What has Trump done to this country?

Nothing like the '92 riots in LA happened
Your right, it's fucking worse
Those riots were generally contained in one city.
Now we have the National Guard activated in over 1/3 of the Nation, with the threat of direct Military involvement by that asshole sitting in the WH

Your right, it's fucking worse
Those riots were generally contained in one city.
Now we have the National Guard activated in over 1/3 of the Nation, with the threat of direct Military involvement by that asshole sitting in the WH

newp. not even close to what happened in LA in 92.
By deep state do you mean US citizens? If so, yes I hope so too.

And we are not for sale, just getting fleeced at the moment.
It was a humorus reference to Trump, the normal apparatus of government. You went from the most honest administration in recent US history, to the most corrupt in all of US history in the blink of and eye, from compassion and understanding to hate and fear overnight. From trusted ally to, well Trump.
President Bonespur Bunkerboy
All he had to say was the SS grabbed him. like other POTUS, instead he egotistically lied and made a fool of himself and re enforced the cowardice narrative. He is socially retarded Captain it might be his undoing, he is losing badly with the protesters, other voices are speaking, Obama and Bush, his "peers". Donald has even managed to redeem George, he won't go down as the worst, he was sincere by comparison, mistaken not malicious for the most part, a normal person. His open letter was good, I wonder who wrote it, I see Trump was pissed as usual.
Looking at the protests in America on live stream, Donald got HUGE numbers today! He is losing this battle badly. Just 20% support his handling of it, that is cutting into his base.
All he had to say was the SS grabbed him.


Trump can't keep his stories straight. I know, it's shocking! :shock:

"Trump also maintained that the Secret Service did not order him to the bunker, but merely “said it would be a good time to go down, take a look, because maybe some time you're going to need it.” I believe the last part. ;-)

“It was a false report. I wasn’t down. I went down during the day, and I was there for a tiny, little, short period of time." Like his tiny, little, short hands?
