What did you accomplish today?

Because of the heat. Anything above 15 mph is ego.

They did die, on the side of the road with a seized engine.

Here, it's 4 points on your license and a 500 dollar fine.

I wear full gear when I ride. I've only had to pull over once in stopped traffic because I was about to pass out.

That was back in 2010 on 285.

I've never once had a reason to lane split. I see no reason for anybody else to need to either.
Lane splitting was started when all the bikes were air cooled and being stuck in traffic would seize an engine. LA traffic is good that way. I have done it however not more than 15 MPH over the speed of the cars around me, and not above 30 MPH.
I finally had to give up riding,after nearly 50 safe years I lost my mojo, lyme disease has really affected my equilibrium/balance and I'm a magnet for assholes on the highway, these days you have to be so safe,it takes all the fun away ( my final decade was nearly 100% off-road and US forest service roads).My last and epic ride got me 90 miles from the acrtic circle, now that the Dalton Highway in Alaska is paved it's not really a challenge anymore. To all those still doin' it be safe! Anybody wanna buy a KLR?

Lol I knew you liked the dick rolln up all that sushi lol WTF. Watch the Hangover 2, when they meet the lady boy View attachment 4362263
lol yea i just remembered that part before i went to bed. this one is hotter then her though like you legit cannot even tell it's a guy.
I'm a little behind in reading on this thread, but e.coli is everywhere and on everything. It's definitely in the air, every warehouse where mice have been, they poop and it drys and then it gets crushed and becomes airborne settles on every can of beer, soda, beans it's literally on everything.
im sure it is that was a joke btw cause i work in the food industry always got fucking ecoli recalls shit is funny. there was another link associating to the Board of Water supply here where people are faking they work for the company so i assume that has something to deal with the ecoli being found in the water. nothing new for us though we got dirty ass sea water from time to time due to storms and water pipe breaks. couple years ago the one in the ala wai broke or something sewage went into the ocean water and caused flesh eating disease couldnt even go on the sand. one guy slipped in the water had to get hit leg amputated. funny thing is when in highschool i took canoe paddling as a sport and that is where we practiced. smelled like straight up sewage was nasty af. at that time the water was safe but it's still disgusting dark brown and super stink at certain areas where the pipes were idk if it still smells like that but you could see the massive pipes coming out the water. ironically i think they found a species of seahorses there as well
Lane splitting was started when all the bikes were air cooled and being stuck in traffic would seize an engine. LA traffic is good that way. I have done it however not more than 15 MPH over the speed of the cars around me, and not above 30 MPH.
It used to piss me off, but as i'm getting older, now I just hope they have a pink dot on their drivers license..(:
There are old motorcyclists, and bold motorcyclists, but no old, bold motorcyclists.

Replace "Motorcyclists" with Bush Pilots & that's what we say up here.

you legit cannot even tell it's a guy.
Until you get to the lack of Lady Bits - that's sort of a give away & a De-boner @ the same time.
(For me - your results may vary).
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Here, it's 4 points on your license and a 500 dollar fine.

I wear full gear when I ride. I've only had to pull over once in stopped traffic because I was about to pass out.

That was back in 2010 on 285.

I've never once had a reason to lane split. I see no reason for anybody else to need to either.

Coming home from a weekend at Pismo on a 2005 fat bob with the g/f stuck on the 101 in bumper to bumper, 20 ft a min. 108 degrees without a chance of a breeze when all of a sudden it didn't want to run any longer, hammered my way over two lanes to shut it down and let it cool off.

Cosmic debris on the side of the road.

I've already come to the realization I'll never fly again because I'm not getting that Real ID, fuck them, I won't allow them to catalogue me so easily. I figure they'll go after trains more heavily in the next couple decades, then in 50 or so years they'll limit interstate travel without ID, then I'd be fucked, but I should be dead, so whatever. Unless the police state path we've been on since 9/11 changes dramatically, we're headed there ^^^

READ IT, BITCHES:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:
Lane splitting was started when all the bikes were air cooled and being stuck in traffic would seize an engine. LA traffic is good that way. I have done it however not more than 15 MPH over the speed of the cars around me, and not above 30 MPH.
I've only done it in fully stopped traffic.
OK, sometimes in nearly stopped traffic.

But when the cars are going 20 mph plus, they can close the door on a rider fast, and that isn't counting shenanigans with car doors.

It was the one time I was really glad to have obnoxious exhaust pipes. The cars could hear me approaching. 99% of them were cool about it, but there is always that asshole who pseudo-accidentally made the gap that little bit too narrow. That too kept me careful.