What Cured Weed Looks Like

Well was waiting for SOMEONE to say it! Looks like the Mexican scrap I used to get in high school for $50 an oz. Primo? Don't think this guy would know primo if it came up and bit his hairless ball sac. Talking all that smack to MY friends and people. THAT know WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT, man, I wish we could vote this asshat off the site. But its a free country, so ill just hit ignore and go on my way. Sorry we had to even waste energy on this child. Hope his mom doesn't find his stash, he'll probably get grounded.
"hairless ball sac."
No pics please :spew:
Thread should have been titled what disensary weed looks like!
Looks like shit, ya op top shelf crap!

Get outta my thread :lol:
What a joke....
Ps. its not Yours, so just stop with the insults. Calling everyone a Noob? Wtf

We can post where ever we like, how about, you stop posting in this stupid thread That obviously isn't yours anymore lol ;)
I've been frosted several times and survived. But that was around 33F. Not below freezing.
I'd apologize for the hijacking. But this thread is already jacked.
Well I’m not sure how but they thawed and perked up, must of been on the brink of death, was -5c this morning and they were stiff and clawed and had thick frost on them, dead for sure I thought, looks like nothing even happened. :hump:
In an attempt to be fair to the op. I had an older asian gentleman for a neighbor. Smelled terrible. Perfect gentleman. Cured weed in the Thai style and finished it in vats of dry rice and another grain. Looked like those things Fiffi's fluffy butt leaves on the carpet. Hard like old school hash. One hit was all I ever took. About suffocated. Head rush for hours, sick, sick, sick. Wasn't weed hitting me. Fermented something. Tasted like flowers and honey. No clue what or how. Scared the hell out of me. Old Joe is probably long gone. It's a big world.
Well I’m not sure how but they thawed and perked up, must of been on the brink of death, was -5c this morning and they were stiff and clawed and had thick frost on them, dead for sure I thought, looks like nothing even happened. :hump:
That just means they are now hydrated and half cured, right?
Dont knock it until you've tried it. I'm vaping some buds that have been in the jar for 2 days out of a S&B Mighty and it does not taste like grass/hay in anyway and is very smooth. Whatever, don't care if you dont believe it. Just sharing my experience.

Sounds like a mini heating pad in a pen, you know what’s happening right??
Dont knock it until you've tried it. I'm vaping some buds that have been in the jar for 2 days out of a S&B Mighty and it does not taste like grass/hay in anyway and is very smooth. Whatever, don't care if you dont believe it. Just sharing my experience.
knocking "it" and trying "it" is just not gonna happen for you nor me nor the rest..... we just dont do that. you can maybe smoke it in 2 days , thats fine , thats a LOT better then what the op is smoking. he is cook/molding/drying it. its the "columbian tobacco way" !! has to be good !
So why is it green if it's cured? You just dried that out at low humidity and then stuck it in jars or some kind of container. I call that "storing" not curing. Also why is it half leaf? If you look at the pics I posted you'll notice it's all calyx with only a little leaf stubs here and there, impossible to get every little bit of leaf out, and no stalk at all. Your buds are actually a bunch of small buds on a piece of stalk and surrounded by leaf. To make premium you first need to clean it down completely, then you need to wash it, then you need to actually cure it, while it's still alive, then you dry it.

The jarring could be called "aging", because that's exactly what they do to age pipe tobacco in small batches, put it in a jar 3/4 full at 62% RH and close it for a few months. It apparently makes it smoother, it does not however remove chlorophyll. They aren't even trying to remove chlorophyll with that procedure, because it was already removed when they cured it first. You just completely skipped the curing part. The weed you showed is typical dispensary weed, which I refer to colloquially as "crap", nothing personal, just you either don't know how to actually cure weed or you just don't bother. In other words, you're like everybody else, except of course me, I have some standards and I put some actual work into it. It's a lot more tedious to actually clean a bunch of weed down and extra effort to wash and cure it, which is probably why nobody else does it, they're "lazy", one light say, or they "just don't care" and are "profiteers".
Well, I’d be glad to provide you will lab results and terpene profiles if you’d like. That is if you know how to read a lab report and know your terps.B3A2FD4D-CEE2-481C-92E5-14C7119A79E7.jpegC290453E-CFFB-4EC3-8BE0-C4CDCE608A1E.jpeg
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@BobCajun - no need to disrespect anybody here, especially when you are the one with the before-unknown cure that reminds me so much of the '80s brick-weed we had on the beach.

Maybe post a journal on your next curing run?

--- Ahh the '80s; I'm pretty sure I miss that decade, IIRC. And I miss Sketchy Bill too! True, I had to sit in the car outside the first few times we came over because he didn't know me, but then one night the munchies overcame the paranoia and he needed a ride to McDonalds. From then on I got my pick of the qp-ers.
--- (oh crap, was that you Bob???). :eek:
But then, I met "The Old Hippie" from "Up North". He grew Skunk - smell it 3 ridges away Skunk; it cost a little more, and it was a HAUL from SoCal --- but the potency, stone, and yes - bag appeal - of frosty green NorCal Skunk quickly overtook brown Brick Weed for quality, but not quantity in my area - weird how that happened!;)

Anyway --- your cure looks to finish a lot like the better Mexi bricks that I remember - DENSE NUGGETS - not buds, NUGGETS. A true sinsemilla, grown south of the border in the heat - probably from the farm they could see from space but ignored.
A lot of seedy, stemmy dog crap came up as well - but per the above - I had access to better than average bricks going around back then. --- A very distinct stone - psychedelic, hypnotic and immensely sedative* - limbs feel pulled down and movement is difficult, thoughts are mainly, "huh?" - yet not entirely sleepy. - Ah, the fuzzy memories!

