What has Trump done to this country?

@DIY-HP-LED I wish you would quit with all this bullshit of looking through rose colored glasses. This thing is not over by a long shot and your cavalier attitude doesn't help. People need to act like we're behind and vote like their life depends on it, because it does. They have had nearly 4 years to set up stealing this election and they have had lots of outside help. You should be telling people to vote, not this endless everything is alright and it's all over shit. You live in another country and it's quite easy for you to have this attitude, try actually living in this shit storm.
I stopped reading his posts a long time ago.
Good morning all & I wish you a happy/safe/wonderful day.
Just gonna to sit back now & sip my Irish coffee (fuck mocha/I use Jameson :) ) and burn some Bolivian Wonder Weed & tap my toes/do a jig listening to this.
Anyone into joining me?

Peace out/stay safe/fuck Trump :)

um it's 5:09 am..
There are so few Trumpers around these days I'm beginning to cherish them, helps me blow off steam! I figure Buck lost interest because prey was getting scarce, I think he went to the right wing groups for amusement. Now there's a guy who might join one of these militias just to fuck them over! :D

Bucky should be back in two days if he so chooses; i can't believe everything he's missed.
I agree whole heartedly ....... you guys need to come at this hard and it’s still gonna be a shit storm. I’m scared as hell for you all. He’s quickly losing his fucking mind and so are his followers. I doubt this election is the solution but the catalyst for worse to come. And your also right that I have no clue what you guys are feeling, I only know what I feel and it’s not a good feeling.

the whitmer thing was very disturbing and no one is telling him 'no'- still. we're americans used to over-indulgence and airing our dirty laundry on social media..our natural habitat is being altered..the small furry animals are running for cover- think Bambi.

i personally look forward to everyone's opinion here- i often glean a line or two from posts which makes it all click and opens a new pathway. if it wasn't for that persons efforts i would be less educated and i thank you.
I was wondering the same thing? I’m about to hit the gummie bear jar and roll up the quick release joint lol. Then it’s the hot tub with a coffee and Bailey’s. Then the chores begin :(
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do, especially now in the Age of COVID-19/Trump.
Life is short & happiness/glee fleeting, so I live every moment as if I'm standing at the Gallows Gate, which I actually am considering the infection rate in my area & my situation.
Yea, now in the Age of Trump & his Virus, I wake up, read the news reports about what Trump Tweeted/did in the last 12 hours, pour a cup of coffee paired with a nip of the Irish, smoke my pipe & sigh
It gives me some sort of solace at least, the whiskey & the herb.
uhhh buh-bye Mr. Plastic, Cory Gardner..thanks for the PPE and supplies YOU FVCK FACE!:finger:


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Gov. Jared Polis to extend Colorado’s mask order as COVID-19 hospitalizations continue to rise
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