What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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Pediatrics is child related deaths.

Here is your response

Flu season in the US, which runs from October through May, claims tens of thousands of lives every year. Because the flu is not a reportable disease in most states, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not have an exact count of the number of people sickened each year. Instead, it develops estimates based on rates of laboratory-confirmed, flu-associated hospitalizations.

Who the hell calls the CDC when they get the flu?
Meanwhile in the link you provided...

"Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. The higher number reflects the particularly harsh 2017-2018 flu season. Most years, the US death toll from the flu is closer to 34,000 to 43,000. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year."

See the WHO estimates per year on deaths involving influenza?

Now how many deaths just this year so far globally from Covid?

BTW.. the link you provided also states

"When Health interviewed Dr. Adalja, there were only 13 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus in the US, according to the CDC. In a matter of weeks, COVID-19 reached pandemic status, sickening staggering numbers of people around the globe and spreading to every state in the US. More than 32 million people around the world have contracted COVID-19, and 977,000 have died, according to Johns Hopkins University's real-time tracker. In the US, nearly 7 million cases have been confirmed, and 202,000 people have died."
Image result for sniffing marker gif
And this was published about 45,000 deaths ago.

Those Sharpies are screwing with your brain.
Image result for sniffing marker gif
So no one should pay taxes and there should be no govt? What red state you live in?

Can you define what you mean when you say "govt" ? Is it an omnipotent force, like a creator of the universe or is it just a bunch of fraudulent people fucking with your head ?

Nobody should try to delegate rights they do not possess. First it's impossible to do that. If it isn't prove how it can done. Second, it's the false claim that government makes to control you. Govt. is based in a lie. If you could prove me wrong, you would. But, you can't.

I live in a state of natural freedom, you live in a dystopian lie, probably don't realize it and will likely be injected with something that will make you more easily managed before you become Morlock food.
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Govt failing to help reduce the economic divide and share the wealth of the worlds richest country.

So you believe it's okay for government to forcibly redistribute? If government is "just people" why don't you just steal the stuff you need and cut out the middle man ?
Can you define what you mean when you say "govt" ? Is it an omnipotent force, like a creator of the universe
:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall::wall::wall:

noun. the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.; political administration: Government is necessary to the existence of civilized society.

So it’s govt or be like you. I choose govt.
Do you believe you have the right to forcibly redistribute stuff that isn't yours (steal) ?
You put steal in parentheses like it’s the same thing. The govt can take your tax money or your land if they choose to. Does that bother you? That you don’t REALLY own anything. The govt owns everything and is allowing you to use it. You should thank them Rob

"A fact doesn't have to be true to be believed. "

My favorite logic-fail ever.

I love that example of religious thinking.

Wonderful. Sums up perfectly all that is wrong with zealous religious bigots. It also explains why it is not worth reasoning with them. We just have to beat them in the polls. Something that is happening more and more nowadays.
I told you I meant someone can believe something to be a fact and it doesn’t make it true.
Basically you are living in a time that is about the same as when humanity learned to not toss their poop out the window because they kept getting sick.
Yes, if the vaccines won’t work well enough, the mouth will become the new butthole. Already happening in places, where people look with disgust at maskless people in public as if they’re not wearing pants.
I told you I meant someone can believe something to be a fact and it doesn’t make it true.
I understood what you meant when you said it the first time.

The only rational thing to do is challenge a belief when facts contradict that belief. But your kind hold onto your beliefs despite the facts.

Donald Trump lost the election, there was no widespread fraud, he lost the election fair and square.
He also attempted to bribe the Ukrainian PM.
Mueller documented 10 instances where Trump obstructed his investigation.
Trump is under investigation for tax fraud and it's a pretty compelling case.
Trump's denial of the danger of the coronavirus and inaction on it caused the epidemic to be worse, leading to a worse economy and tens of thousands more dead.
Burning fossil fuels for energy is causing the climate to warm. Trump stopped all federal officials from even talking about climate change much less do anything to cut fossil fuel emissions.

The list goes on and on that pretty much removes all doubt that Donald Trump is a corrupt liar and the worst president ever. Yet white Christian radicals support him by a super-majority margin. They believe he's a great president and has been cheated out of another term in office.

You also said "meet them where they are or lose them". Well, no. I can't go into your rabbit hole of denial and delusion. Frankly, I don't know what else I can do but stay out of it and chuck facts down that hole just in case somebody might read it and decide they were wrong.

Love the quote btw. Thanks.
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I understood what you meant when you said it the first time.

The only rational thing to do is challenge a belief when facts contradict that belief. But your kind hold onto your beliefs despite the facts.

Donald Trump lost the election, there was no widespread fraud, he lost the election fair and square.
He also attempted to bribe the Ukrainian PM.
Mueller documented 10 instances where Trump obstructed his investigation.
Trump is under investigation for tax fraud and it's a pretty compelling case.
Trump's denial of the danger of the coronavirus and inaction on it caused the epidemic to be worse, leading to a worse economy and tens of thousands more dead.
Burning fossil fuels for energy is causing the climate to warm. Trump stopped all federal officials from even talking about climate change much less do anything to cut fossil fuel emissions.

The list goes on and on that pretty much removes all doubt that Donald Trump is a corrupt liar and the worst president ever. Yet white Christian radicals support him by a super-majority margin. They believe he's a great president and has been cheated out of another term in office.

You also said "meet them where they are or lose them". Well, no. I can't go into your rabbit hole of denial and delusion. Frankly, I don't know what else I can do but stay out of it and chuck facts down that hole just in case somebody might read it and decide they were wrong.

Love the quote btw. Thanks.
From nov 14th. God's will, not theirs, they should know God works in mysterious ways, he exposed them for who they are lunatics, con artists and racists. There is not a single actual Christian among them, they believe what they want to and turn an immoral degenerate like Trump into Cheeto Jesus.
The Evangelical Election Meltdown

The 2020 U.S. presidential election isn't going the way that many evangelicals planned...and they're freaking out. Strange behavior for those claiming that "God is in control."
the essential, vital issue with federal government is everything is a power play and has nothing to do with the American people.

the two seats from Georgia if it goes GOP we're just in for more of the same.

i feel insulted (and let down) as to what Pelosi is trying to sell.