So why is it green if it's cured? ...

Not all proper cures are brown.
As you and others have pointed out, cigars are cured a few different ways for different reasons,
Usually shades of brown from Claro (light) to Oscura (deep black). Red/Brown Colorado wrappers are popular.
And then there's Candela - neon green & Fast, Hi-Heat Cured ( Illusione 888 is one of my all-time faves - green as NorCal weed! ).

@BobCajun - no need to disrespect anybody here, especially when you are the one with the before-unknown cure that reminds me so much of the '80s brick-weed we had on the beach.

Maybe post a journal on your next curing run?

--- Ahh the '80s; I'm pretty sure I miss that decade, IIRC. And I miss Sketchy Bill too! True, I had to sit in the car outside the first few times we came over because he didn't know me, but then one night the munchies overcame the paranoia and he needed a ride to McDonalds. From then on I got my pick of the qp-ers.
--- (oh crap, was that you Bob???). :eek:
But then, I met "The Old Hippie" from "Up North". He grew Skunk - smell it 3 ridges away Skunk; it cost a little more, and it was a HAUL from SoCal --- but the potency, stone, and yes - bag appeal - of frosty green NorCal Skunk quickly overtook brown Brick Weed for quality, but not quantity in my area - weird how that happened!;)

Anyway --- your cure looks to finish a lot like the better Mexi bricks that I remember - DENSE NUGGETS - not buds, NUGGETS. A true sinsemilla, grown south of the border in the heat - probably from the farm they could see from space but ignored.
A lot of seedy, stemmy dog crap came up as well - but per the above - I had access to better than average bricks going around back then. --- A very distinct stone - psychedelic, hypnotic and immensely sedative* - limbs feel pulled down and movement is difficult, thoughts are mainly, "huh?" - yet not entirely sleepy. - Ah, the fuzzy memories!

Not all proper cures are brown.
As you and others have pointed out, cigars are cured a few different ways for different reasons,
Usually shades of brown from Claro (light) to Oscura (deep black). Red/Brown Colorado wrappers are popular.
And then there's Candela - neon green & Fast, Hi-Heat Cured ( Illusione 888 is one of my all-time faves - green as NorCal weed! ).

Sensi here was bright green with dark orange almost red hair. Never compressed. But dry. There's a citrus skunk to give a few something to think about. The 80"s............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
If you wrap the buds in play girl magazine centerfold pages and play soft music while curing there will be a bunch of new popcorn buds when you unwrap it again. Nobody else knows this noobs, you all waste your time growing new plants.
Ya but does it have that SMELL, lol, that catfish / pussy smell, that we soooo desire. :hug::hug::hug:

Who's, just write some rude stuff I erased, looks like he's stretching out, errrr, something, lol

They. Don't call this TrollItUp fer nothin.

so what is that, one of those 48 hr ice water, dehydrator,. Dry ice, radioactive, 'here I'll throw a bunch of money at it and then I can talk shit ?' type things.

Did he even expostulate on his equipment? Because it is obviously not a natural process. And the results were about as popular as Trump at the debate. Who has a guess as to what process/tool this was? Anyone?
knocking "it" and trying "it" is just not gonna happen for you nor me nor the rest..... we just dont do that. you can maybe smoke it in 2 days , thats fine , thats a LOT better then what the op is smoking. he is cook/molding/drying it. its the "columbian tobacco way" !! has to be good !

ok, i just cannot ignore the connection between The Trailer Park Boys and Bobcaygeon, here.

In an attempt to be fair to the op. I had an older asian gentleman for a neighbor. Smelled terrible. Perfect gentleman. Cured weed in the Thai style and finished it in vats of dry rice and another grain. Looked like those things Fiffi's fluffy butt leaves on the carpet. Hard like old school hash. One hit was all I ever took. About suffocated. Head rush for hours, sick, sick, sick. Wasn't weed hitting me. Fermented something. Tasted like flowers and honey. No clue what or how. Scared the hell out of me. Old Joe is probably long gone. It's a big world.
So this is why I HAVE to try this... that and this dude is VERY adamant to go against the crowd and these insults... i mean what do I have to lose aittle crop. And like I have said... i know every one of us at some point in our lives has tried something more dumb then this to get a buzz hahaha
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Sew this is why I HAVE to try this... that and this dude is VERY adamant to go against the crowd and these insults... i mean what do I have to lose aittle crop. And like I have said... i know every one of us at some point in our lives has tried something more dumb then this to get a buzz hahaha
LOL, hey go for it. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Nothing wrong with proving/disproving a theory. As for this dude, he brought all the insults on himself after being so ignorant towards the folks here. Telling everyone they have only smoked trash their whole life, they don't have any idea what cure means, they have no idea what good weed is and that he is the only one one the planet that can make Nepolese hash was just so over the top. I work in a hospital and they have an entire floor full of people that delusional, I have no interest in following what they say either. That said, you do you brother. I am all for experimenting, new things are found every day.