What are your religious beliefs?

Up until this point you still haven't backed-up any of your claims genuinely with science, facts, evidence, logic or reason.

No offensive but I'm being honest with you.


So, you haven't seen My facts about Myself?

Do I need to go there, and type it out again?

let's revisit this topic another time. yes, i've seen nearly everything you've written, even a few videos.

the real problem george is that everything is subjective. perhaps there is something going on w you that prevents you from being able to be completely objective.

have a good day george, it's not my intention to be rude.

let's revisit this topic another time. yes, i've seen nearly everything you've written, even a few videos.

the real problem george is that everything is subjective. perhaps there is something going on w you that prevents you from being able to be completely objective.

have a good day george, it's not my intention to be rude.


My facts about Myself are facts.

My opinion that I am the Christ is My personal, subjective opinion.

Besides the FACT that I am claiming to be the Christ, can you give Me some examples of My subjective opinions? I am sure that you can think of a few if you have read a lot of what I have written, plus watched My videos of Myself.

You are a smart guy, abe.

I've been inches away from kicking it twice in the last 5 years. Neither brought me any closer to believing in any specific religion or even an almighty "God", although I think there are some good ideas in all of them, just too much bull-shit imo around some of the religions with their cult-like preaching and rituals (I am technically Roman Catholic and think they're one of the worst btw). I don't have a problem with anyone believing in whatever religion they want, but I do have a problem with those who preach and think their religion is "the one", or look down on you for not believing in their version. My sister lives in southern Mississippi (been there many times and experienced this myself), her and her husband are some of the nicest folks on this planet and would literally give you the shirt off their back if you needed it. Yet they're constantly frowned upon and shunned by so-called Christians in that bible thumping state. If that's what religion is about I want no part of it. My youngest brother is a "Christian", and one of those preachers, we don't discuss it much as it never ends well, apparently only his "clan" (or more like cult) will be the only one's allowed into heaven, us sinners (the rest of us not in their specific "Christian" cult) will be sent to hell. My comeback to him is that if that's what I have to look forward to in heaven, then I don't want any part of it, doesn't sound much different than being here on earth imo.

