What has Trump done to this country?

Take a deep breath America, you are almost to the finish line, get control of the government, it's their job to solve many of your current large scale problems, not create or inflame them. Stay on course and stay resolved, vote Trump and the republicans out and see that justice is done. Reform the system and plug the holes, it's the only way forward and always has been.
This ain't 2016, the margin is way too wide for the Russians to have much effect, Donald is self immolating and burning down the GOP. Of course they will turn on him like a pack of dogs, look at the kind of people you are speaking of! Everybody around him is ruled by greed and or fear, as soon as those forces are removed the are gonna try to cover their asses.

Her relatives say Ivanka is just like Donald, heartless and stupid.
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And if you think he cannot be elected again WAKE THE FUCK UP
Oh, he will try to steal the election no matter what the outcome, do state election officials and assembly members want to back a loser? They read the polls and any who are thinking of helping him cheat must be having second thoughts, some people are making calculations and choices, they are not guided by principles.

Trump is gone or there will be a civil war surer than shit, I don't see large scale violence during election day (it's happening now). I do see a potential democratic earthquake, the number of close senate races in red states and the fact they are the new battleground states says a lot. The polls were not off by much in 2016, Trump only over performed by 1%, but in 3 critical states, those states are now blue by a good margin. Florida is the new battleground and Biden is ahead there, that is the race that should tell us the winner on election night, if Florida goes blue, it's game over and the TV networks will call it.
Oh, he will try to steal the election no matter what the outcome, do state election officials and assembly members want to back a loser? They read the polls and any who are thinking of helping him cheat must be having second thoughts, some people are making calculations and choices, they are not guided by principles.

Trump is gone or there will be a civil war surer than shit, I don't see large scale violence during election day (it's happening now). I do see a potential democratic earthquake, the number of close senate races in red states and the fact they are the new battleground states says a lot. The polls were not off by much in 2016, Trump only over performed by 1%, but in 3 critical states, those states are now blue by a good margin. Florida is the new battleground and Biden is ahead there, that is the race that should tell us the winner on election night, if Florida goes blue, it's game over and the TV networks will call it.
I live in Florida. Don’t count your chickens man. I mean my chickens.
You really do have to stop coming at us with this it’s all over bs.
I live in Florida. Don’t count your chickens man. I mean my chickens.
You really do have to stop coming at us with this it’s all over bs.
Yep DeSantis might be an issue, but the system is set and if he gets caught, it could be federal charges, if Trump was closer in the polls he might be more tempted. He is another one seeing what way the wind is blowing, I'd say he's calculating, but he's far too fucking stupid for that. How is re enfranchising all those felons going? Biden appears to be ahead by 5% there and the seniors are coming on side. Sometimes it's too big to rig and they just don't even bother taking the chance.
Yep DeSantis might be an issue, but the system is set and if he gets caught, it could be federal charges, if Trump was closer in the polls he might be more tempted. He is another one seeing what way the wind is blowing, I'd say he's calculating, but he's far too fucking stupid for that. How is re enfranchising all those felons going? Biden appears to be ahead by 5% there and the seniors are coming on side. Sometimes it's too big to rig and they just don't even bother taking the chance.
What system are you speaking of.
The motherfucker wants to come to my state tomorrow!
The governor is Trump jr.
There are battles here that are splitting families, friends and towns.
You just don’t get it.
This ain’t a joke or even an issue to be cavalier about.
Honestly I appreciate your support of Biden but you’ve got no skin in the game or dog in the fight.
Canadians have never had to go thru what Americans have.
Yep DeSantis might be an issue, but the system is set and if he gets caught, it could be federal charges, if Trump was closer in the polls he might be more tempted. He is another one seeing what way the wind is blowing, I'd say he's calculating, but he's far too fucking stupid for that. How is re enfranchising all those felons going? Biden appears to be ahead by 5% there and the seniors are coming on side. Sometimes it's too big to rig and they just don't even bother taking the chance.

and yet he wasn't caught with the Gillum race down -.5% ended up +5% a whole point in 4 days of recount.

Florida is a miracle for every GOP sleeze ball coming down the pike..because they're always stuck with a cheating GOP governor.

i'm glad DeSantis gets to go through this though with his idol Trumpy*
Stable jenius huh? Machiavelli? The people get the government they deserve, deserve better FFS

Trump Lashes Out at His Cabinet With Calls to Indict Political Rivals
The pressure on his top administration officials to take action came as President Trump bristled at the restraints of his illness.

WASHINGTON — President Trump berated his own cabinet officers on Thursday for not prosecuting or implicating his political enemies, lashing out even as he announced that he hoped to return to the campaign trail on Saturday just nine days after he tested positive for the coronavirus.

