What did you accomplish today?

Sucks. You guys were one of my fav couples. I always admired that you guys pulled off something that us mere mortals cannot. And you did, for a long time. Can't wait to hear about your future endeavors, subbed...

P.S. No need to stop posting pics of her just because you guys aren't together ;)
Just send the pics to tyler and he can post them for us......
@420God, so sorry buddy. Not much I can say.

A line from a Steven King book has stuck with me when kinky sex choices comes up. I forget the book, but an old mobster had a real bad heart. The doctor told him he had to give up sex. When he went back in for the doctor to check his heart monitor, the doctor said, "I told you to give up sex. I see here you are having sex twice a day. What gives?"

The mobster said, "masturbation isn't sex. I can't give that up."

Doctor, "the heart doesn't know the difference."
On a sunnier note, I did my first town trip in daylight hours in a couple of months. Catholic thrift store is still closed until further notice, so only 4 thrift stores. Found a nice Merino wool shirt, a silk shirt and a pair of shorts fit to wear to work. {circumstances related to circumference has effected a lot of my work clothes} Also a cookie tin for a smaller camp rolling tray, a glass baking dish so I can now do two batches of whatever I'm baking at work. Twice now folks have come in as I was taking canna baking out of the oven. It was very awkward for me not to offer them a taste. And now the new girl is bringing her kids to work, so it would be a good idea to have non canna baking going at the same time.

The checkout girl at walmart slipped in a $260 item called site merc. I had over 500 bucks worth of stuff, so while I thought 700 something was high, I didn't actually look until I got home. So I get to go back to walmart first thing tomorrow. So much for going another 2 months between trips to town.
@doublejj you called it. Wife left me. Its who she was and I cant stop it. I just hope shes happy, I already filed the divorce papers.

I feel like a complete asshole.

I posted bullshit about my house works not having read the previous pages and seen your situation.

Back in 1997, I came home from work to a note. I thought my life was over.

My life has done nothing but improve since then.

It's so very hard to believe that will happen at the time. Looking back, I smile at myself for having thought that. It seems silly to me now, but it most certainly wasn't then.

I don't have the first clue how old you are, how long you were together or anything of that nature, but none of that matters.

Know this, because it is a fact: you'll go on. You'll have a great life. You'll be happy again.

And you, like me and so very many others, will look back and smile...wondering how you could have ever been upset at all.

Sending nothing but positive waves your way.
There is a saying I "mostly" tried to live by when I was riding: There are old motorcyclists, and bold motorcyclists, but no old, bold motorcyclists. I always rode like people in cars or trucks are trying to kill me, because they were. Head on a swivel at all times.
When I rode or drove in the Bay Area, we had some lovely twisty roads. What kept me slow and prudent was a mental image of a bicyclist in poor control JUST around that blind apex ... goodness knows we had those.
There is a saying I "mostly" tried to live by when I was riding: There are old motorcyclists, and bold motorcyclists, but no old, bold motorcyclists. I always rode like people in cars or trucks are trying to kill me, because they were. Head on a swivel at all times.
Please explain 70mph lane splitters to me.....o_O
Lane splitting is when cars are in stopped traffic and motorcycles go bolting up the space in between the cars.

It's illegal in most States, but legal in California.

Because of the heat. Anything above 15 mph is ego.

They deserve to die. It's stupidly on an incomprehensible level.

They did die, on the side of the road with a seized engine.
When I rode or drove in the Bay Area, we had some lovely twisty roads. What kept me slow and prudent was a mental image of a bicyclist in poor control JUST around that blind apex ... goodness knows we had those.
I was coming down Mulholland drive going to the Rock Store in SO cal and met up with a Porsche in full 4 corner slide in the apex of a decreasing radius turn headed in the opposite direction. I had time to twitch the bike up a bit and suck in my left leg. I needed a beer after that.