@BobCajun - no need to disrespect anybody here, especially when you are the one with the before-unknown cure that reminds me so much of the '80s brick-weed we had on the beach.
Maybe post a journal on your next curing run?
--- Ahh the '80s; I'm pretty sure I miss that decade, IIRC. And I miss Sketchy Bill too! True, I had to sit in the car outside the first few times we came over because he didn't know me, but then one night the munchies overcame the paranoia and he needed a ride to McDonalds. From then on I got my pick of the qp-ers.
--- (oh crap, was that you Bob???).

But then, I met "The Old Hippie" from "Up North". He grew Skunk - smell it 3 ridges away
Skunk; it cost a little more, and it was a HAUL from SoCal --- but the potency, stone, and yes - bag appeal - of frosty green NorCal Skunk quickly overtook brown Brick Weed for quality, but not quantity in my area - weird how that happened!
Anyway --- your cure looks to finish a lot like the better Mexi bricks that I remember - DENSE NUGGETS - not buds,
NUGGETS. A true sinsemilla, grown south of the border in the heat - probably from the farm they could see from space but ignored.
A lot of seedy, stemmy dog crap came up as well - but per the above - I had access to better than average bricks going around back then. --- A very distinct stone - psychedelic, hypnotic and immensely sedative* - limbs feel pulled down and movement is difficult, thoughts are mainly, "huh?" - yet not entirely sleepy. - Ah, the fuzzy memories!
Not all proper cures are brown.
As you and others have pointed out, cigars are cured a few different ways for different reasons,
Usually shades of brown from Claro (light) to Oscura (deep black). Red/Brown Colorado wrappers are popular.
And then there's Candela -
neon green & Fast, Hi-Heat Cured ( Illusione 888 is one of my all-time faves - green as NorCal weed! ).
Candelas, once hugely popular, are latter-day oddities that must fight for respect among their tawny cousins | Cigar Aficionado