What has Trump done to this country?

Where have all the Trumpers, trolls and socks gone? Must be out burning down businesses at night.

We're not happy with him right now either. We're even more unhappy that the only alternative you could come up after 3 1/2 years is Joe Biden, leaving us no choice but to vote Trump back in.
We're not happy with him right now either. We're even more unhappy that the only alternative you could come up after 3 1/2 years is Joe Biden, leaving us no choice but to vote Trump back in.
Why because Trump got himself impeached by trying to cover up his forcing a vulnerable foreign ally into manufacturing political dirt on Joe because he has nothing on him?

Because Joe is reaching out to everyone in the country who is not brainwashed into Trump's cult?

Do you really think Democrats want to murder children? Do you think Democrats want to cancel Christmas? Because they do not. You have been pummeled with lies about the 'libs' by hate mongers on TV and Radio, and have been subjected to trolling online with foreign militaries pinpointing you with specific propaganda on every issue.

It is worth trying to figure out what it is you don't like about Biden and maybe watching a few complete speeches he has done before falling for the propaganda traps trolls for Trump are putting out there.
We're not happy with him right now either. We're even more unhappy that the only alternative you could come up after 3 1/2 years is Joe Biden, leaving us no choice but to vote Trump back in.
So "we're" (who, fucking Nazi's?) are unhappy with Biden so "us" (Nazi's again? ) are going to vote Trump back in (I just pissed myself I laughed so fucking hard)
Man, I very rarely call people names but for that comment I'll make an exception.
Your a fucking idiot & one of the reasons this country is on fire right now.
On Election Day do yourself a favor and don't even bother to vote because you'll be wasting your time, because Trump is fucking finished.
The Lincoln Project gets it right, again :)

Trump is a cunt

Yes they do get it right. They are using republican tactics on Orange Sperm sucker. The only thing that bothers me is that they were R's at one time that helped stifle the Obama Admin. in so many ways. Don't forget they will go back to cheating and rigging elections just like they did before only it won't be so much in the open (if their party survives). At least they see the dangers of orange anus and realize it could be the end of Democracy as we know it. Fuck, I won't send any money to any party anymore. Let the corporations buy em off, the dems haven't earned donations from me in decades. Until Citizens United is overturned we're still and will continue to be unheard.

Ten years ago, he called it.
Yes they do get it right. They are using republican tactics on Orange Sperm sucker. The only thing that bothers me is that they were R's at one time that helped stifle the Obama Admin. in so many ways. Don't forget they will go back to cheating and rigging elections just like they did before only it won't be so much in the open (if their party survives). At least they see the dangers of orange anus and realize it could be the end of Democracy as we know it. Fuck, I won't send any money to any party anymore. Let the corporations buy em off, the dems haven't earned donations from me in decades. Until Citizens United is overturned we're still and will continue to be unheard.

Ten years ago, he called it.
It doesn't seem to me that they care much about Democracy. Not this crop of Republicans. Even Mattis is out there saying Trump is shitting on our Constitution. He's old crop Republican. That kind of Republican lost its voice in 2008 and the invasive weeds overran them.

The Lincoln Project gets it right, again :)

Trump is a cunt

support them with $6.66.. @doublejj gave $5..send them $2, if you can..anything to keep the heat on..they put together well
thought out messages, that get right to the heart of the matter with other republicans- to make them think.

link to donate:

Yes they do get it right. They are using republican tactics on Orange Sperm sucker. The only thing that bothers me is that they were R's at one time that helped stifle the Obama Admin. in so many ways. Don't forget they will go back to cheating and rigging elections just like they did before only it won't be so much in the open (if their party survives). At least they see the dangers of orange anus and realize it could be the end of Democracy as we know it. Fuck, I won't send any money to any party anymore. Let the corporations buy em off, the dems haven't earned donations from me in decades. Until Citizens United is overturned we're still and will continue to be unheard.

Ten years ago, he called it.

i'm not so sure the lincoln project republicans will..i think they got a taste of humble pie and how easy it would be for a president (any president) to not obey the constitution or congress- the ability to log jam (a co-equal branch) the senate with party domination willing and a president who's looking to be king..keep confirming judges while those unfit for cabinet positions are heralded as 'acting' to get around oversight and confirmation process.

all the small government republicans? i can't imagine what they must be thinking now...their worst fear- someone coming to take their gunz and freedums..