Pelosi, and the House Democrats have already passed 2 different stimulis bills in the last7 months, and McConnell wont let them vote on either one of them.
Wanna know why?? Straight from McConnels Mouth??
He says he didnt at the time want for his Senators to have to make such a tuff vote before the election, and now that the Senate is up fer grabs, he's further stalling, and wont allow Perdue, or Loffler to make a tuff vote, so they offer peanuts for 7 months, and Pelosi wont agree, and I agree with her.
Now a Bi-partisan group has come up with a. $800 Billion or so package, and is getting a bit of traction, but is really far less than is needed to help the middle class average person, and the Ds have pointed out as much, and this is what has been come up with with Bipartisan agreement, though many D's are still pushing for much more.
McConnell wont even ramp up money for more PPE, Extended Unemployment, $1200 Stimulus Check per eligible person. MFr wont do anything but try and give corporations tax breaks, and then cut Social Security, and Medicare/Medicaid on the backs of the retired, working poor, and disabled to pay for the tax cuts. Yeah, what a piece of work the Rs are.
They need more money for deployment of the Vaccine. No use having Vaccine, if one has no infrastructure to administer it. They need special freezers for one version of the virus. -100f. That aint your average meat freezer. Colder than dry ice. Burn the skin right off the bone.
The real beginning of economic disparity was when Nixon took over in 69, and then Ray Guns made the tax system even more unfair.
In 1968, minimum wage was good enough to support a family of 4.
By 1981, that was down to a family of 2.
The 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s
The top federal income tax rate remained high, never dipping below 70 percent.
The 1980s
The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 slashed the highest rate from 70 to 50 percent, and indexed the brackets for inflation.
Then, the Tax Reform Act of 1986, claiming that it was a two-tiered flat tax, expanded the tax base and dropped the top rate to 28 percent for tax years beginning in 1988.4 The hype here was that the broader base contained fewer deductions, but brought in the same revenue. Further, lawmakers claimed that they would never have to raise the 28 percent top rate.
The 28 percent top rate promise lasted three years before it was broken.

The 1990s-2012
During the 1990s, the top rate jumped to 39.6 percent.
However, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief and Reconciliation Act of 2001 dropped the highest income tax rate to 35 percent from 2003 to 2010. The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 maintained the 35 percent tax rate through 2012.
2013 – 2017
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 increased the highest income tax rate to 39.6 percent. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act added an additional 3.8 percent on to this making the maximum federal income tax rate 43.4 percent.
Now the CEOs ect, gobble up all the profits, and make the employees fight for scraps.
Also tto add insult to injury, mony of these companies pay ZERO TAXES, AND GAT A RFFUND
... WE KNOW TrUMP DIDNT PAY TAXES FOR 10 YEARS. tHEN PAYED $750 IN 2016, ANND 17, AND IN 2010 GOT A 71 million refund, and is why he is being fucking audited, and one reason he doesnt want anyone to see his taxes. If these people couldnt game the system like the do, theres no fucking reason every person in America shouldnt have the best Health Care money can buy. We can afford it, its a myth, and a lie that we cant. Raise the tax rate to 70%, minimum wage to $22.00usd an hour
Corporation better beware when people finally get tired of the things as the way they are. Corporations better know they are nothing without employees.