What has Trump done to this country?

There's trouble in Texas, for the republicans, a big voter suppression tactic just failed in court. Joe is within striking distance and if he gets Texas, he might have over 400ECVs, there might even be a senate seat too.

Judge Rules Against Texas Limit Of One Drop-Off Site Per County For Absentee Ballots

A federal judge has blocked a Texas plan to limit voters to one location per county for dropping off absentee ballots in the upcoming election. The decision says the restriction places an undue burden on older and disabled citizens.

The limit was imposed last week as Texas experienced a surge in requests for absentee ballots, even though most Texans aren't eligible to vote that way.

Gov. Greg Abbott announced that he was helping to protect election security by allowing only one drop-off site per county. Democrats accused Abbott of trying to suppress the vote.

Judge Robert Pitman's ruling sides with The League of United Latin American Citizens which sued to get the drop-off limit reversed.
This is from Fox news! Perhaps they want to motivate the base? This won't stop democrats, they want to add to the pile and make it as large as they can, a mere win will not do. If you wanted Trump out, would you stay home because you figured there were enough votes against him, or add to the mountain?

Democratic ballots more than double Republican ballots during early voting
Over 8 million Americans have cast their vote for the 2020 General Election
There's trouble in Texas, for the republicans, a big voter suppression tactic just failed in court. Joe is within striking distance and if he gets Texas, he might have over 400ECVs, there might even be a senate seat too.

Judge Rules Against Texas Limit Of One Drop-Off Site Per County For Absentee Ballots

A federal judge has blocked a Texas plan to limit voters to one location per county for dropping off absentee ballots in the upcoming election. The decision says the restriction places an undue burden on older and disabled citizens.

The limit was imposed last week as Texas experienced a surge in requests for absentee ballots, even though most Texans aren't eligible to vote that way.

Gov. Greg Abbott announced that he was helping to protect election security by allowing only one drop-off site per county. Democrats accused Abbott of trying to suppress the vote.

Judge Robert Pitman's ruling sides with The League of United Latin American Citizens which sued to get the drop-off limit reversed.

reminds me of 2012 when then Governor Rick Scott gave us 3 machines where there used to be 50. people standing in line for hours, i drove down to N Lauderdale where supervisor of elections was and voted there.

that creepy, bald fvcker wasn't going to stop me from voting.
Now why would Lindsey not want a covid test? Is he trying to get closer to Trump? Perhaps he got too close already and caught covid? This is a very strange and unhelpful thing Lindsey that has done, like Donald, a covid diagnosis would end his campaign and put him in quarantine. We all know Lindsey lies and will do anything to stay in power.

South Carolina US Senate debate changes format after Lindsey Graham refuses to take Covid-19 test

(CNN)The South Carolina Senate debate scheduled for Friday night between Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham and his Democratic challenger Jamie Harrison has changed formats after Graham rejected Harrison's request to take another Covid test.

The two candidates will now "take part in individual interviews ... where they will be asked a series of questions from the forum moderator and panelists," a live blog for the forum, which is hosted by local TV station WSPA, announced. CNN has reached out to both Nexstar Media Group and the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, the sponsors of the debate, for a comment on this development.
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Ya gotta do what ya gotta do, especially now in the Age of COVID-19/Trump.
Life is short & happiness/glee fleeting, so I live every moment as if I'm standing at the Gallows Gate, which I actually am considering the infection rate in my area & my situation.
Yea, now in the Age of Trump & his Virus, I wake up, read the news reports about what Trump Tweeted/did in the last 12 hours, pour a cup of coffee paired with a nip of the Irish, smoke my pipe & sigh
It gives me some sort of solace at least, the whiskey & the herb.
I hear ya ....... after all these years of treating my body as a temple (by feeding it with every
drug known to man) I’m probably in the high risk bracket lol. Just started working from home again. Don’t think I’ll be going back :(.
It begins again, but many cogs in the wheels are down with covid, but he still has Dr. Scott Atlas and that witch doctor demon sperm woman. Perhaps his own Dr. Connelly will personally approve it? So perhaps this shit saves Donald's life and now he is gonna use it as a miracle cure, there have been many doses manufactured already and they are awaiting the results of proper clinical trials the result of which are not too far away. Donald is going to use (abuse) this like a snake oil salesman if he can and fuck things up royalty in the process of toting it.

Donald is down for the count, even with this treatment and the other antivirals, he was on Hannity the other night coughing, hacking and gasping between lies. He looks like a made up corpse on his green screen appearances and is stupider and more confused than ever. He wants to hit the road with rallies and had to cancel Florida among other things, besides, he's running out of staff and secret service agents, many are either exposed or sick. The WH is a covid hotspot and the POTUS a super spreader, those are just the high points and Donald is sick in bed most of the time.

Trump sparks new FDA concerns with praise of 'miracle' treatment

President Trump's public praise for an experimental coronavirus antibody treatment is putting new pressure on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to quickly give emergency clearance to a drug he has touted as a "miracle."

