Advanced aero cloning techniques? My cuttings look bad today

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I buy it for the indole butyric acid, a rooting hormone. It's worked great for me. Oh and in my 2.5 gallon cloner reservoir I'll add 5 ml of Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro but it's not necessary just keeps them looking a little nicer.
I found this available at the local Home Hardware. Only about $9 for 50ml. Says it has a higher concentration of the indole butyric acid, so going to pick some up. Thank you for the tip.

I used an aerocloner with pool shock and plain water... feed the mother with bloom solution for a week before taking cuts (clones need to have stored phosphorus), and dip in rooting gel... near 100% effective...
Thank you all for sharing your techniques for success. I should have mentioned that I had purchased an aerocloner already, but haven't used it yet. I got this at the local grow store just before it shut down. View attachment 5377377

I also took some cuts of 3 different cultivars and put them in the fridge in ziplocs in January that I am hoping I can get to root. I will post what I end up with when I attempt it. Probably will be shortly after this weekend when I chop my two Meltdowns.:leaf:
Exact unit I have, also in Canada (Waterloo)
They sell them at Indoor Farmer

All my cuts in the aero cloner died. I inspected them after another day of looking terrible, and it appears the stems completely turned to mush and rotted where those colorful pucks hold them in place.

Absolutely no clue went wrong, but I have packed the aero cloner back up and unplugged it. Trying a new round directly in soil and it's going so much better it's unbelievable, it's day 5 and the clones are at full attention, full color, and look amazing

Only problem is, they say it takes twice as long :(

Wish I knew what went wrong, but I don't feel like this happening again, I lost 5 cuts
I don’t know if this helps, but we use glad bags, root riots, indole 3 and aloe. It takes 5-15 days pending the thickness of the cut. Heat and humidity speed up rooting along with the rooting hormones. As long as spring water is used, over 90% success rate