreme Being looking after us?
If you do, sadly I say, your a fool.
Stay/be safe :)
It sounds like we had a similar upbringing, my mother is Irish. I was an alter boy for 8 years and used to make money by serving on weddings and funerals. I went to catholic schools and I frequently questioned the hypocrisy of it all and it got me in trouble. The biggest bullshit scam is confessions. So people can do anything they want and all is forgiven with God, so long as you tell the priest what you did in a special box on Sunday morning.

I call bullshit on that.
There are a lo5 Of Repugs that hav3 done and are doing unforgivable shit. It didn’t start with trump though, all the White Resentment, Fundamentalists, White Privilege, NRA. Hate Radio, Infowars and Conspiracy Theorist shit was all ther to support an extreme trump. All that shit will still be here.
I was born & baptized & raised/educated a conservative Roman Catholic (no meat on Friday)
I was actually an Alter boy that had to learn Latin in order to communicate with God properly
The lies/wars they espoused/created throughout they're entire fucking History, designed simply too enrich themselves is mind-boggling.
I believe that Jesus Christ was a good man, a great philosopher, but not the son of a fucking God.
What's that about?
Do we really, really believe there is such a thing as a God & a benevolent one at that?
The proof is in the pudding as the old saying goes.
Look around you, do you really believe there is a Supreme Being looking after us?
If you do, sadly I say, your a fool.
Stay/be safe :)
I can respect different POVs to point, I don't have too much of a problem with mainstream religions, it's those who sell literal biblical interpretations and super natural explanations for natural phenomena that piss me off. Stay in the spiritual realm, that of our relationship with reality, don't try to explain reality, that's the job of science these days. Religion was our way of explaining the world around us to give it structure and meaning, it was the truth and we defend the truth as we see it.

Religions today are an attempt to replicate a village with a few hundred people, a community with in a larger secular community. The community is bound by common belief, the truth if you will and they indoctrinate their children in it's beliefs and rituals, conditioning them. It is their social nature in replicating an ancient sense of community that makes churches attractive, people traditionally depended on their church (community) for more than spiritual support, but for a whole spectrum of needs.

One of the problems today is a sense of social isolation and loneliness for many, our traditional communities of churches and even blocks has been broken up. Our highly mobile population separates families and friends and every moment we spend with technology is a moment we don't spend with each other. Social media is popular for a reason, but it does not fill the need to be part of a group of humans who care for one another, be it a family, friends, a church or a village.
Are you sure that they 'spent a lot of energy fighting among themselves'? Or are you just talking out of your ass about this because of something you 'heard'?


Notice almost (if not all) all of these top 50 accomplishments were in Obama's first 2 years (2009-2011), the only time he had to actually get things done because the Republicans obstruction from 2010 on throughout his entire presidency.

Just because he didn't buzz NASCAR or throw a worship me-me-me rally every time he wiped his ass like Trump has done, doesn't mean the Democrats did not get a shit ton done in the two years they had power in DC.
This is the kind of stuff I was referring to:

trump has his gang of psycho preacher con artist televangelists “prosperity gospel” jerks. Fundamentalist churches here have “Gun Sunday” where people bring their damn guns to church, prize for who brought the most! These churches do not teach what Jesus taught at all. They really don’t.
Right wing cult logic.

Two choices:

1. Guiliani got his information from Russian propaganda and 2. He didn't. The cult leadership tries to con this off as a 50/50 chance.

This having two 'option' doesn't mean that there is a equal 'chance' of either event.

ie. I may have to use the bathroom today, I may not. That doesn't mean that there is a 50/50 chance of me needing to go to the bathroom today, it is much closer to 95% I do, 5% I don't.
