What did you accomplish today?


Yeah they do...got to admit it was a nice sight to observe
I had a pile of metal scraps from a DIY construction at the old house. When I finally got around to cleaning it up there was a huge black widow living in the pile. I trapped it and put it in a jar. She was a mean bitch and was very angry with me. I threw it in the trash, jar and all.

Now I have one of those self lighting blow torches that fits on a propane bottle. I burn them all and their spiky little egg sacs.


Smells like burning hair - yuck!

We do not get any black widows in this neighborhood, but we have tons of brown widows. They look the same same as the black ones but they come in very cool colors. Black and yellow, black and green, black and orange...and they all have the little red hourglass.
I had a pile of metal scraps from a DIY construction at the old house. When I finally got around to cleaning it up there was a huge black widow living in the pile. I trapped it and put it in a jar. She was a mean bitch and was very angry with me. I threw it in the trash, jar and all.

Now I have one of those self lighting blow torches that fits on a propane bottle. I burn them all and their spiky little egg sacs.

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Smells like burning hair - yuck!

We do not get any black widows in this neighborhood, but we have tons of brown widows. They look the same same as the black ones but they come in very cool colors. Black and yellow, black and green, black and orange...and they all have the little red hourglass.
those look like rona parade floats
sounds brolic for a one man job. i had school in the morning 9-10:30 then work from 12-9. i mastered taking out oil filters that are in hard to reach places. i guess that would be my main accomplishment of the day, i've always known how to do oil changes but now i know what techniques and tools to use for particularly difficult filters to reach. anyways, yeah.
My job is in the Parts Dept of a large import dealership. I manage the internal and quick lube parts. We see all sorts of jobs. The really hard oil filters are some Cadillac and some Toyota’s can be a pain too... or so it appears. Thankfully I sell them, I don’t install them!
My job is in the Parts Dept of a large import dealership. I manage the internal and quick lube parts. We see all sorts of jobs. The really hard oil filters are some Cadillac and some Toyota’s can be a pain too... or so it appears. Thankfully I sell them, I don’t install them!

3 jaw filter wrench for me.....ratchet usable and box end wrench usable fits any spot....catrigiges are a tad different
Better than the usual strap wrench? Gawd filters on a Harley were a surprising pain
I suppose it depends on the filter.
My corolla has one that can best be accessed straight from the top. Gotta smash the filter a little to keep it from slipping.
— edit —
It’s a 2-handed operation.


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