In his first extended public comments since learning he had the virus last week, Mr. Trump went on the offensive not only against his challenger, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., but the Democratic running mate, Senator Kamala Harris, whom he called “a monster” and a “communist.” He balked at participating in his debate next Thursday with Mr. Biden if held remotely as the organizers decided to do out of health concerns.

But Mr. Trump secured a statement from the White House physician clearing him to return to public activities on Saturday and then promptly said he would try to hold a campaign rally in Florida that day, two days earlier than the doctor had originally said was needed to determine whether he was truly out of danger. The president again dismissed the virus, saying, “when you catch it, you get better,” ignoring the more than 212,000 people in the United States who did not get better and died from it.

In his statement on Thursday night, the physician, Dr. Sean P. Conley, reported that Mr. Trump “has responded extremely well to treatment” and that by Saturday, “I fully expect the president’s return to public engagement.” Dr. Conley, who has previously acknowledged providing the public with a rosy view of the president’s condition to satisfy his patient, contradicted his own timeline offered upon Mr. Trump’s release from the hospital, when he said doctors wanted to “get through to Monday.”

The president has not been seen in person since returning to the White House this Monday, but he sought to reassert himself on the public stage with a pair of telephone interviews with Fox News and Fox Business as well as a video and a series of Twitter messages. Even for him, they were scattershot performances, ones that advisers said reflected increasing frustration over his political fortunes only 26 days before an election with surveys that show him trailing Mr. Biden by double digits.

The president castigated his own team, declaring that Attorney General William P. Barr would go down in history “as a very sad, sad situation” if he did not indict Democrats like Mr. Biden and former President Barack Obama. He complained that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had not released Hillary Clinton’s emails, saying, “I’m not happy about him for that reason.” And he targeted Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director. “He’s been disappointing,” Mr. Trump said.
I'll tell you just a few things

Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord
Withdraw from the Trans Pacific Partnership
Withdraw from the Iranian Nuclear Agreement
Withdraw from the World Heath Organization
Withdraw from NAFTA
Withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council
Withdraw from UNESCO
Withdraw from the World Trade Organization

There are more, but I'm tired of typing withdraw.

Never in the 1,227 days of Trump’s presidency has the nation seemed to cry out for leadership as it did Sunday, yet Trump made no attempt to provide it.

That was by design it seems.

Trump and some of his advisers calculated that he should not speak to the nation because he's a fucking idiot and had nothing new to say and had no tangible policy or action to announce yet, according to a senior administration official. Evidently not feeling an urgent motivation Sunday to try to bring people together, he stayed silent, which was nice for a change.

Trump let his tweets speak for themselves.

One attacked the Democratic mayor of Minneapolis; another announced that his administration would designate the ANTIFA movement a terrorist organization (good luck on that one), a third accused the media of fomenting hatred and anarchy & in yet another, he praised himself for the deployment of the National Guard and denigrated former vice president Joe Biden.

Then that cocksucker Tweeted

“Get tough Democrat Mayors and Governors. These people are ANARCHISTS. Call in our National Guard NOW. The World is watching and laughing at you and Sleepy Joe. Is this what America wants? NO!!!”

Then he Tweeted that he was ready to kill the protesters and release,

“the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen,”

The United States is visibly, painfully broken by Trump & the unprecedented confluence of health, economic and social crises, any one of which alone would test a president, but Trump is not a POTUS, he's a fucking fool

It was extraordinary then to hear some in the public arena suggest yesterday that this idiot ought stay in the background, arguing that Trump lacked the moral authority and credibility necessary to heal the country.

“He should just stop talking. This is like Charlottesville all over again,” Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said yesterday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” referring to Trump’s equivocations following a deadly white-supremacist rally in 2017. “He speaks, and he makes it worse. There are times when you should just be quiet. And I wish that he would just be quiet.”

I simply wish he would fucking die & do this country & the World in general a favor :)

This weekend exemplified many of the characteristics that have defined Trump’s five years as a presidential candidate and president, chaos and unrest, fear and anger, division and disruption. Some of these themes and qualities helped draw Trump’s brain dead supporters to him and keep them faithful, giving him a chance at reelection in November despite the carnage on his watch this spring.

“The rioting in the streets has put an exclamation point on what this president cannot do: To bring people around and say we are all in this together,” said Tom Rath, a longtime Republican official and former attorney general in New Hampshire. “On his automatic transmission, there is one speed. It is not conciliate. It is not comfort. It is not forge consensus. It is attack. And the frustration right now is that nobody is in charge. Anarchy rules.”

Yup, Anarchy rules for sure now, cities are burning from coast to coast, the National Guard is active in 3 states, curfews everywhere & the US militaries MP's are on alert to quell the riots in this country for the 1st time since the fucking Civil War.

