What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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Wanna know what I figure Jesus did in Egypt as a child and how he came to be who he was and how the sermon of the mount came about? They would have burned me at the stake too.
Sure... fill me in. I won't burn you at the stake but I will mock your death if God smites you before our eyes (or at least use you as an example to educate others)... I promise.
the burning theological question for most is what kind of gun would Jesus own.
I doubt Jesus would have even wanted a gun. He did not own a sword which was the "gun" of the times and even went so far as to warn of "living by the sword, dying by the sword". His apostles apparently owned swords as one even cut off the ear of a slave in the garden of Gethsemane.
Jesus used the word hypocrite often, he spoke Aramaic (not English) and a bit of Greek and perhaps he knew Hebrew. He grew up working with his father, mostly in the Greek city of SEPPHORIS a couple of miles for his home town of Nazareth. Jesus grew up in Hellenized Judea that Alexander the great had conquered hundreds of years before and king Herod was a vassal of the Roman Empire, who invaded Judea 60 years before.
I love the background... nice touch. It however has no relation to what the fundamental problem with the American government is or how to fix it, that's all we're lookin' for here.
Death is the wage of sin (doing bad things to others)... so if you are dying I say the world will not miss you.

I believe that's a miss-quote. It's accumulative.

Romans 6:23

23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We all die. Since it's about me and not you, on my death bed I'll be thinking of the time JC was the best expletive for some Window Pane in the 70's, I probably wont be thinking of you or this World. :blsmoke:No offense.
Yes, he's a "doctor" with no patients. A long history of pubic service to those who he serves.
Dr. Fauci serves the American people, which to be frank, don’t deserve him.

I realize the concept of public service is foreign to you so I don’t expect you to understand the fact that your unfortunate existence is the result of people serving others.
Dr. Fauci serves the American people, which to be frank, don’t deserve him.

I realize the concept of public service is foreign to you so I don’t expect you to understand the fact that your unfortunate existence is the result of people serving others.

Well, you're half right, the American public doesn't deserve Fauci.

The concept of an actual "service provider" should be consistent with consensual exchange. Meaning, you want a hotdog, see my hotdog stand and we make a consensual exchange. We're both better off, you get a tasty hotdog, I get 2 bucks from you. We each got what we wanted. Win win.
Neither was forced in our situation.

Fauci's "service" is one that doesn't rely on consensual exchange, he gets paid with money taken from others and is an accomplished propagandist for his overlords and himself. A real lowlife worm.
Well, you're half right, the American public doesn't deserve Fauci.

The concept of an actual "service provider" should be consistent with consensual exchange. Meaning, you want a hotdog, see my hotdog stand and we make a consensual exchange. We're both better off, you get a tasty hotdog, I get 2 bucks from you. We each got what we wanted. Win win.
Neither was forced in our situation.

Fauci's "service" is one that doesn't rely on consensual exchange, he gets paid with money taken from others and is an accomplished propagandist for his overlords and himself. A real lowlife worm.
A fact doesn't have to be true for it to be believed either--their actions are just different enough to continue to allow the majority of the population to believe they have a choice between two very different parties but in reality both Ds and Rs are moving the country toward socialism, just at different speeds.
Well ya know there's only black and white involved here, socialism is a dog whistle word in America. What the real problem is the brown folks might get some and they would rather starve themselves than let that happen! The USA spends a stupid amount of money on the military, better to waste the money than the brown folks get some, even if you fuck yourself. We see it with covid, where the tribe of America's dumb cunts have painted themselves into a corner over vaccines and masks. The con artists who lead them are becoming concerned as the stupidity is killing off and fucking over their base of idiots. Many are literally dying to own the libs, the allies of their enemy, the brown folks.
Forget politics for a moment and just look at the men who make up the last few Presidents.
How do you go from an intelligent, witty and amusing man like Obama to Trump and Biden?
Yes, he's a "doctor" with no patients. A long history of pubic service to those who he serves.
If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path - Buddha

You have no wick or oil in your lamp Rob, the light has gone out.
Money. Has anyone said that yet?
I would have gone with it was ran by about 5% of the population (Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only) for it's entire history up to about the last 20 years exclusively.

Cant really have the best and brightest leading the way with that shallow of a gene pool.

But I guess that is not so much as a American government thing as it is a western world thing. Although I am sure it is pretty much a global thing minus the being white thing.