Being that close to death, I lost all fear of it as it didn't feel like the end, only the end of this journey as I know it and that I'm currently aware of. I believe we're all here for a purpose, whether we know it or not and our time here is more or less pre-determined, it just wasn't my time yet. I think I got an extension to finish some things I hadn't done yet in my small role here. I also felt inner peace/spirituality and a sense that we're all connected, I mean all living things. I got a feeling that this journey is only that, one of many and our inner spirit somehow lives on, call that religious or spiritual, whatever it is, it's what I felt and believe. Also felt sadness that we (humans in general) can treat each other and other beings as badly as we do. Perhaps one day we'll evolve beyond the petty things like race, religion, territorial wars and the like, if we don't fuck it up first. In my ideal world we'd just respect, love each other, and appreciate all the wonder around us.
There are some other things I am confused about. I think I have heard something before about a soul that is not attuned with or rather does not accept Jesus as a savior can not enter heaven and shall not pass the pearly gates of heaven, but instead be sent to the gates of hell where that soul will forever be eternally damned beyond the gates at the entry to hell where there is fire and brimstone. Something about if a angel of death goes beyond the pearly gates then evil will reap victorious on earth. It may have been in a movie, or several movies where I have seen this similar type of belief, but as far as I know there are religious beliefs to back up those story lines. Then there is this thing about every living thing has a soul. What I'm about to talk about is for the most part theory, I would never suggest someone try to do this. Look at cloning. Dolly The Sheep for example. Which oddly this sheep was cloned at Roslin Institute. But some people say this Institute has nothing to do with the Rosslyn Chapel. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't, I don't know, but I seem to think it does and I think the Illuminati is up to something as they pose as Christians but are actually doing devious things with science. So back to this cloned sheep, I believe if it is a clone, a exact DNA match of the original. Then this sheep is or ought to be considered one living thing, a copy, exact match. One soul for all the clones made of that same sheep. So what if a human was cloned, again the same soul, one set of exact matched DNA, one living thing, just copies of it. One of the clones could live a christian religious life, while the other clone would know nothing of religion and possibly even live a life of wrong doing. Now, what would happen when the life of wrong doing is banished to hell for all eternity with the soul linked to that life, yet then when the life of never any wrong doing and full christian belief dies, goes to heaven and then that same soul passes through the pearly gates and into heaven. Or even if one cloned human killed himself as a sacrifice expecting to be banished to hell, but the other clone lives a righteous and full life to die of natural causes. In theory wouldn't this break that cycle about the soul of an angel of death making it passed the pearly gates and into heaven. One person, one soul, two bodily vessels which travel that one soul on two different paths, with only one of two final destinations. Who's to say the one soul might not travel to both destinations.
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I don't know that much about Christians. Doesn't their religion say that you have to believe to go to heaven?
I'm pretty sure I've heard this before that you must believe and accept Jesus as your savior if you want to go to heaven.
So what if there was a control test done with a group of people who know nothing of religion or gods. In theory start with a fresh batch of newborns and raise them just to prove this. Setup two colonies, both colonies will be cut off from outside beliefs current events, and the such. Only one group will be taught religion, and the other group will not. I challenge someone to prove that Jesus will make himself known to the group where this religion is not being taught. It won't happen. If anything Christians would go out of their way to infiltrate the colony and plant religious ideas, about the end of days and the such, full on Templar knights or whatever fighting to get their ideas known in the world, where it didn't exist till they made it so. They wouldn't stop and never do stop trying to enforce their beliefs. I would be curious to see if the colony not being taught religion would create a new religion, or new gods. God didn't create man, man created god's. What type of silly things would a new colony create? Would so many honestly say it is a sin with a such harsh repercussions as eternal damnation to have never been blessed with the presence of Jesus? No matter how proper someone might live their life. If you don't believe you will go to hell? How can a man be in position of judgment when he has never existed to begin with. If this religion made sense we would all be shown that these things do exist, until then, no one gets to make the claim that Jesus is anything to fear on judgment day. Honestly religion and gods seems more of a mental health issue than anything. That's the definition of Schizophrenia isn't it? When a person can not tell the difference from what is real or not.

Someone asking the colonies some questions about their gardening.
Colony one, not religious.
Why do you grow these vegetables?
Colony one responds, because they taste good, they are nutritious and they feed all of us so we can survive.
Colony two, taught religion.
Why do you grow these vegetables?
Colony two responds, We grow them for the lord our savior.

End result.
What are your religious beliefs?
Religious people are weird.
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You guys are being awful hard on religion.
Most of what you see are the extremes.
I am a christian.
Most of Christians are easy going people. If you look at some of my post they are a little filthy, Hey if I'm built in Gods image he has a sense of humor to.
I never preach to you or shove it down your throat.
All I can say once god touches your life, you know.
You guys are being awful hard on religion.
Most of what you see are the extremes.
I am a christian.
Most of Christians are easy going people. If you look at some of my post they are a little filthy, Hey if I'm built in Gods image he has a sense of humor to.
I never preach to you or shove it down your throat.
All I can say once god touches your life, you know.
Ya, whatever man. I'm not gonna force you to believe that there is no god. It just shows how pathetic your mind is by believing in such bullshit.
Oh, and it's not true that what we see are the extremes. Any religion/faith in itself is extreme. Extremely fucking stupid. Most of my family believes in the myth of god. I tell my mom and brother how stupid they are for it.
I can only answer this question in a poll, so get a fucking poll and I'll tell you my most secret beliefs.
You guys are being awful hard on religion.
Most of what you see are the extremes.
I am a christian.
Most of Christians are easy going people. If you look at some of my post they are a little filthy, Hey if I'm built in Gods image he has a sense of humor to.
I never preach to you or shove it down your throat.
All I can say once god touches your life, you know.
And please, enlighten me on how you know. I bet I know one way you know god touches your life- when the religious leaders touch all the little boys. Hah. No, but seriously how do you know?
And please, enlighten me on how you know. I bet I know one way you know god touches your life- when the religious leaders touch all the little boys. Hah. No, but seriously how do you know?

I never said I believed in organized religion.
Pathetic mind. I have been to college got a degree in electronics. I believe in science.

See I'm not the one being so rude.