Curing smells like a**

Bud Sweetman

Active Member
I'm in the jarred curing phase now. It's been about 10 days since harvest day.

Still wrapping my head about how my great-smelling weed plant has turned into the nastiest stank ever -- and I'm curious as hell about how it is gonna go back to smell like a normal stash should.

There's absolutely no evidence of mold or ammonia.

When I jarred the trimmed buds, I added a hygrometer to each jar (which is about 3/4 full).

Six hours later, each read 67% humidity.

So for each of the past two days, I let the buds stand on a cookie sheet with parchment for a few hours in a cool, dim, 50% humidity room.

Then jar them back up.

Including a 62% two-way pack.

My point is: they are healthy, I think, and it's just me and my nose. I don't know what hay smell like, as I'm from the city. I know ammonia and this isn't it. ALTHOUGH, there is the urine-like quality to it (it does not smell like ammonia or "burn" my nose the same way).

Is this just part of the process?
The 50% environment for a few hours may have caused some case hardening prior to the breakdown and off-gassing of the chlorophyll. If you are getting a hay smell, unfortunately it may be locked in. To prevent this slow down the dry and cure. If you hit jars at 67, do your thing in a treated area, and not a 50% RH area. Heat can rapidly accelerate this case hardening; pair high heat with lower RH and you're talking hours, or maybe less, to damage crops, evap volatile terpenes, and cause hay smell.
I think it’s why people search different phenos assuming you did everything right
Never understood wanting baby poop or cat piss pheno
Some phenos actually carry great smell and taste in to final product
But it’s a search :joint:
Never had that smell, but it sounds like you jarred to early..
Those little hygrometers are not very accurate.. +- 4%
I use the paper bag method before it goes in the jars..
Me too... Even using Ziploc bags my buds never smell like grass... Hopefully yours will get better!!!
Never had that smell, but it sounds like you jarred to early..
Those little hygrometers are not very accurate.. +- 4%
I use the paper bag method before it goes in the jars..
Winner winner. Had to manage it carefully today, but it spent more time drying in good environment. Amazing how much more it already smells and looks like great weed.

And I smoked one of the smallest buds. Sooooo perfect. . .