What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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the essential, vital issue with federal government is everything is a power play and has nothing to do with the American people.

the two seats from Georgia if it goes GOP we're just in for more of the same.

i feel insulted (and let down) as to what Pelosi is trying to sell.
Passing legislation that dies on Mitch's desk?
Pelosi, and the House Democrats have already passed 2 different stimulis bills in the last7 months, and McConnell wont let them vote on either one of them.
Wanna know why?? Straight from McConnels Mouth??
He says he didnt at the time want for his Senators to have to make such a tuff vote before the election, and now that the Senate is up fer grabs, he's further stalling, and wont allow Perdue, or Loffler to make a tuff vote, so they offer peanuts for 7 months, and Pelosi wont agree, and I agree with her.

Now a Bi-partisan group has come up with a. $800 Billion or so package, and is getting a bit of traction, but is really far less than is needed to help the middle class average person, and the Ds have pointed out as much, and this is what has been come up with with Bipartisan agreement, though many D's are still pushing for much more.

McConnell wont even ramp up money for more PPE, Extended Unemployment, $1200 Stimulus Check per eligible person. MFr wont do anything but try and give corporations tax breaks, and then cut Social Security, and Medicare/Medicaid on the backs of the retired, working poor, and disabled to pay for the tax cuts. Yeah, what a piece of work the Rs are.
They need more money for deployment of the Vaccine. No use having Vaccine, if one has no infrastructure to administer it. They need special freezers for one version of the virus. -100f. That aint your average meat freezer. Colder than dry ice. Burn the skin right off the bone.

The real beginning of economic disparity was when Nixon took over in 69, and then Ray Guns made the tax system even more unfair.

In 1968, minimum wage was good enough to support a family of 4.
By 1981, that was down to a family of 2.

The 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s
The top federal income tax rate remained high, never dipping below 70 percent.

The 1980s
The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 slashed the highest rate from 70 to 50 percent, and indexed the brackets for inflation.
Then, the Tax Reform Act of 1986, claiming that it was a two-tiered flat tax, expanded the tax base and dropped the top rate to 28 percent for tax years beginning in 1988.4 The hype here was that the broader base contained fewer deductions, but brought in the same revenue. Further, lawmakers claimed that they would never have to raise the 28 percent top rate.

The 28 percent top rate promise lasted three years before it was broken.:wall::hump::cuss::cuss::wall::wall:o_Oo_Oo_O

The 1990s-2012

During the 1990s, the top rate jumped to 39.6 percent.

However, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief and Reconciliation Act of 2001 dropped the highest income tax rate to 35 percent from 2003 to 2010. The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 maintained the 35 percent tax rate through 2012.

2013 – 2017

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 increased the highest income tax rate to 39.6 percent. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act added an additional 3.8 percent on to this making the maximum federal income tax rate 43.4 percent.

Now the CEOs ect, gobble up all the profits, and make the employees fight for scraps.
Also tto add insult to injury, mony of these companies pay ZERO TAXES, AND GAT A RFFUND... WE KNOW TrUMP DIDNT PAY TAXES FOR 10 YEARS. tHEN PAYED $750 IN 2016, ANND 17, AND IN 2010 GOT A 71 million refund, and is why he is being fucking audited, and one reason he doesnt want anyone to see his taxes. If these people couldnt game the system like the do, theres no fucking reason every person in America shouldnt have the best Health Care money can buy. We can afford it, its a myth, and a lie that we cant. Raise the tax rate to 70%, minimum wage to $22.00usd an hour

Corporation better beware when people finally get tired of the things as the way they are. Corporations better know they are nothing without employees.
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Corporation better beware when people finally get tired of the things as the way they are. Corporations better know they are nothing without employees.
Automation will replace many employees and those who work with information can have their work and jobs sent to the lowest wage global market, where employees have even fewer rights. Governments can change this and especially the American government, if we tax the wealthy in Canada they will simply take their money and move to the states. They can easily screw regular folks there and pay less taxes, they don't even have to give up their citizenship, taxes in Canada are based on residency for citizens, outside the country for 6 months plus a day and have no serious financial ties to Canada and your good to go, but we do have a tax treaty with the USA and they would have to give up their Canadian citizenship to do it.

This is from 2012 and wealth inequality has gotten worse since then, social division has made it this way in America and it's bigotry and hatred that keep it that way. The republicans learned that they could openly screw their supporters and as long as they blew the dog whistle hard enough and made sure the brown folks didn't get some. Then they learned they could not just fuck them, they could kill them in massive numbers and they don't even care, they only really see in black and white, people that is. Everything that comes out of their mouths is just rationalizations and smoke and mirrors to hide this simple fact from themselves sometimes, but mostly from others. Most of them know they are wrong and are ashamed of it at some level. Besides overt public racism will get you fired or destroy your business in most places, so they need to hide the fact, sometimes even from themselves.

Look at the fraction on the right and estimate how much of the nations wealth that 40% of the population lived on in 2012, perhaps 3% then and it's gotten even worse today.

