What did you accomplish today?

Rescued two “sink spiders” yesterday, not black widows.
Terminated two black widows with extreme prejudice.
And a shoe.
Same, black widows gotta die, I'll try to live with the others...Unless they're encroaching on my immediate personal territory. Then I've been known to give them the boot...Literally. But with black widows, I'm always scared they'll somehow jump out of the way or I'll miss with the shoe and it'll just get away and hide...I actually roast them with the butane torch I use for dabbing now.
I ruined my mellow when I sat down to pay bills earlier, and realized my income taxes are due in 2 days...the ones that should have been due 3 months ago, but I happily took their extension. Not so happy now, but at least I am still here!!

And the bills are paid, and banking done for the month, better late than never!

Looks like a nice night for a bike ride, or somethin'. Need to take a trip to Lowes to I guess.
My day has been super productive!

After getting mom up and fed, I dealt with the wildlife removal officer for the dead bear. Then I gave mom a full face of makeup and took her to town for a lunch. While in town I got the top up for house supplies and gassed up the car.

I went to pick up my home hardware order only to find out that half the stuff I ordered was on backorder. Instead I ran to every single store that has or had a garden section so I could get my greedy little paws on se dolomitic lime only to find the very last store in town was the only place that had dolomitic lime.


Unfortunately, the lime I wanted was powdered lime so I could top dress my pots and watering would let the lime infiltrate into the soil.



The lime I got is granular and I'm not sure if a top dressing with it will work or if I should just mix it into a new batch of soil and prepare for the next transplanting.

So I accomplished alot and was frustrated and disappointed by it.
(Bad Austrian accent) I’m a verminator.
(crawls out of inferno all shiny menace)
