What has Trump done to this country?

Cry me a river pigs.
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yes, there's a certain stench being associated with trump..glad she noticed.
Joe needs to ride this herd immunity thing that Trump is pushing to get seniors on side, pass out hats that say cows belong in herds not people etc, or just MOOO! Herd immunity would be a hard sell to seniors!

it's like you said, they're talking to doctors who they trust.
Cry me a river pigs.
View attachment 4716511
That’s some stupid shit right there.
trumpers are protesting the single ballot drop box in front of city hall i read on the neighbors app..Schuylaar's going with the poll tax of two US stamps to avoid this situation.
Go vote, have your cellphone camera on and look the fucks in the eye and tell them to get the fuck out of your way.
trumpers are protesting the single ballot drop box in front of city hall i read on the neighbors app..Schuylaar's going with the poll tax of two US stamps to avoid this situation.
Also it's a balloting location, they have to keep a certain distance and someone has cameras on them and the box. The cops are suppose to enforce the law, make sure they do.
Go vote, have your cellphone camera on and look the fucks in the eye and tell them to get the fuck out of your way.

they're really randy in this neck of the woods and best not to push the envelope:lol: (get it?) i'll mail the envelope instead. there is a ballot tracker. Colorado is the gold standard when it comes to mail-in voting; they pretty much invented it here and other states wishing to convert use Colorado as the model.
they're really randy in this neck of the woods and best not to push the envelope:lol: (get it?) i'll mail the envelope instead. there is a ballot tracker. Colorado is the gold standard when it comes to mail-in voting; they pretty much invented it here and other states wishing to convert use Colorado as the model.
I still would not trust the USPS if there was a drop box handy, these fucks are seeking to disenfranchise people and probably breaking the law if they are closer than 100 feet or are harassing voters in any way. These morons could be impleading Trump voters too if the are inhibiting access. Wear yer pink pussy hat and give the fuckers the finger when ya drop off the ballot! Democracy 101, it's the freedom you are fighting for after all, exercise it while you still have it.