Nice work Trump

Only 5 more months, and we can dump this POS
Do you think we would get ANY help from the government bc of the virus if any of the past Presidents would have been in office? No. He has plenty of money himself and has no problem signing Executive Orders and signing off on the HEROS Act to support small businesses, improving the Paycheck Protection Program and delivering targeted assistance to restaurants, nonprofits, and event venues; additional assistance for airline industry workers; and more funds to bolster education and child care, not to mention another Stimulus check and possibly increasing unemployment checks. I'm not into politics whatsoever; I'm just a citizen of the United States and this is just my input and opinion.
What system are you speaking of.
The motherfucker wants to come to my state tomorrow!
The governor is Trump jr.
There are battles here that are splitting families, friends and towns.
You just don’t get it.
This ain’t a joke or even an issue to be cavalier about.
Honestly I appreciate your support of Biden but you’ve got no skin in the game or dog in the fight.
Canadians have never had to go thru what Americans have.
I know normal and I know when normal people have reached their bullshit limit and some have gone past it. I've noticed it myself, the waves of despair, outrage, anger and hilarity people are going through in reaction to this fiasco and insult to intelligence. It's like being in the back of a bus with a mad man at the wheel, almost half the people in the bus are egging him on and blocking the sane from getting to him.

There are election laws and rules and they will be followed for the most part, they will try to cheat wherever they can though. As for the division of friends and families, I've mentioned it frequently, many like myself have American family. Most of us up here laugh and cry with you and are with you in this struggle for the soul of your nation. I'm optimistic for a number of reasons, sometimes the perspective of distance brings clarity. I always try to get inside their heads to the extent that I can, empathize, love them if you will, look at their problems from their eyes. Know thy enemy and the enemies of humanity are transnational, we have them too.
Stable jenius huh? Machiavelli? The people get the government they deserve, deserve better FFS

Trump Lashes Out at His Cabinet With Calls to Indict Political Rivals
The pressure on his top administration officials to take action came as President Trump bristled at the restraints of his illness.

WASHINGTON — President Trump berated his own cabinet officers on Thursday for not prosecuting or implicating his political enemies, lashing out even as he announced that he hoped to return to the campaign trail on Saturday just nine days after he tested positive for the coronavirus.

In his first extended public comments since learning he had the virus last week, Mr. Trump went on the offensive not only against his challenger, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., but the Democratic running mate, Senator Kamala Harris, whom he called “a monster” and a “communist.” He balked at participating in his debate next Thursday with Mr. Biden if held remotely as the organizers decided to do out of health concerns.

But Mr. Trump secured a statement from the White House physician clearing him to return to public activities on Saturday and then promptly said he would try to hold a campaign rally in Florida that day, two days earlier than the doctor had originally said was needed to determine whether he was truly out of danger. The president again dismissed the virus, saying, “when you catch it, you get better,” ignoring the more than 212,000 people in the United States who did not get better and died from it.

In his statement on Thursday night, the physician, Dr. Sean P. Conley, reported that Mr. Trump “has responded extremely well to treatment” and that by Saturday, “I fully expect the president’s return to public engagement.” Dr. Conley, who has previously acknowledged providing the public with a rosy view of the president’s condition to satisfy his patient, contradicted his own timeline offered upon Mr. Trump’s release from the hospital, when he said doctors wanted to “get through to Monday.”

The president has not been seen in person since returning to the White House this Monday, but he sought to reassert himself on the public stage with a pair of telephone interviews with Fox News and Fox Business as well as a video and a series of Twitter messages. Even for him, they were scattershot performances, ones that advisers said reflected increasing frustration over his political fortunes only 26 days before an election with surveys that show him trailing Mr. Biden by double digits.

The president castigated his own team, declaring that Attorney General William P. Barr would go down in history “as a very sad, sad situation” if he did not indict Democrats like Mr. Biden and former President Barack Obama. He complained that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had not released Hillary Clinton’s emails, saying, “I’m not happy about him for that reason.” And he targeted Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director. “He’s been disappointing,” Mr. Trump said.

he knows he's not wearing any clothes and doesn't care..let's it blow in the wind so long as he gets what he wants.
Do you think we would get ANY help from the government bc of the virus if any of the past Presidents would have been in office? No. He has plenty of money himself and has no problem signing Executive Orders and signing off on the HEROS Act to support small businesses, improving the Paycheck Protection Program and delivering targeted assistance to restaurants, nonprofits, and event venues; additional assistance for airline industry workers; and more funds to bolster education and child care, not to mention another Stimulus check and possibly increasing unemployment checks. I'm not into politics whatsoever; I'm just a citizen of the United States and this is just my input and opinion.
Bullshit citizen, what about his utter failure on covid and 200,000 deaths, we'll start there, there's more though, much more.