What has Trump done to this country?

Me too.
I feel like (have) I'm losing my sanity right now watching/hearing Trump actually say his getting COVID-19 "was a gift from God"
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya got it backwards James, it's Trump who is losing his sanity, what little he had that is. Donald is coming apart at the seams, look at what has happened over the last few weeks as the chickens come home to roost. The republicans are like rats fleeing the sinking SS (Shit Show) Trumptanic as the boilers explode, the hull cracks, and it begins it's death plunge into the abyss. Many are lashed to the mast and struggling to get free, Ms. Lindsay is screaming in terror and Mitch is trying to get into a life boat dressed as a woman. :D
Was this little work of fantasy ever going to see the light of day, either they didn't have enough time to manufacture evidence or it was just made up BS to feed their propaganda machine.

I think door number three, that they realized the Trump Republicans/right wing nuts in the Executive branch would be screwed with RICO charges if everything hits the courts.
I think door number three, that they realized the Trump Republicans/right wing nuts in the Executive branch would be screwed with RICO charges if everything hits the courts.
Barr knows that after the election Pelosi can subpoena him and documents, then arrest him for non compliance or contempt of congress and hold him for trial in the house jail, cut him off at the knees. Bill might be in either enough, or too much trouble already. I figure he was part of the Ukrainian conspiracy as were several others like Pompeo and Rudy, that will put them away for life, considering their ages.
@DIY-HP-LED I wish you would quit with all this bullshit of looking through rose colored glasses. This thing is not over by a long shot and your cavalier attitude doesn't help. People need to act like we're behind and vote like their life depends on it, because it does. They have had nearly 4 years to set up stealing this election and they have had lots of outside help. You should be telling people to vote, not this endless everything is alright and it's all over shit. You live in another country and it's quite easy for you to have this attitude, try actually living in this shit storm.
@DIY-HP-LED I wish you would quit with all this bullshit of looking through rose colored glasses. This thing is not over by a long shot and your cavalier attitude doesn't help. People need to act like we're behind and vote like their life depends on it, because it does. They have had nearly 4 years to set up stealing this election and they have had lots of outside help. You should be telling people to vote, not this endless everything is alright and it's all over shit. You live in another country and it's quite easy for you to have this attitude, try actually living in this shit storm.
Unless you’re an American living here, you don’t really understand. IMHO
This is what I’ve been saying about foreigners making such comments.
I mean no offense but it’s just a joke to the rest of the world. Not to us.
I was reading an article about a suburban enclave just outside of Houston and it donned on me that, as I looked a the street scape pics, noticing half the lawns had Trump signs with the US flag stuck beside them. The US flag, to me, is now a symbol of division based on racism as opposed to what it meant 4 years prior. 4 years ago I perceived it to be a symbol of great power, a country on the road to equality (still a long way to travel), and a country led by a really cool guy that was honestly trying to make a better world. That is what Trump has done to your country (to me), he’s changed the world perception of the US to that of a third world racist dictatorship all in 4 short years which is truly amazing.
That's why the trials, investigations and commissions will be so important, post Trump, justice must not just be done, it must be seen to be done, inside and outside America. The pace of events has quickened with technology and Trump, and thus the flow of history. Humans have FIFO memory buffers, we only have so much capacity and the news cycle is weekly, Obama as secretary of state could go a long way to healing the perception of America abroad. What don't kill ya makes ya stronger Dudley and I believe this will be the case here, a more perfect union. A stress test of the design, a massive single point failure and failsafe failures, should lead to structural changes, at least I hope.
@DIY-HP-LED I wish you would quit with all this bullshit of looking through rose colored glasses. This thing is not over by a long shot and your cavalier attitude doesn't help. People need to act like we're behind and vote like their life depends on it, because it does. They have had nearly 4 years to set up stealing this election and they have had lots of outside help. You should be telling people to vote, not this endless everything is alright and it's all over shit. You live in another country and it's quite easy for you to have this attitude, try actually living in this shit storm.
Vote, it's still hope and change, I've even provided links on how to do it here, and volunteer from home making calls! Nobody needs to tell anybody with a brain to vote, if you want the change then vote. There is genuine cause to be optimistic, when the allies were fighting on German soil, they knew the war would be over soon, but they were gonna make fucking sure. There are news reports of Trump supporters losing heart and staying home, of republicans panicking and running from Donald. Another thing the allies did when they were winning was discussing and planning for what they would do when they won, this is not like Hillary buying fireworks either. They had trials for Nazi's and not just Nierenberg either and also DE nazified the minions.

I wouldn't expect too much from Trump's brown shirts or lawyers either, I would expect a lot from the voters and the polls are saying as much. These groups are a threat, but they lack coherent large scale organization and are poorly or undisciplined, they are also infiltrated by the FBI or even others of opposing views, who join to rat. The Russians can have an impact on the margins, but Trump is a very heavy cross to bear for anybody. The election is not won, but it is in process now, election day is just when they start counting ballots. What I, you or anybody else says here makes no difference, we are like two cockroaches fighting in an empty sugar bowl.
The GOP in Michigan spent over a half million dollars of taxpayer money to take away the Governors emergency authority in the state supreme court and they won. They want to open everything up here and they don't care who it kills, this is happening in every state. They are also trying to steal the election in similar ways in every state. It's not just the traitors in DC, they're also doing it in state government and the courts. You have no fucking idea of the scope of this thing.
The GOP in Michigan spent over a half million dollars of taxpayer money to take away the Governors emergency authority in the state supreme court and they won. They want to open everything up here and they don't care who it kills, this is happening in every state. They are also trying to steal the election in similar ways in every state. It's not just the traitors in DC, they're also doing it in state government and the courts. You have no fucking idea of the scope of this thing.
I read the news like you and know that they caught the assholes who tried to kidnap your governor, the same ones who showed up at the state capital armed to the teeth. They will be tried by the new administration and there will be one and you most likely will know it on election night, so will Donald, democracy counts, make it count. I take it you didn't spend a lot of time pondering your ballot and dropped it off the same day like millions of others. Is your state assembly up for election? A third of the state senate? Think this helps them?
I can see you won't stop so let just say this now

Gee, think Barr is gonna drop the federal charges against yer local terrorists? Maybe Donald will pardon them? Bill Bar can be subpoenaed, arrested and jailed by the house anytime Nancy thinks he's a serious enough threat, either before or after the election, he knows this, he does know the constitution, but choses to break it.

Why is Donald freaking out on Barr for not arresting Obama, Biden and Hillary? Where is the Durham report? Donald wants to know.

Barr is as desperate as Donald, he is going to jail and will have a lot of people gunning for him, he doesn't have much to lose.