What did you accomplish today?

My first marriage didn't have the sexual twist but it went up like Hiroshima.
Hang in there, make smart decisions & don't allow your daughter to become a pawn in this.
Both my Ex's could do the nasty, nastily.:blsmoke: no issues there.

The first was too high maintenance, she wanted to drink from fine crystal but at that time we could not afford a dixie cup.:finger:
She left town with in a week of our last argument and I never saw her again.:cool:

#2 was a jealous zealot. I worked with a guy named Leslie , she knew him. I mentioned his name once and she freaked.
"Leslie? Who is Leslie your fucking her aren't you?" smh :wall: . Once I had enough of that BS I told her,
you keep everything and I'll go with just the clothes on my back, just sign on the bottom line.! I had had enough. I was serious too.

Her reply? "OH NO, you ain't get'n off that easy.":finger:


@420God , in this case the old adage of "Time heals all wounds" actually holds true.


Stop in and post from time to time. There is a whole new life out there just waiting for you to arrive.:hug:
My dad grew up between San Antonio and Corpus Cristi, guess where we're thinking.
Texas has a lot to offer. (i feel like im interrupting piping up tell me if i am) lost my wife 3 houses and a million in savings, holdings etc all at the same time, i feel ya. spent 3 years basically split between walking shellshocked and a fetal position, no children involved thankfully. 11 yrs later, I've my own house a small one man business in yr 6 and the best herb ;). your in the tunnel on your way to the other side and doing fine. Hard to hear of the farm, am an old Ag. guy myself, had brahmin hybrids and grew up selling veggies roadside so ive a soft spot for farms. i know that not living in or near our house was something that helped so good for you. congrats on the bike, if I'd buy anything big it would be land for and rv/ boat storage facility: cash cow. had a single fam rental, a duplex rental>>> shoot me if i ever do that again. f allll that. now imma going to spark up some killer indica and toast your new birth. you are so young lol you have the whole world available to you, enjoy.
I'll be selling the farm too and every thing else. Starting over with a couple hundred grand in the bank.
I was only 1/2 kidding about moving to Cali bro. With a grub stake like that you can start a money generating pot farm and be off to the beach during off season. I just don't know weather I should post a pic of a huge pot plant here or a picture of the girls on the beach...But seriously man I just don't know what you must be feeling right now. I wish you the best of luck
I was only 1/2 kidding about moving to Cali bro. With a grub stake like that you can start a money generating pot farm and be off to the beach off season. I just don't know weather I should post a pic of a huge pot plant here or a picture of the girls on the beach...But seriously man I just don't know what you must be feeling right now. I wish you the best of luck
Thank you, right now I'm feeling anxious, I'm on my way to get the bike. But it still hurts, she was my best friend.
@doublejj you called it. Wife left me. Its who she was and I cant stop it. I just hope shes happy, I already filed the divorce papers.

Sucks. You guys were one of my fav couples. I always admired that you guys pulled off something that us mere mortals cannot. And you did, for a long time. Can't wait to hear about your future endeavors, subbed...

P.S. No need to stop posting pics of her just because you guys aren't together ;)