Doctors think the drugs show promise as a potential treatment of COVID-19, though Trump has created confusion by quickly elevating them to a cure.

"They call them therapeutic, but to me it wasn’t therapeutic,” Trump said in a video he tweeted on Wednesday, five days after receiving the experimental treatment from the biotech company Regeneron.

Trump said that he felt better immediately after taking the drugs.

“I call that a cure,” he said. “It’s a cure."

But by placing himself in the middle of the drug evaluation process, Trump is once again igniting concerns that politics is encroaching on science at a crucial time.

The pressure threatens to undermine confidence in government regulators and turn the science of drug evaluation into yet another political dispute, confusing Americans and sowing distrust about helpful therapies.

Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said the agency should grant emergency authorization to antibody treatments like the one Trump took, and people shouldn't be so quick to attack such a promising therapy.

"I hope people don't shoot at these drugs because there's this political veneer over access to this. We should just look at the scientific merits," Gottlieb said Friday on CNBC.

Gottlieb also said the safety bar for antibody treatments is lower than it is for vaccines because the science for antibodies is better understood.

"These drugs, based on the data we've seen publicly, probably meet the bar for an emergency use authorization. They're different from a vaccine, a vaccine you're going to have a much higher threshold for safety," Gottlieb said.

Two companies have filed for emergency use authorization for antibody drugs in the past week: Regeneron and Eli Lilly. The treatment from Eli Lilly consists of a single monoclonal antibody, while the treatment from Regeneron consists of a cocktail of antibodies.

Monoclonal antibodies are lab-generated versions of one of the human body's main defenses against pathogens.

Doctors and health experts think antibody drugs could be a bridge to a COVID-19 vaccine, but have cautioned that the results to date are very preliminary and longer studies are needed.

"I think there's an efficacy signal here. But it's a very selective part of the patient population," said Jesse Goodman, a professor at Georgetown University who was FDA's chief scientific officer during the Obama administration.

Regeneron issued a press release touting its preliminary results, but has not publicly released any data. According to the company, a high dose of its drug led to reduced levels of the virus in non-hospitalized patients with mild to moderate symptoms.

Eli Lilly's submission was based on studies showing that its antibody treatment reduces hospitalizations and serious complications.

There's no evidence Regeneron's antibody therapy was responsible for Trump's apparent recovery.

But in the days since his COVID-19 diagnosis, Trump has seized on the promise of the treatments and claimed they will be broadly available to the public for free.

“We’re going to make them available immediately; we have an emergency use authorization that I want to get signed immediately," Trump said in a separate video posted Thursday.

Yet the companies themselves have said there will only be a limited amount of doses available. Regeneron will have just 300,000 doses available by the end of the year, which is only enough to last one week, given the current rate of infections.

Eli Lilly has said it will be similarly limited, with 1 million doses.

On Friday, federal officials said they are confident that if emergency authorization is granted, the administration will be able to purchase enough of the drugs to treat vulnerable populations.

"We feel comfortable that upon an [emergency use authorization] being granted that we will have enough to take care of the Americans that need that from a clinical perspective," said Paul Mango, the deputy chief of staff for policy at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Trump's fixation on the antibody treatment is reminiscent of his promotion of convalescent plasma and hydroxychloroquine.

In both cases, the FDA issued an emergency use authorization for unproven therapies after coming under apparent pressure from the White House.

Even though antibody drugs may be effective, Trump's effusive praise and pressure campaign runs the risk of leading the public to think the FDA's decision was driven by politics, not science.

"I think there is the concern, especially with the past things that happened, that this undermines public perception on the independence of FDA and the credibility of their decisions," Goodman said.

Trump gives overview of COVID-19 case in first on-camera interview...
Trump and his allies attempt to reframe 25th Amendment talk by...
Medical groups, led by the Infectious Diseases Society of America, urged FDA not to rush its decision, and to make sure any authorization or approval is based on "established scientific standards."

"Promising results among small numbers of patients to approaches that include antibody therapies are not a substitute for the rigorous scientific review that is essential to ensuring the safety and effectiveness of medicines," the groups said in a joint statement.

"Relying on such limited data can put patients at risk of adverse events, and an EUA can reduce the ability to conduct the clinical trials that are needed to assess the safety and efficacy of antibody treatments."
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Well at least covid got Donald out of the next debate, it would have been a townhall style meeting with the public asking the questions. If you thought Donald's last debate was an unmitigated disaster for him...

Lincoln Project Mocks Trump With Fake Retro Ad Pushing Covid Drug

The Lincoln Project mocks Trump's past as a pitchman with a fake retro commercial mocking Trump pushing an experimental Covid-19 treatment.
Maybe that's because they never had slaves or had too resort to adding Amendment's to their Constitution to allow over 50% of their population (women) the equal right to vote/control their own fucking bodies.
They have been on the right side of History though, far fucking longer than the USA.
Cool country
Some good points Jim but when you do a little research on the Canadian government’s past treatment of indigenous peoples, you will have a less favourable view of Canada’s history.

At least I did, anyway.