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The "government" is there to try to correct for a problem. People. We won't behave. There is something wrong inside the human animal. It is genetic. And it's only going to keep getting worse. I saw a study that said cognitive function scores were lowering. That elderly people with declining mental health were scoring higher cognitive function results than baby boomer generation and forward.
I'll suggest death by a thousand cuts. Pollution, increased background nuclear radiation, increased solar radiation, corporate food additives, probably even social factors like technology making us HAVE TO think less often...
And my second guess will be entropy. Just time running for so long and the order of the system deteriorating. Resistance/friction/heat dissipation.
The "government" is there to try to correct for a problem. People. We won't behave. There is something wrong inside the human animal. It is genetic. And it's only going to keep getting worse. I saw a study that said cognitive function scores were lowering. That elderly people with declining mental health were scoring higher cognitive function results than baby boomer generation and forward.
I'll suggest death by a thousand cuts. Pollution, increased background nuclear radiation, increased solar radiation, corporate food additives, probably even social factors like technology making us HAVE TO think less often...
And my second guess will be entropy. Just time running for so long and the order of the system deteriorating. Resistance/friction/heat dissipation.
Actually IQ scores have been trending upwards for decades and adjustments have to be made to compensate for this so that the average in the population is 100. An IQ test means intelligence quotient, that means your total score is divided by your age, so you could say a 60 year old with the same IQ as a 20 year old is 3 times smarter, or at least you can have fun with the fact! Dunno how true it would be though, Donald is 74 years old, but he is brain damaged and the same rules don't apply to morons. :lol:
"Now you know what modernity is. It’s the idea that poverty causes ruin, and so the primary job of a modern society is to eliminate poverty, of all kinds, to give people decent lives at a bare minimum — and a social contract which does all that. Hence, Europe became a place rich in public goods, like healthcare, media, finance, transport, safety nets, etcetera, things which all people enjoy, which secure the basics of a good life — all the very same things you intuitively think of when you think of a “modern society” — but America didn’t. "

A really interesting opinion. Well worth the read.
I understood what you meant when you said it the first time.

The only rational thing to do is challenge a belief when facts contradict that belief. But your kind hold onto your beliefs despite the facts.

Donald Trump lost the election, there was no widespread fraud, he lost the election fair and square.
He also attempted to bribe the Ukrainian PM.
Mueller documented 10 instances where Trump obstructed his investigation.
Trump is under investigation for tax fraud and it's a pretty compelling case.
Trump's denial of the danger of the coronavirus and inaction on it caused the epidemic to be worse, leading to a worse economy and tens of thousands more dead.
Burning fossil fuels for energy is causing the climate to warm. Trump stopped all federal officials from even talking about climate change much less do anything to cut fossil fuel emissions.

The list goes on and on that pretty much removes all doubt that Donald Trump is a corrupt liar and the worst president ever. Yet white Christian radicals support him by a super-majority margin. They believe he's a great president and has been cheated out of another term in office.

You also said "meet them where they are or lose them". Well, no. I can't go into your rabbit hole of denial and delusion. Frankly, I don't know what else I can do but stay out of it and chuck facts down that hole just in case somebody might read it and decide they were wrong.

Love the quote btw. Thanks.

You are under the impression I am a supporter of Trump and I’m not. You continue to believe in a system where both sides are wrong. You go ahead and believe your facts. It’s your right to do so. I don’t recall saying “meet them...” but you seem to think you know me when you don’t.
You are under the impression I am a supporter of Trump and I’m not. You continue to believe in a system where both sides are wrong. You go ahead and believe your facts. It’s your right to do so. I don’t recall saying “meet them...” but you seem to think you know me when you don’t.
The government is corrupt end of story.
A lot of money has gone into the messaging you guys seem to have fallen for.

6 years in the last 50ish that the Democrats have had the ability to get anything done without Republican obstruction. Each were in the first 2 years of the Democratic presidents. All the while they were trying to legislate for the entire nation, the Republicans were trolling them with every 'ism' they could to trick people into giving them enough power back in DC to shut down all legislation not directly helping the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.
A lot of money has gone into the messaging you guys seem to have fallen for.

6 years in the last 50ish that the Democrats have had the ability to get anything done without Republican obstruction. Each were in the first 2 years of the Democratic presidents. All the while they were trying to legislate for the entire nation, the Republicans were trolling them with every 'ism' they could to trick people into giving them enough power back in DC to shut down all legislation not directly helping the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.
You sir are too smart for me foreals.
The government is corrupt end of story.
It's your government, what are you doing to end corruption? Getting rid of Trump got rid of a lot of corruption, getting rid of the republicans will eliminate more. The democrats hold their politicians accountable for corruption, the republican base does not, all they have to do is get the brown folks they fear. 75 million moral failures voted for Trump, 75 million suckers and losers.
You sir are too smart for me foreals.
Nah, just been a fan of this site for over a decade and seen the trolling that has pushed that, worked a job that I got out right as AM hate radio was pushing Mark Levin, and have been paying attention to the news since 9/11. Toss in religious cults trying to convert me throughout my childhood, and going back to school late in life to learn economics and math, and I just was pretty well set up to see the totality of the scam the Republicans have been conducting on us all.
You are under the impression I am a supporter of Trump and I’m not. You continue to believe in a system where both sides are wrong. You go ahead and believe your facts. It’s your right to do so. I don’t recall saying “meet them...” but you seem to think you know me when you don’t.

I said your kind. White evangelists are Trump's suckers. Your kind.

To say that Democrats and Republicans are the same is naïve. In your case, clueless too.

The funniest part of your earlier reply to me is how you still cling to the idea that facts don't need to be true. logic fail. So, just give it up. You are clearly naïve and ignorant and I do appreciate the quote that you gave me. .
Death is the wage of sin (doing bad things to others)... so if you are dying I say the world will not miss you.
Everybody dies, even you and if death is the reward for sin, then everybody goes to Hell. Babies die of covid, they have sinned no more than the "unborn". You are so full of shit it's coming out of your mouth, the world and not many in it, will miss you either. You might as well go, for all the good you have done, by supporting evil, you become evil, do the Devil's work long enough and you become indistinguishable from him. You have supped with the Devil and never even used a spoon, but crammed in the filth with dirty hands and now you are burnt beyond all recognition.

The road to Hell is short and you've got the peddle to the metal.